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Ram Bhajans

  1. Aajanu Bahum Aravinda Nethram Atmaabhi Ramam Manasaa Smaraami (2) Bhooloka Vaikunthha Parthi Nivaasam Prabhu Sai Ramam Manasaa Smaraami
  2. (Mediate on the form of Rama, whose abode is the heart of Devotees. Rama has arms, stretching up to his knees and has eyes of a blooming lotus, the dweller of Parthi, which is truly heaven on earth.)
  3. Athey Bhi Ram Bolo Jathey Bhi Ram Bolo 
    Subah Our Shyaam Bolo Ram Ram Ram 
    Ghar Ghar Mey Ram Bolo Mandir Mey Ram Bolo 
    Gathey Chalo Gathey Chalo Sathya Sai Ram 
    Sathya Sai Ram Bolo Sathya Sai Ram 
  4. (Keep chanting Rama's name in your coming and going, morning and evening, in your home and in your temple. Let His name be on your lips as you walk, the name of Sathya Sai Ram.)


  5. Atma Nivaasi Ram Atma Nivaasi Ram 
    Dasharatha Nandana Rama Jaya Jaya Janaki Jeevana Ram 
    Ayodhya Vaasi Ram Ayodhya Vaasi Ram (repeat 2nd line) 
    Aranya Vaasi Ram Aranya Vaasi Ram (repeat 2nd line) 
    Ahalya Uddhara Ram Ahalya Uddhara Ram (repeat 2nd line) 
    Bhaktha Vatsala Ram Bhaktha Vatsala Ram (repeat 2nd line) 
  6. (Ram, indweller of every soul; Son of Dasaratha, Glory to Ram, the very life and soul of Janaki; Ram, the dweller of Ayodhya; Ram, the one who lived (for 14 years) in Aranya (forest); Ram, who redeemed Ahalya; Ram, who has great affection and compassion for His devotees)


  7. Atma Rama Aananda Rama 
    Ananda Mohana Shree Parandhaama 
    Maayavi Rama Maanasa Prema, 
    Sundara Naama Sugunabhi Rama 
  8. (O Lord Rama! Indweller of hearts, Your form is happiness, bliss and love. You are embodiment of virtues and assumed illusive form of human being through Maya.)
  9. Atma Rama Aananda Ramana 
    Achyutha Keshava Hari Narayana 
    Bhava Bhaya Harana Vanditha Charanaa 
    Raghukula Bhooshana Rajeeva Lochana 
    Aadi Narayana Anantha Shayanaa 
    Satchidananda Sathya Narayana 
  10. (Chant the name of Rama, bestower of happiness and resident of our heart. Worship the Lotus Feet of Lord Narayana, Achyutha, Keshava and Hari, destroys the fear of cycle of birth and death. Pray: Lotus-eyed Rama of Raghu Dynasty; Lord Narayana, resting on coiled serpent: Lord Sathya Narayana, Who is embodiment of Truth and bliss.)


  11. Atmaabhi Rama Ananda Naama Seetha Rama Sai Rama 
    Sundara Naama Hey Ghanashyaama, Radhe Shyaama Sai Rama 
  12. (O Lord Rama! Thou art bliss and indweller of our hearts. Chant the name of Rama, Krishna, Sathya Sai.)


  13. Ayodhya Vaasi Ram Hai Dwaraka Mey Ayee 
    Dwaaraka Vaasi Shyaam Hai Shirdi Mey Ayee 
    Shirdi Sai Ram Hai Parthi Sathya Sai 
    Bolo Ram Sai Ram Bolo Sathya Sai Ram 
    Ram Ram Ram Ram Bolo Ram Ram Ram 
  14. (O Lord of Ayodhya, Lord Ram! Thou incarnated in Dwarka (City) as Lord Shyaama. O Lord Shyaama! Thou incarnated in Shirdi as Lord of Shirdi. Thou incarnated as Lord Sathya Sai Ram in Puttaparthi. Chant all together, "Sathya Sai Ram, Ram Ram".)


  15. Ayodhya Vaasi Ram Ram Ram Dasaratha Nandana Ram 
    Pateetha Pavana Janaki Jeevana Seetha Mohana Ram 
  16. (Lord Ram, residing in Ayodya, son of Dasaratha; purifier of sin, the enchanter of Seetha, the very life of Janaki.) krishna


  17. Bhaja Mana Ram Bhaja Mana Ram 
    Panduranga Shree Ranga Bhaja Mana Ram 
    Bhaja Mana Keshava Bhaja Mana Madhava 
    Bhaja Mana Yaadava Bhaja Mana Ram 
    Bhaja Mana Mukunda Bhaja Mana Govinda 
    Bhaja Mana Aananda Bhaja Mana Ram 
  18. (O Mind! Worship Lord Rama, Panduranga, Keshava, Madhava, Yadava, Mukunda and Govinda. Be in bliss worshipping all these names of the Lord.) krishna


  19. Bhaja Mana Ram Krishna Jai Bolo 
    Rama Krishna Jai Sai Krishna Jai 
    Raghukula Bhooshana Ram, Ram, Ram 
    Radha Mohan Shyaama, Shyaama, Shyaama 
    Harey Ram Harey Ram Harey Krishna Harey Ram 
  20. (O Mind! Chant the name of Lord Rama, Krishna, Sai. Rama, the Jewel of Raghu Dynasty. Chant the mantra, "Harey Ram Harey Ram Harey Krishna Harey Ram". krishna
  21. Bhaja Mana Rama Krishna Govinda 
    Sad Guru Sai Parama Dayaala 
    Bhava Bhaya Haari Sai Krupala 
  22. (O Mind! Chant the name of Lord Rama, Krishna and Govinda. Supreme Guru Lord Sai is extremely kind, merciful and He destroys the fear of birth and death.)


  23. Bhaja Mana Ramam Shree Ramam 
    Sundar Shyaama, Komal Ramam 
    Bharatha Lakshmana Poojitha Ramam 
    Maruti Sevitha Manobhi Ramam 
    Pankaj Lochan Pattaabhi Ramam 
  24. (O Mind! Worship Lord Rama: Who is beautiful and delicate; protector of devotees; worshipped and meditated upon by Hanuman.)
  25. Bhajo Mana Bhajo Rama Ram 
    Rama Ram Shree Rama Ram 
    Bhajo Mana Bhajo Rama Ram 
    Bhajo Bhajo Mana Baba Naam 
    Bhajo Bhajo Sathya Sai Ram 
    Rama Rama Rama Ram 
    Shree Rama Rama Rama Ram 
  26. (Let your mind worship Rama in song; Rama glorious Lord; Sing the glory of Rama Let your mind worship the name of our Lord Baba; Sing the glory of Sathya Sai who is Rama; Rama the glorious Lord)


  27. Bhajo Mana Ram Bhajo Mana Ram 
    Bhajorey Sai Ram Ram Ram 
    Mangala Naama Bhajorey Manuva 
    Maayi Seetha Ram Ram Ram 
  28. (O mind! chant the name of Lord Rama and Sai Ram. Worship Lord Ram, Mother Sai.)


  29. Bhajo Rama Charan Bhajo Shyaama Charan 
    Bhajo Vishnu Maheshwara Sai Charan 
    Raaghava Raghuvara Shirdi Pureeshwara 
    Parthipureeshwara Sai Charan 
    Nithyaananda Brahmaananda Hrudayaananda Sai Charan 
  30. (Sing in praise of the Lotus Feet of Shree Rama and Shree Krishna. Sing in praise of the ever blissful Sai Krishna and Sai Shiva of Puttaparthi and Shirdi. )


  31. Bhajorey Ram Naam Sukha Daayi 
    Ram Naam Key Do Akshar Mey 
    Saba Sukha Shanthi Milaayi 
    Kahata Kabeer Suno Bhaai Sadhu 
    Jyothi Mey Jyothi Milaayi 
  32. (Saint Kabir says, 'Listen dear brother, recite the two-lettered name of Lord Ram. Through it, you will experience happiness and peace and finally attain liberation)


  33. Bhajorey Sadaa Bhajo Ram Krishna Govinda 
    Bhajo Harey Deen Bandhu Krishna Rama Govinda 
    Bhajorey Anath Naathha Sai Rama Govinda 
    Bhajo Harey Deen Bandhu Krishna Ram Govinda 
  34. (Always chant the name of Lord Rama, Krishna, Govinda and Sai Ram. It is the support and shelter of the needy and to those who have no support)


  35. Bole Hanumaan Jai Siya Ram 
    Jai Jai Hanumaan Jai Sai Ram 
    Bole Hanumaan Jai Siya Ram 
    Raghu Pathi Raaghava Raaja Ram 
    Patheetha Paavana Seetha Ram 
    Janaki Vallabha Hey Bhagawaan (3X) 
  36. (Chant (sing) - Victory to Hanuman, Victory to Lord Rama; Victory to Hanuman, Victory to Sai Ram; Chant the name of Raghu Pathi (Prince of Raghu clan), Raaghava (Rama), Raaja Ram (Prince Ram) Chant the name of Rama who bestows salvation to the fallen; Hey Lord, consort of Janaki (Seetha - daughter of King Janaka), Victory to Thee)


  37. Chanda Kirana Kula Mandana Ram 
    Srimad Dasaratha Nandana Ram 
    Kausalya Sutha Vardhana Ram 
    Vishwaamithra Priyadhana Ram 
  38. (This is a prayer to Ram who: Descended from the same lineage as Sun; Is the son of King Dasaratha; A delight for Kausalya (mother); A beloved treasure of Viswamitra (Guru))
  39. Daanava Bhanjana Rama Sai Shyaamala Komala Ram 
    Hey Rama Rama Jaya Rama Sai, Rama Rama Ram 
    Daanava Bhanjana Rama Sai, Shyaamala Komala Ram 
    Dasharatha Nandana Rama Sai, Dayaa Saagara Ram 
    Deeno Ke Prabhu Rama Sai, Rama Rama Ram 
  40. (Charming, sweet Ram, You killed the demons (Danavas). The delight of Dasharatha; You are the Ocean of Compassion. Ram, You are the Lord of the helpless, come again as Sai.)


  41. Dasaratha Nandana Rama Dayaa Saagara Rama 
    Raghu Kula Thilaka Rama Sathya Sai Shree Paramdhama 
    Dasaratha Nandana Rama Dayaa Saagara Rama 
    Ahalyodhaaraka Rama Shaapa Vimochana Rama 
    Shiradipureesha Rama Puttaparthipuree Paramdhama 
  42. (O Merciful Lord Ram! O Prince of King Dasharatha! Thou slew the ten-headed demon Ravana. Just by hearing Thy Sacred name, demons run away. Thou art worshipped and attended by Brother Lakshmana. One attains happiness by worshipping Thy beautiful and enchanting Form)


  43. Dasharatha Nandana Ramachandra Prabhu Jaanaki Jeevana Jai Jai Ram 
    Raghu Kula Bhooshana Deena Dayaa Ghana 
    Patheetha Paavana Seetha Ram 
    Raghupathi Raaghava Raaja Ram 
    Patheetha Paavana Seetha Ram 
  44. (Glory to Thee, O Lord Ramachandra, The Son of Dasharatha and the life of Janaki, Thou art the Embodiment of Compassion and Purity; The Jewel of the Raghu dynasty, the Uplifter of the fallen, O King of the Raghus, Thou art the Lord of Seetha)
  45. Dasharatha Ram Jaanaki Ram 
    Maaruthi Sevitha Manobhi Ram 
    Seetha Ram Shree Raghu Ram 
    Parthipureeshwar Shree Sai Ram 
    Jai Jai Ram Janaki Ram 
    Ahalyaoddhaaraka Ananda Ram 
  46. (O Lord Ram! O Prince of King Dasharatha! O Lord of Seetha! Thou art constantly worshippped by Hanuman (Maruti - a monkey devotee of Lord Rama). Victory to ever-blissful and beautiful Lord Rama - Lord of Janaki (Seetha), the Saviour of Ahalya (Saint devotee). Chant the name of Lord of Parthipuri, Lord Sai Ram.)


  47. Dasharathey Rama Jaya Jaya Rama 
    Raghukula Bhooshana Raaja Rama 
    Seetha Vallabha Sundara Rama 
    Shree Rama Jaya Rama Sathya Sai Rama 
  48. (Victory to Lord Ram, Prince of King Dasharath and the Jewel of Raghu Dynasty. Chant the name of Lord Ram, the beautiful faced Lord of Seetha. Chant the name of Lord Sai Ram.)


  49. Dayaa Maya Shree Rama Harey 
    Kripaamayaa Shree Rama Harey 
    Dharmaswaroopa Rama Harey 
    Premaswaroopa Rama Harey 
    Sathya Dharma Shanti Datha Sathya Sai Baba Harey 
  50. (Shree Rama, full of compassion! Shree Rama, full of kindness! Shree Ram, Thou art verily the personification of righteousness! Shree Ram, Thou art verily the personification of Love!)


  51. Dayaabhi Rama Jaanaki Rama 
    Madhura Manohara Prabhu Sai Rama 
    Atma Rama Nayanaabhi Rama 
    Kodanda Rama Pattaabhi Rama 
    Raghupati Rama Raaja Rama 
    Madhura Manohara Shree Sai Rama 
  52. (O Resident of the heart of devotees and holder of "Kodanda" bow! Thou art merciful and beautiful to look at. Chant the name of King Rama of Raghukul dynasty and beautiful and enchanting Ram.)


  53. Eeshwara Allah Tero Naam 
    Sub Ko Sanmathi Dey Bhagawaan 
    Shree Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram, 
    Shree Ram Jai Ram Sathya Sai Ram 
  54. (O Lord! Thou art known as Eeshwar or Allah! Kindly endow everyone with good and beneficial thoughts and intelligence. Victory to Lord Ram and Sai Ram. Chant the name of Lord Ram and Sai Ram) krishna


  55. Gathey Chalo Man Mey Harey Krishna Rama 
    Harey Krishna Rama Sada Sukha Dama 
    Gathey Chalo Man Mey Hare Krishna Rama 
    Thana Mey Rama Mana Mey Rama 
    Janha Dehko Vanha Rama Hi Rama 
    Bhaktha Vatsala Rama Deena Naathha Rama 
    Harey Rama Rama Harey Krishna Rama 
  56. (Sing along (throughout life) in the mind "Hare Krishna Rama" The Name that can take you to the ever-blissful Land (of the spirit) Keep the name (Rama) in body and in the mind As a result wherever you look there is Rama and only Rama who loves His devotees The Rama Who is the Lord of the distressed)
  57. Harey Krishna Harey Krishna Krishna Krishna Harey Harey 
    Harey Rama Harey Rama Rama Rama Harey Harey 
    Harey Krishna Harey Krishna Krishna Krishna Harey Harey 
    Harey Rama Harey Rama Rama Rama Harey Harey 
    Sai Rama Harey Harey 
    Sai Krishna Harey Harey 
  58. (Chant the names of Krishna and Rama)


  59. Harey Krishna Harey Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram 
    Radha Govinda Bolo Jai Radhey Shyaama 
    Madhava Mukunda Bolo Jai Radhey Shyaama 
    Jai Jai Ram Sai Ram Jai Jai Ram 
    Jai Jai Ram Sai Ram Jai Jai Ram Bolo 
  60. (Chant the many names of Lord: Krishna, Ram, Sai Ram, Govinda, Radhey Shyaam, Madhava and Mukunda. Victory to Lord Sai Ram.) krishna
  61. Harey Rama Harey Rama Rama Rama Harey Harey 
    Harey Krishna, Harey Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Harey Harey 
    Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu Gurur Devo Maheshwara 
    Guru Sakshat Para Brahma Tasmai Shree Guruve Namah 
  62. (Glory to Ram and Krishna; Hail to that noble teacher who is Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and who is truly the Supreme Brahman. I offer my salutations to such a Guru) krishna
  63. Harey Rama Harey Rama Rama Rama Harey Harey 
    Harey Krishna Harey Krishna, Krishna Krishna Harey Harey (2X) 
  64. (Chant the names of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna) krishna


  65. Harey Rama Harey Rama Rama Rama Harey Harey 
    Harey Krishna Harey Krishna Krishna Krishna Harey Harey 
    Krishna Keshava Krishna Keshava Krishna Keshava Pahimaam 
    Madhava Rama Raghava Rama Raghava Rama Raghava Rakshamaam 
  66. (Chant the name of Lord Rama, Krishna, Madhava, Raghava. Chanting the mantra "Harey Rama..... Rakshamam" destroys the miseries of life and grants protection)
  67. Hari Bolo Harey Ram Naam 
    Hari Bolo Harey Krishna Naam (2) 
    Hari Bolo Sathya Sai Naam (2) 
    Hari Bolo Sathya Baba Naam (2) 
  68. (Chant the Divine names of Lord Rama, Lord Krishna and Lord Sathya Sai) sai


  69. Hey Ram Bhagawaan 
    Hey Karuna Sindho Ram 
    Hey Deena Bandhu Sai Ram 
    Bhaktha Premi Ko Karuna Karo 
    Dayaa Karo Raghu Ram 
    Hey Krupa Karo Sai Ram 
    Hey Janaki Jeevana Ram 
    Hey Parthipureshwara Ram 
    Hey Deena Bandhu Sai Ram 
  70. (Hey Ram, Sai, You are the ocean of compassion, helper of the helpless, the lover of devotees, please blessme. Oh Lord, You are the life of Janaki (Seetha), You are the resident of Parthi, please grace me and uplift me)


  71. Hey Ram Hey Guna Dhaam 
    Raaghava Sundara Ram 
    Janaki Jeevana Ram ...(Hey Hey Ram) 
    Kausalya Tanaya Raghukula Ram 
    Ayodhya Shiromani Dasharatha Ram 
    Jaya Jaya Ram Jaya Sai Ram 
  72. (O Rama, You verily are an ocean of virtue. So handsome, You are the life and joy of Your consort Seetha and Your mother Kausalya. Hey son of Kausalya, You are the jewel of Ayodhya, victory to You!) sai


  73. Hey Ram Parthipureeswara Ram 
    Hey Ram Vaidehi Priya Ram (2) 
    Hey Pathitha Paavana Sai Ram (2) 
    Hey Ram Parthipureeswara Ram (2) 
    Hey Manimaya Bhooshana Ram (2) 
    Hey Kausalyatmaja Ram (2) 
    Hey Raavana Mardana Ram (2) 
    Hey Rama Dootha Priya Ram (2) 
    Hey Pathitha Paavana Sai Ram (2) 
  74. (O Lord Ram, Thou has incarnated as Lord Sai Ram of Partipuri. You are dear to Vaidehi (Seetha); You uplift the fallen. You are adorned by the gems and jewels, You are the loving Prince of Mother Kausalya. Hey, slayer of the demon Ravana, You are worshipped by Hanuman (devotee))


  75. Hey Rama Rama Rama Raghunandana Rama Ram 
    Hey Rama Rama Rama Bharatagraja Rama Ram 
    Hey Rama Rama Rama Ranadheera Rama Ram 
    Hey Rama Rama Rama Sharanam Bhava Sai Ram 
  76. (Oh Rama, You are born in the Raghu dynasty; You are eldest of Bharatas; You are heroic in the battle field; I surrender to Thee Oh Sai Ram)


  77. Jag Mey Rama Naama Hai Sab Ka Sahaara 
    Sadaa Nirantara Smarana Karo ..(Jag Mey..) 
    Rama Dhyaana Mey Sukh Mil Paavey 
    Rama Naama Ki Mahima Nyaari 
    Sundara Naama Shree Rama Naama 
    Sundara Naama Shree Sai Naama 
  78. (In this world Rama's Name is a great support and sustenance to every one. Chant that Divine Name unceasingly. In meditating Rama's Name you will find happiness and joy. Rama's Name has unusual power. It is such a lovely Name - Rama... Sai Rama. Chant that Name unceasingly.)


  79. Jagadaashraya Shree Raghurama 
    Jagadodhaara Sai Rama 
    Jagadaashraya Shree Raghurama 
    Parama Paavana Taaraka Naama 
    Shree Rama Shata Koti Pranaama 
    Sai Rama Koti Praanama 
    Sharanam Sharanam Atma Rama 
  80. (Hey Rama of the Raghu dynasty, the Universe depends on You; Thou art the uplifter of the Universe; Thy name is the most sacred. Hey Ram, a million prostrations to You. Oh Rama Your name brings joy to the Atma. We seek refuge in You)


  81. Jai Hanumaan Veera Hanumaan 
    Rama Bhaktha Pavanasutha Veera Hanumaan 
    Rama Dootha Lankadahatha Veera Hanumaan 
    Jai Hanumaan Veera Hanumaan 
    Gaandivaraaya Jai Balavan 
    Anjani Puthra Jai Gunavan 
    Anjani Puthra Jaya Gunavan 
    Rama Dootha Lankaa Dahatha Veera Hanumaan 
  82. (Victory to Hanuman, the valiant Hanuman! You are the devotee of Rama, son of Vayu, the valiant Hanuman! You are Rama's messenger, the One who burnt down Lanka! Victory to Thee Hanuman, the valiant One! Victory to the strong Hanuman, the son of Anjani, the One endowed with good qualities)


  83. Jai Hari Bol Jai Seetha Ram Gopi Gopaala Bhajo Radhe Shyaam 
    Harey Ram Ram Ram Ghanashyaam Shyaam Shyaam 
    Shree Raghu Nandana Shree Rama, Daasarathe Jaya Raghu Rama 
    Nanda Kishora Navaneetha Chora Brindavana Govinda Lala 
    Harey Ram Ram Ram Ghanashyaam Shyaam Shyaam 
  84. (Glory to Seetha Ram! Sing the glory of the blue-complexioned Lord of the cows and cow-maids Glory to Rama, Son of Dasharatha and Successor of Raghu; Glory to the Nanda's young Son, Brindavan's Darling, the Stealer of butter (souls), beloved Govinda )


  85. Jai Jai Raghunandana Jai Jaanaki Jeevana 
    Sharanagat Palana Jai Jagatoddhaarana 
    Rajeeva Dala Lochana Jai Jagadaanandana 
    Raajaadhi Raja Ramchandra Sai Jagavandana 
  86. (Victory to life-breath of Seetha, Prince of Raghu dynasty- Lord Rama, who grants protection to those who have surrendered to Him. Victory to the Saviour of creation, King of Kings, Lord Sai Ramchandra, who has eyes like lotus petals and to whom entire creation pay obeisance.)
  87. Jai Jai Rama Jaanaki Rama 
    Shree Raghu Nandana Rama 
    Kausalyatmaja Taaraka Naama 
    Sada Smaraami Rama 
    Parthi Pureeshwara Shree Sai Rama 
    Srita Paalitha Rama 
    Ahalyodhaarana Deena Dayaavana 
    Sada Smaraami Rama 
  88. (Victory to Lord Rama, Lord of Janaki. Constantly meditating on Lord Rama - Prince of Raghu dynasty helps cross the ocean of life and death. To Mother Kausalya, He is as loving as her own-self. Always remember Lord Rama, saviour of Ahalya, protector and sustainer of virtuous persons and uplifter of fallen (morally) ones. Chant the name of Lord Sai Rama of Parthipuri.)


  89. Jai Shree Rama Jai Raghu Rama 
    Jai Parama Dhama Paavana Naama 
    Jai Jai Rama Jai Sathya Naama 
    Jai Manmohana Shree Sai Rama 
  90. (Victory to Lord Rama of Raghu Dynasty. Reciting Lord's name, one attains supreme abode, i.e. mergence with God. Victory to Lord Rama, who captivates our minds. Victory to Lord Sai Ram.)


  91. Jal Mey Ram Sthal Mey Ram Our Gagan Mey Ram 
    Bolo Bolo Prem Sey Bolo Jai Jai Sai Ram 
    Jai Jai Sai Ram Bolo Jai Jai Sai Ram (2) 
    Sathya Dharma Shanti Prema Pradaayaka Jai Jai Sai Ram 
    Aananda Mangala Daayaka Sai Jai Jai Sai Ram 
    Jai Jai Sai Ram Bolo Jai Jai Sai Ram (2) 
  92. (The Lord is omnipresent. He is in water, earth and sky. He is everywhere. With love and devotion let's chant His name. Let us chant Victory to Sai Ram! Let us chant the name of Sai who inculcates in us truth, righteous living, peace, and selfless love. Let's chant the name of that God who brings bliss and auspiciousness in our lives.)


  93. Janaki Jeevana Rama Raghuveera 
    Jaya Bhuvaneshwara Raghava Sundara 
    Ravi Kula Mandana Asura Nikhandana 
    Alaka Niranjana Rama (Sai) 
  94. (O valiant King Rama! O Lord of the Universe! O Charming Divine Prince! Thou art the Lord of Seetha and destroyer of evils and remover of fear. Glory to Thee, O Purest One!)


  95. Jaya Jaya Raghunandana Jaya Jaanaki Jeevana 
    Sharanaagata Paalana, Jaya Jagatodhaarana 
    Raajeeva Dala Lochana, Jaya Jagadaanandana 
    Rajaadhi Raja Ramachandra, Sai Jaga Vandana 
  96. (Victory to Rama, the very life of Seetha, the One who protects those who have surrendered to Him, the One who uplifts the entire world, the lotus-eyed Rama, the delight of the whole world, King of kings, oh Sai You are worshipped and adored by one and all.)


  97. Jaya Jaya Rama Jaanaki Rama 
    Raghukula Bhooshana Raja Rama 
    Jaya Jaya Rama Jaanaki Rama 
    Thaapasa Bhanjana Thaaraka Naama 
    Daanava Bhanjana Kodanda Rama 
  98. (Victory to Rama and Seetha, Rama, the jewel of the Raghu Dynasty; the delight of ascetics, whose name bestows salvation. He is the destroyer of demons with his bow Kodanda.)


  99. Jaya Raghu Nandana Jaya Jaya Ram 
    Jaya Jaya Ram Jaya Sai Ram 
    Jaya Raghu Nandana Ram Jaya Jaya Ram 
    Jaanaki Vallabha Seetha Ram 
    Bhaktha Uddhaaraka Sai Ram 
    Jaya Raghu Nandana Ram Jaya Jaya Ram 
    Mayi Meera Prabhu Radhey Shyaam 
    Mandara Giridhaari Jaya Ghanashyaam 
    Mandasmitha Mukha Radhey Shyaam 
    Mahima Avathaara Sai Ram 
  100. (Victory to Thee, son of Raghu clan, Hey Ram. Victory to Thee, Ram, Sai Ram. Hey Rama, Thou art the consort of Seetha. You are the uplifter of the devotees. You are also the Lord of Meera and consort of Radha. Oh great Krishna, who lifted Govardhan mountain, You are the One with a smiling face. Oh Sai Ram You are the incarnation (of Krishna and Rama))


  101. Jaya Rama Harey Jaya Rama Harey Jaya Seetha Rama Harey 
    Jaya Krishna Harey Jaya Krishna Harey Jaya Radha Krishna Harey 
    Jaya Sai Harey Jaya Sai Harey Sathya (Jaya) Sai Baba Harey 
  102. (Victory to Lord Ram, Lord Krishna and Lord Sai Ram. Chanting the names of the Lord destroys evil)


  103. Jaya Rama Jaanaki Rama Jaya Rama Sai Rama 
    Jaya Rama Shree Raghurama Jaya Rama Seetharama 
    Jaya Rama Sai Rama 
  104. (Victory to Thee, Hey Rama, consort of Janaki (Seetha), Hey Sai Ram. Victory to Thee Hey Rama, born in the Raghu dynasty)
  105. Jaya Rama Raghu Rama 
    Ranadheera Sukumara 
    Jaya Rama Raghu Rama 
    Raghupathi Raaghava Raaja Rama (Sai Rama Rama) 
    Rajeeva Lochana Rama Rama 
  106. (Glory to Rama, Lord of the Raghu Clan, brave and skillful in battle, yet of gentle disposition, King Rama who is Sai Rama, the lotus-eyed Lord Rama.)
  107. Jayathu Jayathu Prabhu Shree Sai Rama 
    Deena Janaavana Duritha Nivaarana 
    Rama Rama Jaya Raaja Ram (2X) 
    Sundara Vadana Sarasija Nayana Sumadhura Bhaashana Sai Bhagawaan 
    Maya Vinaashaka Moksha Pradaayaka 
    Paahi Paahi Prabhu Sai Bhagawaan 
  108. (Hey Sai Rama, victory to Thee, Hey Lord! You are the protector of the humble and the destroyer of misery. Victory to Thee, Hey King Rama, the One with an enchanting face and beautiful lotus petalled eyes, the One with sweet words. Oh Sai You are the destroyer of Maya (cosmic delusion), the bestower of liberation. Protect me, Oh Lord Sai)


  109. Jayathu Jayathu Rama 
    Janani Jaanaki Rama 
    Janam Maran Bhava Klesha Vinaashaka 
    Raghupati Seetha Rama Rama Ramethi Rama 
  110. (Victory to Lord Rama, destroyer of fear of birth and death, the Lord of Seetha and the pride of Raghu dynasty)


  111. Kab Logey Khabar Morey Ram 
    Mujhey Apana Banaalo Ghanashyam 
    Sai Ram Sai Ram 
    Ghanshyaam Ghanshyaam 
    Sai Ram Ram Ram Sai Ram 
    Sai Ram Ram Ram Ghanshyaam 
  112. (O Lord Sai! When Thou shall look at me and accept me by showering Thy Grace on me. Chant the name of Lord Sai and Lord Krishna.)


  113. Kalimala Bhanjana Kodanda Rama 
    Karunaantha Ranga Kaivalya Dhaama 
    Maaya Maanusha Muni Jana Prema 
    Madhura Manohara Mangala Naama 
    Parthi Pureesha Prabhu Paramaathma 
    Patheetha Paavana Pattaabhi Rama 
  114. (Worship Lord Rama (depicted with His Bow)! He destroys the evils of this Kali age. The sages loved His compassion and His human form which He assumed with the power of His Maya. His sweet auspicious name enchants the mind. He is the Lord of Puttaparthi, He is the Paramatma, the helper of the destitute, Lord Rama.)


  115. Karunaa Samudra Shree Rama 
    Kausalya Thanaya Shree Rama 
    Sharanaagatha Priya Sai Rama 
    Sharanam Sharanam Sai Rama 
  116. (Rama, auspicious one, the ocean of compassion, son of Kausalya, Surrender to Beloved Sai Rama, the One who showers grace on the devotees who have surrendered to Him)


  117. Karunaa Sindhu Dasharatha Nandana 
    Parthipureeshwara Ram 
    Prema Swaroopa Prashanti Niketan Maruthi Sevitha Ram 
    Ahalyodhaaraka Rajeeva Lochana Raghukula Nandana Ram 
  118. (O Lord Sai Ram! Ocean of mercy and compassion. You are the resident of Prashanti, You are worshipped by Hanuman. You are the saviour of Ahalya, You are the son of Raghu dynasty.)


  119. Kausalya Nandana Ram Paramaananda Aananda Ram 
    Shirdi Key Parthi Key Ram, Jaya Prashanti Sayeesha Ram 
    Kausalya Nandana Ram, Paramaananda Aananda Ram 
    Jaya Mangala Paavana Ram, Jaya Sundara Vaidehi Ram 
    Jaya Sundara Sayeesha Ram 
  120. (Ram, the son of Kausalya, the personification of Supreme Bliss, Victory to Thee, Hey Ram of Shirdi, of Parthi, of Prashanti Nilayam. Victory to the most holy and sacred name Ram. Victory to the beautiful Ram of Seetha (Vaidehi). Victory to the enchanting beautiful Sai Ram)


  121. Kausalyaamthmaja Rama Charan 
    Vaidehi Priya Rama Charan 
    Maruthi Sevitha Rama Charan 
    Bharataarchitha Shree Rama Charan 
    Ahalyodhaaraka Rama Charan 
    Shaanti Niketana Rama Charan 
    Prashanthi Niketana Rama Charan 
    Rama Charan Sathya Sai Charan 
  122. ((We seek refuge at) the (Lotus) feet of Lord Rama, who is the very soul of Kausalya, whom Seetha (Vaidehi) is fond of, who is served by Maruti (Hanuman), who is worshipped by Bharatha, who uplifted Ahalya (from the curse of a sage), who is the personification of peace, who dwells at Puttaparthi, who is none other than Sathya Sai)


  123. Madhura Madhura Rama Naama 
    Madhura Madhura Sai Naama 
    Madhura Roopa Madhura Naama 
    Madhura Madhura Sadaa Smarana 
    Madhura Gaana Madhura Dhyaana 
    Madhura Madhura Amrita Naama 
  124. (Rama and Sai Baba! What sweet names! What beauty of face, what sweetness of name! What a delicious name to constantly remember! What a lovely name to sing and to meditate on! A name as sweet as nectar!)
  125. Mera Jeevan Therey Hawaley Prabhu 
    Ese Pag Pag Thoo Hi Sambhaley 
    Pag Pag Thoo Hi Sambhaley Ese Ho 
    Pag Pag Thoo Hi Sambhaley 
    Bhava Sagar Mey Jeevan Naiyya Dol 
    Rahi Hai O Rakha Vaiyya 
    Dol Rahi Hai O Rakha Vaiyya 
    Ese Par Thoo Hi Utharey Prabhu Ese 
    Pag Pag Thoo Hi Sambhaley 
  126. (O Lord ! I have surrendered the boat of my life to Thee. Kindly help me to cross the ocean of life and death as my boat is becoming unsteady and shaky. Please take care of every step it sails.)


  127. Mohana Raghu Rama 
    Athi Sundara Shree Rama 
    Mohana Raghu Rama 
    Maruthi Sevitha Rama 
    Rama Rama Jaya Ram (2) 
    Rama Rama Sai Ram 
  128. (O Rama of the Raghu Clan, enchanter of the mind, How very Beautiful is our revered Lord Rama, served by Hanuman. Glory to Rama, Sai Baba who is Rama.) sai


  129. Mohana Rama Hey Sairama 
    Paavana Naama Prashaanti Rama 
    Mohana Rama Hey Sairama 
    Karunanidhey Prabhu Kaarunya Rama 
    Bhaktha Jana Priya Paalitha Rama 
    Parthipureeshwara Hey Sairama 
  130. (Hey Sai Thou art the beautiful enchanting Rama, the One with the holy auspicious name - Rama of Prashanti, the One full of mercy and compassion, the One who is fond of His devotees and protects them, You are Sai Rama, the Lord of Puttaparthi)


  131. Nirdhan Ko Dhan Ram 
    Nirbal Ko Bal Ram 
    Ghyaana Prakaashaka Jaanaki Rama 
    Dukhee Hrudayon Kaa Aananda Ram Aanandaram 
    Bhaktha Loka Paripaalaka Ram 
    Parthipureeshwara Sai Rama 
    Prashaanthi Nilaya Shaantha Ram 
  132. (For the poor, Lord Ram is the riches. For the weak, Lord Ram is strength. He enlightens us with knowledge, He is Seetha's consort. For the unhappy hearts, He is happiness. He is the protector of the world of devotees. He is Sai Ram, the Lord of Puttaparthi. He is the One whose abode is at Prashanthi Nilayam and He is the embodiment of peace)


  133. Nithyaananda Hrudayaananda Nirbala Key Balaram 
    Patitodhaarana Paapa Vimochana 
    Shree Raghunandana Ram ..(Nithyaananda..) 
    Aranya Vaasi Jaanaki Jeevana Dasha Mukha Mardhana Ram 
    Dasharatha Nandana Ram 
    Sai Raghunandana Ram 
  134. (This is a description of the attributes of Sai Ram. He is eternally blissful. His joy springs from His heart. He is the support and strength for the weak and helpless. He uplifts the fallen and the destitute. He washes away their sins. He is none other than Prince Rama of the scriptures who had to spend years in the forest because of the word his father gave his step mother, the Rama who was the consort of Seetha and son of Dasharatha and the Rama who killed the ten headed demon Ravana. )


  135. Om Shree Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram 
    Seetha Ram Seetha Ram Seetha Ram 
    Radhey Shyaam Radhey Shyaam Radhey Shyaam 
  136. (Victory to Lord Shree Ram, Lord of Sita, Krishna, Lord of Radha)


  137. Parama Dayaakara Shree Ramachandra 
    Paramaananda Shree Sai Rama 
    Shree Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram ..Parama Dayaakara 
    Jagadabhi Ram Nayanabhi Ram 
    Jagatodhaara Nayanabhi Ram 
    Shree Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram 
    Shree Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Sai Ram 
  138. (Most merciful Rama, O blissful Sai Rama, victory to Thee. You are the delight of the whole world. You are the cynosure of all eyes. You are the uplifter of the whole world. Victory to Thee (in Thy task of redeeming mankind). )


  139. Patheetha Paavana Ram Parthipureeshwara Ram 
    Paavana Naam, Thaaraka Naam, Paapa Vimochana Ram 
    Daanava Bhanjana Ram, Dasharatha Nandana Ram 
    Paavana Naam, Tharaka Naam, Papa Vimochana Ram 
  140. (Rama, Lord of Puttaparti, saviour of the fallen, His name purifies, liberates and cleanses all sin. Oh Rama, You are Dasaratha's son, the destroyer of demons.)


  141. Pibarey Rama Rasam Rasaney 
    Dhoori Krita Pataka Samsargam 
    Poorita Naanavidha Phala Vargam 
    Pibarey Rama Rasam Rasaney 
  142. (O Mind ! Quench the spiritual thist by drinking Divine nectar of chanting the name of Lord Shree Rama. It will destroy all sins. Reciting the sacred name of Lord Rama will confer immense happiness of drinking nectar of many delicious fruits.)


  143. Prema Mudhita Manasa Kaho Rama Rama Ram Rama Rama Ram 
    Rama Rama Ram, Shree Rama Rama Ram 
    Paapa Kate, Dukha Mite, Leke Rama Naam 
    Bhava Samudra, Sukhada Naava, Eka Rama Naam 
    Parama Shanti, Sukha Nidhaana, Divya Rama Naam 
    Niraadhaara, Ko Adhara, Eka Rama Naam 
    Parama Gopya, Parama Divya, Mantra Rama Naam 
    Shanta Hrudaya, Sadaa Vasata, Eka Rama Naam 
    Maatha Pitha, Bandhu Sakha, Sab Hi Rama Naam 
    Bhaktha Janara, Jeevana Dhana, Eka Rama Naam 
    Rama Rama Ram, Rama Rama Ram, Rama Rama Ram, Shree Rama Rama Ram 
  144. (With a heart filled with love, say Ram's name; Ram's name burns all sins and sorrows; Ram's name is the auspicious boat with which the ocean of life can be crossed; Ram's divine name gives great peace; His name gives support to those who have no support; His name is the greatest secret, the greatest divine mantra; He always resides in the hearts of saints and devotees; His name is mother, father, relation, friend and all; Ram's name is life's treasure, for all devotees.)
  145. Raghava Sundar Rama Raghuvara 
    Parama Paavana Hey Jaga Vandana 
    Pathithoddhaarana Bhaktha Paraayana 
    Raavana Mardana Vighna Bhanjan 
    Parthipureeshwar Ram Narayana 
  146. (Beautiful Lord Rama is supremest among Raghu dynasty. He is protector and uplifter of devotees and extremely auspicious. He is worshipped by entire creation. He destroys obstacles and annihilated demon King Ravana. Worship Lord Narayana, who has incarnated in Parthipuri as Lord Sai Ram.)


  147. Raghukula Bhooshana Rajeeva Nayana 
    Eshwaraamba Nandana Sathya Sai Rama 
    Jaanaki Vallabha Laavanya Rama 
    Nirupama Sundara Sugunaabhi Rama 
    Prashanti Nilayam Paavana Dhaama 
    Jaya Jaya Rama Prabhu Sai Rama 
  148. (Hey Sathya Sai Rama, You are the jewel of the Raghu dynasty, You have beautiful eyes, You are the son of Eshwaramba. You are the beautiful Rama, the consort of Janaki. You are the incomparable enchanting One with divine qualities. You are the One whose abode is the auspicious Prashanti Nilayam. Victory to You, Lord Sai Ram)


  149. Raghu Nandana Hey Raghunandana 
    Pyare Merey Nandana Raghunandana 
    Raghunandana Hey Raghunandana 
    Raajeeva Lochana Raghunandana 
    Dasharatha Thanaya Raghunandana 
    Dashamukha Mardana Raghunandana 
    Jaanaki Jeevana Raghunandana 
    Raghunandana Hey Raghunandana 
  150. (Hey Rama, son of Raghus, my beloved child, You are the One with beautiful eyes. You are the son of Dasharatha and the destroyer of the ten headed demon Ravana. And You are the very breath of Janaki)


  151. Raghu Nandana Raaghava Rama Harey 
    Seetha Rama Harey, Sai Rama Harey (2) 
    Raghu Nandana Raaghava Rama Harey 
    Hey Jaanaki Jeevana Rama Harey (2) 
    Hey Raajeeva Lochana Rama Harey (2) 
  152. (Worship Lord Rama of raghu dynasty. Worship the Lotus eyed Lord Rama who is the very life breath of Seetha. Lord Rama destroys ignorance and evils)


  153. Raghu Pathey Raaghava Raaja Rama 
    Oh Raaja Rama, Oh Seetha Rama 
    Raghu Pathey Raaghava 
    Dasharatha Nandana Raaja Rama, Kausalyatmaja Sundara Rama 
    Rama Rama Jaya Raaja Rama, Raaghava Mohana Megha Shyaama 
    Jai Jai Ram, Sai Ram 
    Jai Jai Ram, Jai Jai Ram, Jai Jai Rama Rama Seetha Ram 
    Patheetha Paavana Seetha Pathe Rama 
    Oh Raaja Rama, Oh Seetha Rama 
  154. (Praises Lord Rama of the Raghu dynasty, son of Dasaratha, son of Kausalya, all Glory and Victory to you.)


  155. Raghu Pathey (Shree) Raamachandra Raghava Dayaa Nidhe 
    Madhava (Shree) Radhikesha Govinda Hare Krishna (2X) 
    Pashu Pathey (Shree) Parvatheesha Shankara Sada Shiva (2X) 
    Sai Rama (Shree) Sai Shyaama Sathya Sai Raghava (2X) 
  156. (O Rama, Lord of the Raghus, Who is still and shining as the moon, Thou art an Ocean of Mercy O Krishna, splendid Lord of Radha, Protector of our souls and Remover of sorrows O Lord of all creatures, Beloved of the Mother Parvathi, Thou art the unchanging Shiva, the Source of Goodness O Lord Sai, Thou art both Lord Rama and Lord Krishna )


  157. Raghupathi Raaghava Raaja Ram 
    Patheetha Paavana Sai Ram 
    Raghupathi Raaghava Raja Ram 
    Patheetha Paavana Sai Ram 
    Rama Rama Jaya Raja Ram 
    Rama Rama Jaya Sai Ram 
  158. (Chant the name of the princely Rama of Ayodhya. Chant the name of Sai Ram whose name purifies us)


  159. Raghupathi Raaghava Raaja Ram Patheetha Paavana Seetha Ram 
    Seetha Ram Seetha Ram Bhaj Pyare Thoo Seetha Ram 
    Raghupathi Raghava Raaja Ram Patheetha Paavana Seetha Ram 
    Eshwara Allah Therey Naam Sabko Sanmati Dey Bhagawaan 
    Raghupathi Raaghava Raaja Ram Patheetha Paavana Seetha Ram 
    Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram 
    Ram Ram Ram Seetha Ram Ram Ram 
  160. (Lord born into the Raghu clan, King Ram, Saviour of the fallen, Lord of Seetha Glory to Rama, Glory to Sai Rama!)


  161. Raghupathi Raaghava Ram Kaho 
    Rajeeva Lochana Ram Kaho 
    Ram Kaho Sai Ram Kaho 
    Ram Ram Sai Ram Kaho 
  162. (Chant the name of Lotus-Eyed Lord Rama of Raghu dynasty. Chant, 'Ram Ram Sai Ram'.)


  163. Raghuveera Ranadheera Rama Rama Ram 
    Rukumayi Vitthala Shyaama Shyaama Shyaam 
    Raghuveera Ranadheera Rama Rama Ram 
    Sukumara Sundara Rama Rama Ram 
    Shirdeesha Sayeesha Rama Rama Ram 
    Jai Jai Ram Seetha Ram (chanted) 
  164. (Chant the name of Ram, hero of the Raghu race, brave, skillful in battle; Lord Vitthala of Rukmini; Hey Ram, You are so beautiful and delicate. You were Shirdi Sai and You are now Sathya Sai, Glory to Ram, Lord of Seetha.)


  165. Ram Harey Seetha Ram 
    Ram Harey Radhey Shyaam 
    Seetha Vallabha Sundar Ram 
    Murali Manohar Radhey Shyaam 
    Parthipureeshwar Ram 
  166. (Chant the name of Lord Rama, Radhey Shyaam, Lord of Seetha, Lord of Radha - the enchanting flute-player and Lord Sai Ram.)


  167. Ram Jai Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram 
    Seetharam Seetharam Sairam Sairam 
    Sai Raghunandana Ram (2X) 
    Ram Jai Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram 
    Ahalyodhaaraka Shree Raghunandana 
    Raghukula Bhooshana Ram 
    Ram Jai Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram 
  168. (Victory to You, Hey Ram, consort of Seetha. Victory to You Sai Rama, the son of Raghu dynasty. You lifted Ahalya from a curse (given by a Rishi). You are the jewel of the Raghu clan. Victory to You, Ram)


  169. Ram Patheetha Paavana Ram 
    Parama Dayaakara Shree Sai Ram 
    Kripa Karo Raksha Karo Dayaa Karo Bhagawaan 
    Bhava Saagar Sey Paar Karo 
    Bhaktodhaara Paar Karo 
  170. (O Sai Ram, O Kind hearted One, bestow Thy grace on us, free us from the endless cycle of births and deaths. You are the uplifter of all devotees. Please help us attain our salvation.)


  171. Ram Raghupathi Raaghava Ram 
    Patheetha Paavana Ram 
    Ahalyodhaaraka Ram 
    Mani Maya Bhooshana Ram 
    Mithila Pura Jana Mohaka Ram 
    Atma Nivaasi Prashanthi Ram 
  172. (This is an eulogy of Rama/Sai Baba)


  173. Ram Ram Bhajamana Harey Harey 
    Raghupathi Raaja Rama Ram 
    Patheetha Paavana Shree Ram Ram 
    Sai Ram Bhajamana Harey Harey 
    Sai Ram Ram Rama Harey Harey 
  174. (Fill the mind with the glory of Rama, Purifier of sin, repeat the name of Sai Ram)


  175. Ram Ram Ram Shree Ram Ram Ram 
    Dasharatha Nandana Rama Ram Ram 
    Kausalya Key Rama Ram Ram 
    Shree Rama Raghuvara Rama Ram Ram 
    Shree Rama Seetha Rama Ram Ram (3X) 
    Shree Shreepati Rama Key Lal 
    Shree Rama Seetha Rama Ram Ram 
  176. (Ram, the son of King Dasharatha, Whose mother is Kaushalya; Shree Ram, the highest of the Raghu race, Shree Ram, Seetha Ram who are incarnations of Shree (Lakshmi) and Sripati (Narayan))


  177. (Shree) Rama Bolo Rama Bolo Rama Bolo Ram 
    Shree Ram Shree Ram Raghupathi Raaghava Ram 
    Shree Ram Shree Ram Patheetha Paavana Ram 
    Shree Ram Shree Ram Jaanaki Jeevana Ram 
  178. (Sing the holy Name of Ram again and again. Ram Who is Lord of the Raghu clan, who is of the Raghava family, Ram Who is the Rescuer of the depressed ones, Ram Who is the very Life Breath of Seetha )


  179. Rama Charan Sukha Dayi Bhajore 
    Rama Naam Key Do Akshara Mey Sab Sukh Shanti Samayere (2) 
    Sai Nath Key Charan Mey Aakar (2) 
    Jeevan Saphal Banaore (2) 
  180. (Chant at the sacred feet of Rama - that gives happiness; Those two syllables in the word 'Rama' encompasses all the joy, peace and happiness. Make your life worthwhile by surrendering at the Lotus Feet of Sai Nath)


  181. Rama Harey Hari Naam Bolo 
    Hari Naam Bolo Hari Naam Bolo 
    Rama Harey Hari Naam Bolo 
    Sai Rama Parama Dayaala 
    Parama Dayaala Parama Dayaala 
    Mana Mandira Mey Diyaa Ujaala 
    Naanak Sai Bolo Govind Sai Bolo 
    Allah Sai Bolo Maula Sai Bolo 
    Rama Harey Hari Naam Bolo 
  182. (Sing of Ram, of Hari, of Sai who is Nanak, Krishna, Allah, Maula (all-pervasive God), Sai Ram, most compassionate, whose light has dawned in the temple of my mind.)


  183. Rama Harey Raghu Rama Harey 
    Shyaama Harey Ghanashyaama Harey 
    Jaanaki Jeevana Rama Harey 
    Raadha Maadhava Shyaama Harey 
  184. (Hail to Rama, of the Raghu dynasty; soul of Seetha; Krishna with the blue complexion)


  185. Rama Kaho Seetha Rama Kaho 
    Sathya Sai Rama Naama Kaho 
    Seetha Vallabha Sundara Rama 
    Dasha Mukha Mardhana Kodanda Rama 
    Raghupathi Raaghava Raaja Rama 
    Jai Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram (3) 
    Jai Sai Ram Bolo Jai Sai Ram (3) 
  186. (Dwell on Rama's Name. Call Him in any manner you like, Rama, or Seetha Rama, or Sathya Sai Rama, or Seetha's consort the handsome Rama, or the Rama who killed the ten headed demon Ravana, or the Rama chief of the Raghu clan. Chant "Victory to Sai Ram!") krishna


  187. Rama Krishna Bolo Krishna Rama Bol 
    Keshava Madhava Govinda Bol (2) 
    Rama Krishna Bolo Krishna Rama Bol 
    Shiva Shiva Shankara Shirdi Sai Bol 
    Hara hara Shankara Sathya Sai Bol 
    Partheeshwara Sai Shankara 
  188. (Chant the names of Rama, Krishna, Keshava, Madhava and Govinda. Chant the names of Sirdi Sai, Shiva and Shankara. Chant the names of the Lord of Puttaparthi) krishna


  189. Rama Krishna Govinda Narayana 
    Narayana Hari Narayana 
    Rama Krishna Govinda Narayana 
    Shree Lakshmi Ramana Narayana 
    Hari Om Anantha Narayana 
    Om Anantha Narayana 
    Hari Narayana 
    Sai Narayana 
    Sathya Narayana 
    Om Anantha Narayana 
    Hari Om Anantha Narayana 
  190. (Chant the many names of the Lord - Rama, Krishna, Narayana, Govinda, Hari, Lord of Lakshmi, Lord who is infinite (without beginning or end), Sai Narayana, Sathya Narayana) krishna


  191. Rama Krishna Govinda Narayana Keshava 
    Radhika Ramana Madhava Jaya Ranga Deva 
    Harey Rama Harey Krishna Seetha Rama Raaghava 
    Sai Rama Raaghava 
    Raadhika Ramana Madhava Jaya Ranga Deva 
    Rama Krishna Govinda Rama Krishna Govinda 
  192. (Chant the name of Lord: Rama, Krishna, Narayana, Keshava and Madhava)
  193. Rama Krishna Hari Hari Hari Bol 
    Radha Ramana Hari Govinda Bol 
    Govinda Govinda Govinda Bol 
    Govinda Bolo Hari Gopaala Bol 
    Govinda Bolo Hari Gopaal Bol 
    Govinda Bolo Hari Sai Gopaal 
  194. (Chant the many names of Lord: Rama; Krishna; Hari; Govinda; Gopaal and beloved of Radha - Lord Govinda and Lord Sai.)
  195. Rama Krishna Jaya Bolo (Bhajamana) 
    Rama Krishna Jaya Sai Krishna Jaya 
    Rama Krishna Jaya Bolo (Bhajamana) 
    Raghukula Bhooshana Rama Rama Ram 
    Radha Madhava Shyaama Shyaama Shyaam 
    Harey Ram Hare Ram Harey Krishna Harey Ram 
  196. (Let the mind worship and sing the glory of Rama and Krishna; Victory to Rama, Krishna and Sai Baba, Ram, the jewel of the Raghu family, Krishna, Radha's Lord of dark blue complexion; Glory to Ram, glory to Krishna.)
  197. Rama Lakshmana Jaanaki 
    Jai Bolo Hanuman Ki 
  198. (Sing the names of Rama, Lakshmana and Janaki, Glory to them and Hanuman)


  199. Rama Naama Hai Sab Ka Sahaara 
    Bhajorey Niranthara Rama Naam 
    Dasharatha Nandana Shree Rama 
    Kausalya Sukha Vardhana Rama 
    Raghupathi Raaghava Raja Rama 
    Bhajorey Niranthara Rama Naam 
  200. (What a Divine name Rama! It is the support and sheet anchor of all. O devotee, chant that Name unceasingly. Sing the Divine Name of Rama who was the son of Dasharatha, who was the very life of his mother Kausalya, and who was the chief of the Raghu clan.)
  201. Rama Naama Ko Pranaam Rama Naama Ko 
    Sai Naama Ko Pranaam Sai Naama Ko 
    Rama Naama Punya Naama Rama Naama Madhura Naama 
    Rama Naama Ko, Sai Naama Ko 
    Rama Naama Ko Pranaam Sai Naama Ko 
  202. (Salute Rama's Name. Pay homage to Sai Rama's Name. It is an auspicious and melodious Name.)
  203. Rama Naama Thaarakam Sadaa Bhajorey 
    Sada Bhajorey Sadaa Japorey 
    Ram Ram Ram Jai Kodanda Rama 
    Ram Ram Ram Jai Kalyaana Rama 
    Ram Ram Ram Jai Pattaabhi Rama 
  204. (Always worship Lord Rama, who helps to liberate one-self. Victory to Lord Rama - holder of 'Kodanda' bow. Victory to Lord Rama, bestower of auspiciousness. Victory to Lord Rama, the crowned King. Chant, 'Ram Ram Ram'.)


  205. Rama Raaghava 
    Sai Rama Raaghava 
    Raghu Nandan Triguna Soma 
    Sai Rama Raghava 
    Raavana Mardan Raamabhi Rama 
    Ramethi Rama Raghu Rama 
    Ramethi Rama Sai Rama 
  206. (Chant the name of Lord Rama, Lord Sai Rama and Lord Raghava.)


  207. Rama Raghu Rama 
    Ravikula Komala Rama 
    Maruthi Sevitha Maanasa Rama 
    Munijana Vanditha Mohana Rama 
    Suramuni Sevitha Suguna Ram 
    Sundara Rama Seetha Rama 
    Kalyaana Rama Kodanda Ram 
    Pattaabhi Rama Paavana Naama 
    Rama Raghu Rama 
  208. (Oh Lord Rama, You were born n the lineage of the Sun; You were served by Hanuman; You were worhipped by the saints; You are the charming Lord of Seetha; You are adorned with the Kodanda bow; Your name purifies all of us)


  209. Rama Rama Bolo Sai Ram 
    Bolo Radhey Shyaama 
    Ghanashyaama Jaya Jaya 
    Rama Rama Bolo Sai Ram Bolo 
    Radhey Shyaama Ghanashyaam 
  210. (Sing the Glory of Sai Rama, our Lord, Who is Rama and Krishna (Radhe Shyaam) Victory to Ghanashyama (Name for Krishna meaning "of deep, infinite blue color"))


  211. Rama Rama Jaya Raghukula Thilakaa 
    Rajeeva Lochana Ram 
    Eshwaraamba Sutha Jaya Jaga Vandana 
    Rathnaakara Kula Deepa (3X) 
  212. (Worship lotus-eyed Lord Rama, Who is the auspicious Symbol of the Raghu dynasty Worship the lotus-eyed Lord Sai Ram, Son of Mother Eashwaramma and Who is the Symbol of the Ratnakar dynasty)


  213. Rama Rama Rama Bhajo Ramachandra Sai 
    Prema Mudita Manse Kaho Ramachandra Sai 
    Rama Naama Madhura Naama Ramachandra Sai 
    Rama Naama Sada Bhajorey Ramachandra Sai 
    Ramachandra Sai 
  214. (Chant the Name, Sai Ram always. With a mind filled love and devotion sing His Name. It is such a melodious Name. Chant that name always.)
  215. Rama Rama Rama Pashu Vasuna Rama Rama 
    Rama Rama Rama Jaya Jaya Jaya Raghu Rama 
    Rama Rama Rama Jaya Jaya Jaya Sai Rama 
  216. (Rama, Rama, Sing Rama's Name, the sustainer of All, Sing Rama's Name. Glory to Rama, Glory to Rama, Sing Sai Rama's Name Rama, Glory to Sai Rama )
  217. Rama Rama Seetha Rama Megha Shyaama Mangala Dhaama 
    Megha Shyaama Mangala Dhaama Raghu Rama Raaja Rama 
    Paavana Naama Paapa Vinaasha Jaanaki Rama Jai Rama 
    Ravi Kula Soma, Rantala Bhima, Shivanuta Naama Shree Rama 
  218. (Chant the name of Lord Rama, Seetha Rama and Shyaama. It takes us to the abode of auspiciousness. It also purifies, uplifts and destroys the sins. O Lord of Janaki, thou art fearless and powerful restorer of righteousness and art pleasing like the moon to Thy Raghu Dynasty.)


  219. Rama Sumira Mana Rama Sumira Mana 
    Rama Sumira Mana Ram 
    Jaanaki Vallabha Dasharatha Nandana 
    Ramachandra Shree Ram (2) 
    Bhajamana Seetha Ram Ram Bhajamana Seetha Ram 
    Bhajamana Radhey Shyaam Shyaam Bhajamana Radhey Shyaam 
    Bhajamana Seetha Ram Ram Bhajamana Seetha Ram Seetha Ram 
  220. (O mind! remember Rama!, Dasaratha's son, beloved of Seetha, Sacred Rama, cool, soothing and beautiful like the moon; Mentally sing the praises of Radhe and Krishna.)
  221. Ramachandra Prabhu Raghuvamsa Naama 
    Seetha Pathey Jaya Jaanaki Rama 
    Ahalyodhaaraka Sugunaabhi Rama 
    Raavana Samhara Kodanda Rama 
    Ayodhya Rama Pattaabhi Rama 
    Ayodhya Rama Sathya Sai Rama 
    Nava Nava Komala Shree Sai Rama 
  222. (Hey Ramachandra, born in the Raghu dynasty, victory to You, the consort of Seetha. You uplifted Ahalya from her curse. You are the embodiment of fine qualities, You are the destroyer of Ravana, You are the One with a bow in one hand. You are the Rama of Ayodhya and You are also Sathya Sai Rama)


  223. Seetha Ram Bolo Bolo Seetha Ram 
    Raadhey Shyaam Bolo Bolo Radhey Shyaam 
    Hari Naam Bolo Bolo Hari Naam 
    Sai Ram Bolo Bolo Sai Ram 
  224. (Chant the Divine names of Shree Rama, Shree krishna and Sai Baba. )


  225. Seetha Ram Naama Bhajo 
    Madhura Madhura Sai Naama Bhajo 
    Radhey Shyaam Naama Bhajo 
    Madhura Madhura Sai Naama Bhajo 
  226. (Sing of Seetha and Rama, worship the names in song, Sing of sweet Sai, Radha and Krishna)


  227. Seetha Ram Seetha Ram Bhajo Rey Bhajo Rey 
    Radhey Shyaam Radhey Shyaam Bhajo Rey Bhajo Rey 
    Ahankaar Duraachaar Thyajo Rey Tyajo Rey 
    Sai Ram Sai Ram Smaro Rey Smaro Rey 
    Ram Ram Punya Naam Bolo Rey Bolo Rey 
    Sai Ram Sai Ram Japo Rey Japo Rey (2) 
  228. (Get into the habit of chanting the names of Rama and Krishna. Give up ego and wrong deeds. Meditate on the auspicious names of Rama and Krishna.)


  229. Seetha Ram Seetha Ram Seetha Ram 
    Radhey Shyaam Radhey Shyaam Radhey Shyaam 
    Dasharatha Nandana Jaanaki Jeevana 
    Raghukula Bhooshana Jaya Jaya Ram 
    Jaya Jaya Ram Jay Sai Ram 
  230. (Seetha and Ram, Radha and Krishna, Rama, Dasaratha's son, soul of Seetha, Jewel of the Raghus, glory to Rama, Sai Baba who is Rama himself)


  231. Seetha Rama Kaho Radhey Shyaama Kaho 
    Seetha Rama Bina Koyi Pyaaraa Nahin 
    Radhey Shyaama Bina Aadhaara Nahin 
    Seetha Rama Bina Sukh Shaanthi Nahin 
    Seetha Rama Bina Uddhaar Nahin 
    Sai Rama Bina Aanand Nahin 
  232. (Sing in praise of Shree Rama and Shree Krishna. There is none dearer than Shree Rama or a more solid support than Shree Krishna. Without Shree Rama's Name in one's heart one cannot attain bliss, or aspire for spiritual upliftment.)


  233. Seetha Rama Sree Raghu Rama 
    Maanusha Vesha Hey Param Dhaama 
    Dasharatha Nandana Jaanaki Rama 
    Parthi Vihaara Shree Sai Rama 
    Madhuvana Ramana Hey Ghanashyaama 
    Raasavilola Radhey Shyaama 
  234. (Hey Shree Rama, consort of Seetha and chief of Raghu clan, You are the repository of auspiciousness, the One who came in human form. You are Dasharatha's son and Janaki's (Seetha) consort. You are also Sai Rama of Parthi. You are also Krishna, Radha's consort, who played in the Madhuvana).


  235. Shree Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Jai Aanjaneya 
    (Bolo) Rama Rama Rama Rama Ram 
    Ashokavana Seetha Hanuman 
    Shree Hanuman Jai Hanuman Jai Jai Aanjaneya 
    Bolo Maaruthi Sanjeevani Lakshman 
    (Sai) Rama Rama Rama Rama Ram 
  236. (Glory to Hanuman, devotee of Rama, who found the abducted Seetha in the Ashoka grove, who carried the mountain peak with the healing sanjivini herb; Sing of Baba who is the same Rama)
  237. Shree Raghu Nandana Dasaratha Nandana 
    Asura Nikhandana Sai Ram 
    Hey Yadu Nandana Devaki Nandana 
    Bhava Bhaya Bhanjana Sai Ram 
  238. (Revered son of the Raghu race, son of Dasaratha, destroyer of evil, son of the Yadhu race of Devaki, remover of worldly fears, Sai Ram)
  239. Shree Raghu Nandana Dasharatha Nandana 
    Bhadradheeshwara Rama 
    Vaidehi Priya Vaikuntha Rama 
    Sada Smaraami Raamethi Rama 
  240. (Worship Lord Rama of Raghu dynasty. You are the slayer of demons (evils). O darling son of Devaki of Yadu dynasty. You are the dispeller of fear and the cycle of birth and death)


  241. Shree Raghu Nandana Janaki Jeevan 
    Ram Ram Ram Sai 
    Alakha Niranjana Asura Nikhandana 
    Rajeeva Lochana Bhava Bhaya Bhanjana 
    Ram Ram Ram Sai 
  242. (Chant the name of Lord Rama - Prince of raghu dynasty and Lord of Seetha. O Lotus eyed Lord Rama! You are the destroyer of demons and also the cycle of birth and death. Chant 'Ram Ram Ram Sai')


  243. Shree Raghu Nandana Pathithodhaarana 
    Shree Rama Jaya Rama Ram 
    Shabari Sevitha Sundara Ram 
    Ahalyodhaaraka Ram 
    Shree Ram Jaya Jaya Ram 
    Raavana Mardhana Shree Raghu Ram 
    Raghu Kula Bhooshana Shree Sai Ram 
  244. (Mind, dwell on the Name and Form of Rama of the Raghu clan, the Rama who uplifts and redeems the fallen and the destitute, the Rama who was served so lovingly by Shabari, the Rama who gave salvation to Ahalya, the Rama who killed the ten headed demon, Ravana, the Rama the prize jewel of the Raghu clan. Dwell on the Name of Sai Ram who is the present incarnation of Rama.)


  245. Shree Raghu Nandana Seetha Ram 
    Rajeeva Lochana Raja Ram 
    Jagatoddhaarana Janaki Ram 
    Sankata Naashaka Sai Ram 
  246. (O Lotus eyed Lord Rama, the Prince of Raghu dynasty and consort of Mother Seetha! You are the uplifter of humanity and entire creation. O Lord Sai Ram You are the destroyer of all our difficulties)
  247. Shree Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram 
    Shree Ram Jai Ram Jai Sai Ram 
    Shiradipureeshwara Jai Jai Ram 
    Parthipureeshwara Jai Jai Ram 
    Jai Jai Ram Bolo (3X) Jai Sai Ram 
  248. (Victory to Thee, Hey Rama. Victory to You, Lord of Shirdi, Lord of Parthi, Sai Ram)


  249. Shree Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Rama Sai Rama 
    Thretha Yuga Avathaar Shree Rama 
    Kali Yuga Avathaar Sai Rama 
    Om Shree Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Rama Sai Rama 
    Raghupathi Raaghava Raaja Rama 
    Patheetha Paavana Sai Rama 
  250. (Victory to Lord Rama, the incarnation of Treta Yuga and Lord Sai Rama, the incarnation of Kali age (present). Chant the name of Lord of Seetha - Lord Rama of Raghu dynasty and Lord Sai Rama, the upholder of the afflicted )


  251. Shree Ram Ram Raghu Ram Ram 
    Seetha Ram Ram, Sai Ram Ram 
    Hare Ram Ram Ram, Japo Abhi Ram, 
    Bhajo Raghava Sundara Raja Ram 
    Ghana Megha Shyaam, Sadaa Sukha Dhaam, 
    Athi Paavana Mangala Thaaraka Naam 
    Paramaananda Vigraha Pathithodhaarana 
    Prema Swaroopa Pattaabhiram 
    Rana Dheera Gambheera Dashamukha Mardhana 
    Lakshmana Sevitha Kodanda Ram 
  252. (Chant the divine name Sai Ram, The Rama of Puttaparthi, The Rama of Ayodhya, and consort of Seetha. Chant the name of Shree Krishna, ever blissful, most divine and precious. Chant the name of Shree Rama who gives salvation to the good and the pious, the Rama who is the embodiment of love, with his distinguished bearing, the great warrior who vanquished the ten headed Ravana.)


  253. Shree Rama Chandra Jaya Jagannaatha 
    Seetha Pathey Jaya Raghunatha 
    Shree Ramachandra Jaya Jagannaatha 
    Patheetha Paavana Deena Naathha 
    Parthipureeshwara Sai Naathha 
  254. (Glory to Shree Ram, Lord of the universe, Lord of Seetha, Lord of the Raghu race, Lord of the helpless, who uplifts the downtrodden, Lord Sai of Parthi)


  255. Shree Rama Charanam Shree Rama Charanam 
    Shree Rama Charanam Bhajey 
    Shree Rama Charanam Shree Rama Charanam 
    Shree Rama Charanam Bhajey 
    Vaidehi Raamam Vaikuntha Raamam Bhopaala Choodaamani 
    Atmaabhi Raamam, Prabhu Sai Raamam 
    Shree Rama Charanam Bhajey 
  256. (Worship the Lotus feet of Lord Rama Shree Krishna and Sai Rama)


  257. Shree Rama Jai Rama 
    Daasharathey Hey Raghu Rama 
    Kalyaana Rama Kodanda Rama 
    Seetha Ram Shree Raghu Rama 
    Shree Rama Jai Ram 
    Shree Ram Jai Ram Sathya Sai Ram 
  258. (Victory to Lord Rama, Prince of King Dasaratha of Raghu dynasty and weilder of Kodanda bow and bestower of blessings and merits. Victory to Lord Sathya Sai Ram) krishna


  259. Shree Rama Raghu Nandana 
    Ghanashyaama Yadu Nandana 
    Shree Ranga Nanda Nandana (2) 
    Ananda Nanda Gopi Ranjana Niranjana 
  260. (O Lord Rama, son of the Raghus, blue complexioned child of the Yadus, Nanda's child, Lord Krishna, enchanter of the Gopis)


  261. Shree Rama Rama Ram Yadu Nandana Hey Ghanashyaam 
    Shree Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram 
    Shree Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram 
    Shree Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Sai Ram 
    Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram 
    Patheetha Paavana Seetha Ram 
    Shree Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram 
    Shree Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Sai Ram 
    Shree Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram 
  262. (Victory to Shree Rama and Shree Krishna!)


  263. Shree Rama Rama Rama Raghu Nandana Rama Rama 
    Shree Rama Rama Rama Bharathaagraja Rama Ram 
    Shree Rama Rama Rama Ranadheera Rama Ram 
    Shree Rama Rama Rama Sharanam Bhava Rama Ram 
  264. (Chant the name of Rama of the Raghu clan. Chant the name of Rama, the eldest of the Bharatas. Chant the name of Rama, the valiant hero of the war. Surrender to Lord Rama)


  265. Shree Rama Shree Raghu Rama 
    Shree Rama Seetha Rama 
    Shree Rama Shree Raghu Rama 
    Shree Rama Megha Shyaama 
    Shree Rama Sai Rama 
  266. (Chant the names of Rama, Seetha's consort and head of the Raghu clan)


  267. Soorya Kulodbhava Sai Raghu Nandana 
    Paapa Vimochana Ram 
    Pathithodhaarana Shree Raghu Nandana 
    Janani Jaanaki Ram (2) 
    Ram Jai Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram (3) 
    Pathithodhaarana Shree Raghu Nandana 
    Janani Jaanaki Ram (2) 
  268. (Victory to Shree Rama of the Sun dynasty. Chant the name of Shree Rama who washes away one's sins and uplifts the fallen.) krishna


  269. Thum Hi Mera Rama Ho Thum Hi Mera Shyaama Ho 
    Thum Hi Mera Praana Ho Janama Janama Satha Ho 
  270. (You are my Rama, my Shyaama, my life, from birth to birth) krishna sai
  271. Thum Ho Rama Thum Ho Shyaama 
    Bhakto Key Praana Bhagawaan Sai Ram 
    Seetha Rama Radhey Shyaam 
    Eka Prabhu Sai Rama Bhagawaan 
    Bhakto Key Prana Bhagawaan Sai Ram 
  272. (O Lord Sai Ram! Thou art none other than Lord Rama and Lord Krishna, and life-breath of devotees. Chant, 'Seetha Rama, Radhey Shyaam'.)
  273. Vaidehi Priya Vaikuntha Rama 
    Bhaktodhaaraka Rama 
    Raghuvara Janani Jaanaki Rama 
    Lakshmana Sevitha Laavanya Rama 
    Dasharatha Nandana Rama 
    Raghuvara Janani Jaanaki Ram 
  274. (Oh Rama of Vaikuntha (abode of Vishnu, one of the Hindu trinities) who is fond of Vaidehi (Seetha), You uplift the devotees. You are the consort of Seetha and You were born in the Raghu dynasty. Salutations to You Rama, the son of Dasharatha, the one served by Lakshmana (Rama's younger brother))


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