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Inaugural Session Of Kerala Youth Conference Discourse |
Uphold Truth Under All Circumstances |
The Effulgent Lord who shines in every atom and pervades the entire universe will protect you always. He is the Omnipotent Lord of Parthi who will grant you Bhakthi (devotion), and will certainly help you in all your endeavours. What else is to be conveyed to this assembly of noble souls? |
(Telugu Poem) |
of Love!
God does not
need anybody’s support or help. He takes care of everything of His own accord
and bestows His grace on all.
Humanity cannot Exist without Divinity
Devotees! Do
not think that God is confined to a particular place and that you have to search
for Him. It is a sign of ignorance to search for God who is everywhere at all
times. First and foremost, you should enquire and understand who God is. He is
the one who pervades in every particle and every atom of Prakriti (Nature).
Nature is the direct manifestation of God. There is nothing that God cannot
accomplish. He sees everything at all times. Without recognizing the divine
power of God in Nature, it is a mistake to think that God does not respond to
your prayers and come to your rescue. Devotion and divine grace are interrelated
and interdependent. Man is unable to understand the divine power of God because
of Maya (illusion).
Whatever God does is
for the welfare of the world. Not a single act of God is without a purpose. Man
gets confused as he is unable to understand the inner meaning of God’s
actions. The earth rotates on its axis at the speed of one thousand miles per
hour causing day and night. Rising and setting of the sun as well as waxing and
waning of the moon promote all activity on earth. Not merely that, the earth
revolves around the sun at the speed of 66 thousand miles per hour, giving rise
to various seasons. The seasons benefit man in many ways. Formation of clouds
and occurrence of rainfall help man to grow food. In this manner, the earth
provides food and sustenance to all beings. Can a human being or a government
for that matter accomplish such a mighty task? No, no. Without recognizing these
beneficial acts of God of such enormous magnitude, man wastes his life in
delusion and doubt. If you enquire deeply, you will know that divine power is at
work at all times. Every Kana (cell), every Kshana (moment) and every Yuga
(aeon) is governed by Divine Will. God is everywhere and is in the form of
Nature. Unable to realize this truth, people develop doubts regarding the
existence of God. Everything is supported and sustained by God. There can be no
Manavatwam (humanity) without Daivatwam (Divinity). Your life will be sanctified
when you understand this truth.
Offer all your Actions to God
God does not
waste even a single moment. All the time, He is engaged in action for the
welfare of all. He is the sole refuge of all at every moment of time. Nothing is
impossible for God who permeates Anda, Pinda and Brahmanda (terrestrial,
celestial and cosmic planes). Every second of our life is dependent on the
Divine Will. Every breath of our life is governed by God. We cannot take even
one breath without His Will. People are unable to recognize such omnipresent,
omnipotent God and waste their time in vain argumentation regarding His
existence. They do not experience even an iota of joy due to their lack of faith
in all-powerful God.
Once Arjuna asked Lord Krishna, “Swami! What is the reason that You are always
engaged in action?” Krishna replied, “Arjuna! I perform Karma (action) in
order to demonstrate an ideal to the people to emulate. When I perform action,
people follow My example. The entire world will come to a standstill if I do not
perform action. The value of action is beyond all description.”
Me Parthasthi Karthavyam
Trishu Lokeshu Kinchana,
Vartha Eva Cha Karmani.
Sarvata Panipadam Tat Sarvatokshi Siromukham, Sarvata Srutimalloke Sarvamavirtya Tishthati |
(With hands, feet, eyes, head, mouth and ears pervading everything, He permeates the entire universe). |
It is sheer ignorance to think that
God is confined to a particular place. As Mukundan (an earlier speaker) has
said, truth is God, God is truth. Hence, we have to safeguard truth. Sathyam
Vada, Dharmam Chara (speak truth, practise righteousness). Truth and
righteousness are the two main pillars on which the entire world rests. If
we protect truth and righteousness, they will in turn protect us wherever we
go. Truth is the source of all happiness. If you do not adhere to truth, how
can you expect to attain happiness? Truth is the fundamental principle of
life. But today man’s thoughts, words and deeds are tainted with untruth
and unrighteousness. That is the reason he is unable to enjoy happiness in
life. The culture of Bharat teaches, Sathyam Bruyath, Priyam Bruyath, Na
Bruyath Sathyamapriyam (speak truth, speak pleasantly and do not speak
unpalatable truth). God protects those who protect Sathya and Dharma. There
is nothing superior to truth in this world. Truth pervades the entire
universe. But people ignore such all-pervasive principle of truth. They try
to suppress truth and indulge in falsehood. Consequently, unrighteousness is
on the rise in the world.
Embodiments of Love!
Truth is
your life. There is no God other than truth. Only truth can protect you
always. Since ancient times, the culture of Bharat has been emphasizing on
the need to follow truth and righteousness. I am pleased to note that the
devotees of Kerala are leading their lives in an ideal manner by cultivating
love for God, fear of sin and morality in society. If you have love for God,
you can achieve anything in life. Once you put Sathya and Dharma into
practice in your life, every moment of your life will be filled with
happiness. Those who are unable to experience everlasting happiness should
come to Me; I will show them the path to happiness. If you uphold truth and
righteousness, God will be with you always to protect you. What is truth? Trikal-
abadhyam Sathyam (Truth is that which transcends the three periods of
time). That which undergoes change with the passage of time cannot be called
truth at all. But today children are not being made aware of the real
significance of truth and righteousness. Small children do not understand
the correct meaning of truth. It is not enough if you teach them to adhere
to truth in their speech and conduct. We should teach them that truth is God
and that it is truth alone that can protect them. Without teaching the
correct meaning of truth and its importance, how can we expect the children
to adhere to truth? Our entire life is based on truth and righteousness.
There can be no Dharma without Sathya. Sathyannasti Paro Dharma
(There is no Dharma greater than adherence to truth). Truth is the root,
righteousness the branches and sub-branches and happiness is the fruit of
the tree of life. Hence, we should lead our life keeping truth and
righteousness as the basis of all our actions.
Many people perform ritualistic worship of God with great pomp and show. I
feel like laughing at their ignorance. These are not the true spiritual
practices. How can such Sadhanas (spiritual practices) lead to Sakshatkara
(vision of God)? Instead, you should put Sathya and Dharma into practice in
your life. Without Sathya and Dharma, all that you do is mere show. Truth is
changeless and eternal. It transcends time, space and circumstances. It
should form the basis of all your actions. If your actions are not based on
truth, they become artificial. Truth emerges from your heart and it should
be put into practice. We should pray to God with purity of thought, word and
deed. You should never give up truth at any time and under any
circumstances. Only then will you be protected by truth.
Body Consciousness is the Cause of your Delusion
Embodiments of Love!
There is
no point in adhering to truth and righteousness with a negative attitude. It
is like building castles in the air! Whatever you do with a negative
attitude is bound to yield negative result. Hence, develop positive
attitude. Fill your life with love. Man has accomplished mighty tasks, but
what is the use? He is unable to understand the importance of Sathya and
Dharma. In fact, there is none superior to man. There is divinity in
humanity. But man is unable to realize his innate divinity because of the
influence of Maya (illusion). Man should make efforts to recognize his
divinity. Only divinity can redeem humanity. Instead of realizing his innate
divinity, man is getting entangled in worldliness. What is that we have to
experience today? It is divinity, divinity and divinity alone. It is eternal
and is always with you wherever you go. You should never forget this
positive power even for a moment. Give up negative feelings and develop
faith in the positive power, i.e., divinity. It is very much present in you
in the form of conscience, guiding you and guarding you. If you take to
wrong ways, your conscience will immediately caution you. It shows you the
right path. It is impossible to experience divinity if you ignore the
dictates of your conscience.
All that you see is only God, and nothing else. You may point to an
individual and say, “I see him as another person. How can he be God?”
Wherefrom has he come? He has come from God. Everything is God. How can you
have the vision of God if you see multiplicity in unity? In this world,
wherever you see, there is unity and unity alone. Truth is only one. It
cannot be two. Likewise, God who is the embodiment of truth is only one. Ekam
Sath Viprah Bahudha Vadanti (Truth is one, but the wise refer to it by
various names). You may call Him by any name, worship Him in any form but
always remember that there is only one God. You may call Him Allah, Jesus,
Rama or Krishna but He is one. Once you understand this principle of unity
and get established in it, you will certainly attain divinity.
You should always speak truth. Truth is the real name of God. If you want to
pray to God, it is enough if you say, “Sathyaswarupaya Namah”
(salutations to the embodiment of truth). All other names are His duplicate
names. Truth is God. This truth is installed in your heart. If you realize
this truth, you can achieve the ultimate goal of life. It is possible to
realize this truth in a moment. The same divine principle is present in all
- in mother, father, child, etc. But you have forgotten this divine
principle. You think that God appears only in a specific form. In fact, God
has no specific form. Wherever you see, He is there. All are His forms.
Conduct yourself with such sacred feeling. That is true devotion.
Give up body attachment. Whomever you come across, right from a child to an
old man, consider everyone as the embodiment of God. When you develop such a
sacred feeling, your devotion will become steady. If you do not give up body
attachment and if your mind wavers every moment, you will end up in utter
confusion. Body consciousness is the cause of your delusion. Hence, get rid
of body consciousness and develop God consciousness. Do not be carried away
by the illusory world. Develop love for God. Then gradually you will be able
to overcome body consciousness and your devotion will become strong and
steady. What is the reason that people lack steady devotion? They do not
contemplate upon one name and one form. Your devotion becomes steady when
you install one name and one form in your heart. When you do Laksharchana,
you chant many names such as Kesavaya Namah, Madhavaya Namah, Narayanaya
Namah…. (Salutations to Lord Kesava, Madhava, Narayana….). You may chant
any number of names but you worship only one God. Keeping such principle of
unity firmly established in your heart, you should pray to God.
Wherever you see, only God exists. Never doubt that God is here and not
there. Wherever you search for Him, He is there. (Telugu Poem). When
you contemplate incessantly upon the Atma, you will see divinity everywhere.
Hence, make efforts to recognize unity, realize it and become one with it.
If you want to realize divinity, it is enough if you hold on to the
principle of truth. Truth has a name and a form. Hold on to it firmly.
Follow it implicitly. Only then will divinity reveal itself to you.
Everything is the Manifestation of God
Do not get
deluded by names and forms. The youth of today lack steady mind because they
are carried away by names and forms. Have firm faith that God is one, truth
is one. Consider God as your sole refuge. Then wherever you go and whatever
you see, you will find His manifestation. Wherever you see, He is there. He
is not confined to one place. He is everywhere. What happened to the wicked
Kamsa who followed the Pravritti Marg (path of worldliness)? Whenever he
uttered the name ‘Krishna’, He was there. But he thought it was a mere
illusion. He could not realize the divinity of Krishna because of his body
attachment. You can have the vision of the Divine only when you develop
Atmabhimana (love for the Self). Atma is one and only one. Consider, for
instance, the three words - Dehatma, Jeevatma and Paramatma. Atma is common
in all. You should always contemplate upon Atma. Develop firm faith that
Atma is God. Atma is always with you, in you, around you, above you and
below you. Other than the Atma, there is no other entity in this world.
Embodiments of Love!
Do not
waste time. You waste not only your Kalam (time) but also your Kayam (body).
You may be performing spiritual practices but you are unable to overcome
worldly illusion. Consider everything that you see as the manifestation of
God. Even a mosquito is a form of God. An ant is a form of God. That is why
Saint Thyagaraja sang thus, “Oh Rama! You pervade everything right
from a Cheema (ant) to Brahma.You are in Siva and Kesava as well. Please
come to my rescue.” (Telugu Poem). There is divinity even in an ant.
You all know very well what the pain is like when an ant bites you. Not
merely that, ants build big anthills which become the dwelling places for
snakes. If not for the presence of divinity within, how can a small insect
like an ant be endowed with such power? Divinity pervades everything, right
from microcosm to macrocosm. Never disregard microcosm since divinity is
Modern youth do not understand what divinity is. This is the effect of their
age. In youth, one’s blood is hot and mind is unsteady. How can one
understand divinity with a wavering mind? First, you should keep your mind
steady. Only then can you realize divinity. Truth is the best friend of
love, and righteousness is related to both truth and love. The terms such as
truth, love, righteousness, etc., may be different but the underlying
principle of divinity is one and the same in them.
Embodiments of Love!
three thousand youth have come from Kerala out of their immense love for
Swami. Develop such love day by day. Consider love as God. Only love will
come to your rescue in times of need. When Surdas, a blind devotee of Lord
Krishna, was travelling in a dense forest, Krishna came to his help in the
form of a small boy. He told him, “Surdas! I am going to Brindavan. Hold
My hand. I will take you with Me.” When he heard the name Brindavan,
Surdas’s joy knew no bounds. The boy had told him to hold His hand. Being
under the influence of Maya, Surdas held the stick which Krishna had in His
hand. With Krishna’s Divine Will, gradually the stick became smaller and
smaller. Consequently, Surdas’s hand was about to touch Krishna’s hand.
It was then that Krishna revealed His identity. He told him, “Surdas! God
is your sole refuge wherever you may be, in a forest, in the sky, in a city
or a village, on the top of a mountain or in the middle of deep sea. That is
why I have come to your rescue.” No sooner did Surdas’s hand touch
Krishna’s hand than he attained divinity. Till then he was speaking to
Krishna and was listening to His sweet words but he had not touched Him. The
moment he touched Krishna, he became ecstatic and called out loudly,
“Krishna! Krishna!” It is said, Darshanam Papa Nashanam, Sparshanam
Karma Vimochanam, Sambhashanam Sankata Nashanam (Vision of the Lord
destroys all sins, His touch destroys the bondage of Karma, conversation
with Him destroys all troubles). God incarnates to grant Darshan, Sparshan
and Sambhashan to His devotees. Krishna came to Surdas in order to show him
the way to Brindavan. Then He started conversing with him and ultimately
granted him His Sparshan and thus relieved him of the bondage of Karma.
Hence, Darsan, Sparshan and Sambhashan, all the three are essential. You
should not be satisfied with mere Darshan. You should aspire to attain all
the three.
Treat everyone as the form of God. It means that every individual is the
embodiment of divinity. All names and forms are His. Here you are able to
see thousands of forms of God. How lucky you are! It is a sign of ignorance
to consider yourself weak, forgetting your innate divinity. Truly speaking,
you are not a mere mortal, you are the embodiment of immortal divinity. God
Himself is playing the role of a human being in this cosmic drama. Daivam
Manusha Rupena (God assumes the form of a human being). Hence, develop
firm faith that all are divine. Then you will lose your individual
consciousness and become one with Divinity. Seeing multiplicity in unity is
due to Maya (illusion). When you understand unity, your Jeevatwa (individual
self) will be transformed into Daivatwa (Divine Self).
(Bhagavan concluded His Discourse with the Bhajan, “Hare
Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare….”)
(Text of the Divine Discourse delivered by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on 11th April at Sai Ramesh Krishan Hall)