- Aaj Guru Poornima Aaj Guru Poornima Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Sadguru Deva Jaya
Jaya Jaya Jaya Shree Sai Deva Aaj Guru Poornima Aaj Guru Poornima Pranava
Swaroopa Devadi Deva Jnana Pradayaka Jaya Guru Deva Jaya Guru Deva Shree Sai
Deva Mangala Mangala Jaya Guru Deva Mangala Mangala Shree Sai Deva
(Today is Guru Poornima; Victory to the noble Perceptor; Victory to Thee,
Oh Lord Sai Oh Lord of Lords present in the Primal Form, the bestower of
Knowledge, victory to the Divine Teacher. Victory to Lord Sai who bring

Aaj Guru Poornima Aaj Guru Poornima
Deva Maheshwara Tawa Charanam
Ananda Guru Dev Sadguru Dev
Ashrita Vatsala Sai Guru Dev
Aapad Bandhava Sadguru Dev
Mangala Karaka Moksha Vidayaka
Mukthi Pradayaka Sadguru Dev
Sharanam Sharanam Tawa Charanam (2X)
(Today is Guru Poornima, Oh Lord Maheshwara (Shiva), The Blissful Divine
Teacher, the noble Perceptor; The One who protects (those) taking refuge in
Him; The friend who protects in times of danger; The One bestowing
auspiciousness and Liberation; We surrender at Thy (Lotus) Feet)
Aananda Guru Naathha Ramana Aananda Guru Naathha
Brahmaanada Guru Naatha Ramana Aananda Guru Naathha
Nithyaananda Guru, Brahmananda Guru
Naathha Ramana Aananda Guru Naathha
Satchidaananda Guru, Nithyananda Guru, Brahmananda Guru
Naathha Ramana Aananda Guru Naathha
Nithyaananda Guru Naathha Ramana Aananda Guru Naathha
(The enchanting, blissful Lord and Perceptor; The perceptor who is in
supreme bliss; The perceptor who is in ever lasting bliss; The One who is
'existence, Knowledge and Bliss')
Bhajo Bhayi Bahan Guru Naam
Bhajo Sai Charan Sukha Dham
Mukthi Pradayaka Moha Vidooraka
Bhaktha Parayana Sai Naam
(Chant the name of the revered Teacher, my brothers and sisters; Chant at
the Lotus Feet of Sai, the place that grants happiness; Bestower of
Liberation, the One who dispels desires; The friend of devotees, Thou art Sai
Bhajorey Maanasa Guru Charanam
Sad Guru Charanam Bhava Bhaya Haranam
Sachidananda Paramaananda
Sad Guru Sai Guru Charanam
Sai Guru Brahma Sai Guru Vishnu
Sai Guru Devo Maheshwara
Sai Guru Saakshaat Parabrahma
Sad Guru Sai Naama Japo (2)
(O mind, dwell on the Lotus Feet of the Divine Teacher Sai. Your cares and
worries will be washed off. Dwell on the Lotus feet of that Omnipresent,
Omnipotent Divine Consciousness, that Most Blissful One, Sai, who is none
other than Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara. He is verily the universal absolute
God. Chant His sacred name.)
Bhajorey Sadguru Sai Charanam
Paavan Charanam, Padmadal Charanam
Mukthi Daayaka Mohana Charanam
Paapa Vinaashaka Partheesha Charanam
(Worship the holy and pleasing to look at and touch, the Lotus Feet of Lord
Sai Baba of Parthipuri. They grant liberation and destroy sins.)
Brahmaananda Guru Premaananda Guru
Sai Guru Deva Sharanam
Bhajo Shankara Hari Hara Sharanam
Vishwanaatha Deva Gauri Manohara
(Sathya) Sai Naathha Baba Parameshwara
Bhajo Shiva Shambho Shiva Sharanam
(We surrender to our Guru and Lord Sai, Who is the Embodiment of love and
bliss Chant the Name of Shiva, Who is Lord of the universe and the Lord of
Gauri Surrender to our Guru, The supreme Lord Shiva Sai)
Dattha Guru Dattha Guru Datthathreya Guru
Sai Naathha, Deena Naathha, Brahma Roopa Guru
Alakha Niranjana Bhava Bhaya Bhanjana Datthathreya Guru
Datthathreya Guru, Sai Naathha Guru, Dina Naathha Guru
(Chant the Holy names of Noble Teacher Datthathrey and Lord Sai Nath.
Reciting ever pure and spotless names of Lord Datthathrey and Lord Sai Nath
destroys the fear and bondage of birth and death.)
Deva Deva Sai Deva Chidaananda Sadguru
Mahaananda Paramaananda Sathya Sai Sadguru
Varada Hastha Sadguru Parama Shaantha Sadguru
Patitodhaara Jagatodhaara Sathya Sai Sadguru
Sathya Sai Sadguru Sathya Sai Sadguru
(Hey Lord Sai, Lord of Lords, the blissful noble perceptor; Hey Sathya Sai,
Thou art the noble perceptor; You are 'Existence - Knowledge - Bliss'; You
grant boons; You bestow peace; You are the uplifter of the fallen; You are the
uplifter of the Universe; Oh great noble teacher, Sathya Sai!)
Guru Baba Guru Baba
Charana Namosthuthe Guru Baba
Sai Baba Baala Baba
Sathya Baba Prema Baba
Guru Vara Guru Vara Guru Baba
Vidya Daayaka Guru Baba
Shaanta Swaroopa Guru Baba
Guru Vara Guru Vara Guru Baba
(Sai Baba, our Lord and Teacher; Bow to Baba's feet, chant his name; Lord
of truth and love; Guru who bestows knowledge; Baba, the very embodiment of
peace; Baba, the most precious teacher.)
Guru Bhagawaan Guru Bhagawaan
Guruvara Guruvara Sai Bhagawaan
Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu
Guru Devo Maheshwara
Guru Devo Shiradeeshwara
Guru Devo Partheeshwara
(Hey Bhagawaan (Lord), the Perceptor (Teacher); Hey Lord Sai, Thou art
verily the perceptor; Thou art the perceptor in the various forms of Divine
Maheshwara (the chief of Gods - Shiva), Lord of Shirdi and Lord of
Guru Bhagawaan Shree Sai Ram
Parthi Niranjana Sai Bhagawaan
Patitodhaara Parthi Vihaara
Parama Dayaakara Sai Bhagawaan
Mangala Karo Parabhu Mangala Dhaama
Moksha Vidhaayaka Sai Bhagawaan
(O divine teacher Sai, purest of pure, savior of sinners, O kind and
gracious God, please bring auspiciousness into our lives, O ocean of
Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu
Guru Deva Maheshwara
Jaya Deva Guru Deva Jaya Sathya Sayeeshwara
Jai Jai Jai Karunaakara
Jai Jai Jai Akhileshwara
Jai Jai Jai Shirdeeshwara
Jai Jai Jai Partheeshwara
(Oh Divine perceptors in the form of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, Victory to
Thee Divine perceptor, Victory to Lord Sai, Victory to the merciful One,
Victory to the Lord of the Universe, Victory to the Lord of Shirdi, Victory to
the Lord of Parthi)
Guru Dev Guru Dev
Sathya Dharma Shanti Prema Sub Ko Deejo
Sathya Dharma Shanti Prema Swaroopa Aap Hai
Sathya Dharma Shanti Prema Jeevan Ka Marma Hai
(O Supreme Noble Teacher Sai! Guide us along the path of Truth,
Righteousness, Bliss and Love. Thou art the embodiment of Truth,
Righteousness, Bliss and Love and these four are the secret meaning of a
successful life.)
Guru Dev Guru Dev Guru Dev Guru Dev
Parthipureeshwara Sathya Sayeeshwara
Jaya Jagadeeshwara Jaya Parameshwara...(Guru Dev)
Hrudaya Vihaari Sai Muraari
Yuga Avathaari Bhava Bhaya Haari
Parthi Vihaari Prabhu Giridhaari
(O Divine Teacher that dwelleth in Puttaparthi, O Sathya Sai, Lord of the
universe, indweller in human hearts, O Sai Krishna, Incarnation of the present
age, O Saviour, let us chant Thy Divine Name.)
Guru Deva Guru Deva
Guruvayur Pura Hari Deva
Hari Narayana, Hari Narayana
Sharanam Sharanam Sai Deva
(O Lord Sai Narayan! Lord of Guruvayur! Thou art the destroyer of demon
Mura. Please protect me, I have come to Thy refuge).
Guru Deva Guru Deva Shree Sai Deva
Guru Deva Guru Deva Sadguru Deva
Jnana Pradaayaka Moksha Vidaayaka
Guru Deva Guru Deva Sadguru Deva
Paapa Vinaashaka Paavana Kaaraka
Guru Deva Guru Deva Sadguru Deva
Guru Deva Guru Deva Shree Sai Deva
(Oh Divine Perceptor, Oh Divine Sai! Oh Divine Perceptor, Oh noble
Perceptor! You are the bestower of wisdom and the One who grants Liberation
You are the Divine and noble Perceptor. You are the destroyer of sins, You are
the One who can purify us, Oh Divine, Noble Perceptor, Oh Divine Sai)
Guru Deva Guru Govinda
Mangala Giridhara, Shirdi Pureeshwara
Jaya Partheeshwara Sai Shiva
Mangala Roopa Shree Sai Deva (2)
Vaidehi Mohana Narayana (2)
(Chant the name of Lord of Lords, Lord of Parthi, Lord Sai who confers
auspiciousness, the One who was the consort of Seetha (Rama))
Guru Deva Jaya Deva
Sharanam Sharanam Sai Deva Deva
Sharanam Sharanam Sadguru Deva
Pranava Swaroopa Devadhi Deva
Jnana Pradayaka Jagadguru Deva
Sharanam Sharanam Sai Deva Deva
Sharanam Sharanam Sadguru Deva
(Glory to our guru, our God of Gods, Surrender to Lord Sai, embodiment of
Om, Lord of the Universe, supreme granter of wisdom)
Guru Deva Jaya Deva Sai Deva Dayaa Maya
Vibhooti Sundara Shashaanka Shekhara
Sai Shankara Dayaa Karo (2)...(Guru Deva)
Gokula Nandana Sai Gopaala
Raghukula Bhooshana Sai Rama
Hey Madanantaka Kripa Karo (2)
(Victory to Thee, O revered Teacher, O kind One. You are beautified by
vibhoothi and decorated by moon on Your head. Thou art none other than Lord
Shiva or Krishna or Rama. Give us Thy Grace O Lord.)
Guru Deva Sad Guru Deva Dayaa Karo Bhagawaan
Shanti Do, Shanti Do, Shanti Do, Mujhe Dayaa Dhana
Ananda Chandra Satchidaananda Ananda Ananda Sai
Hey Guru Deva Ananda Ananda Sai
Parthipureesha Hey Bhuvanesha Dayaa Karo Bhagawaan
Shanti Do, Shanti Do, Shanti Do, Mujhe Dayaa Dhana
(Respected Spiritual teacher, please grant me peace of mind. My mind is
being shattered by problems. Give me Thy Grace, O Blissful, Eternal,
Universal, Absolute Being. Give me the peace of mind that I so badly need, O
kind One.)
Guru Deva Sharanam Deva
Paahi Prabho Sharanam Deva
Guru Deva Sharanam Deva
Sundara Roopa Shree Sai Deva
Sharanam Sharanam Sadguru Deva
(We surrender to our guru and God,; Protect us Lord, Lord Sai, your form is
beauty itself, We surrender to our true guru, God)
Guru Devaaya Namo Namo
Hey Parameshwara Namo Namo
Guru Devaaya Namo Namo
Omkaaraya Namo Namo
Parthipureeshwara Namo Namo
Jagadeeshwara Namo Namo
Prashanthi Eshwara Namo Namo
(Bow again and again to: Supreme Noble Teacher, Supreme Lord, Lord whose
form is Om, Lord of Parthi, Lord of the Universe and Lord of Prashanti
Nilayam, Lord Sai)
Guru Guru Guru Bhajo Guru Sathya Sai
Sharanaagatho Ham Sharanaagatho Hum
Sharanaagatho Hum, Sharanaagatho Hum,
Sharanaagatho Hum Guru Maharaaj
Guru Guru Guru Bhajo Guru Sathya Sai
Shirdi Key Sai Bolo Parthi Key Sai
Devaadi Deva Guru Paramathma Sai
Sharanaagatho Hum, Sharanaagatho Hum,
Sharanaagatho Hum Guru Maharaaj
(Recite/chant the name of the noble perceptor Sathya Sai. Oh Supreme
Perceptor (Lord Sai), we seek refuge at Your Lotus Feet. Chant the name of
Shirdi Sai and Parthi Sai. Chant the name of the noble perceptor Lord Sai, who
is always in supreme bliss)
Guru Guru Sai Guru
Guru Guru Jai Sai Guru
Brahma Vishnu Mahesha Guru
Maatha Pitha Paramesha Guru
Sundara Shiva Aur Sathya Guru
Prema Avathaara Sai Guru
(Hey Sai Thou art my Perceptor. Victory to Thee, Oh noble Perceptor! Thou
art verily Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, my Mother, Father and Lord of Lords. Thou
art the beautiful Shiva and perceptor of truth. Thou art the incarnation of
Divine Love, Oh Noble Taecher)
Guru Hara Guru Hari Guru Brahma
Gurave Sakshaat Parabrahma
Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Jagadguru
Jagadeesham Akhilam Thava Roopam
Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Hara Hara Hara Hara
Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Jagadguru
Jagadguru (Jai) Sai Guru (2)
(Glory to our guru Sai Baba who is Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma, supreme
almighty guru and God. All the universe is reflected in his form)
Guru Naathha Guru Naathha Sadguru Naathha Sai Naathha
Guru Naathha Guru Naathha Sadguru Shree Sathya Sai Naathha
Parthipureesha Sai Naathha
Prashanti Nilaya Sai Naathha
(O Lord Guru, Divine Master , O Lord Sai, Who resides in Puttaparthi, Lord
of the Abode of the highest Peace )
Guru Pada Ranjana Rama Jai Jai
Bandha Vimochana Rajeeva Lochana
Abhya Padam Bhuja Rama Jai Jai
Guru Pada Ranjana Rama Jai Jai
Jai Jai Ram Seetha Ram
Jai Jai Ram Seetha Ram
Jai Jai Sai Ram
(Victory to pleasing Noble Teacher - Lotus-Eyed Lord Rama, who unties the
knots and tangles of life - thereby leading to liberation. Victory to charming
Supreme Guide - Lord Rama, worship of whose Lotus Feet removes fear. Victory
to Lord of Seetha - Lord Rama and Lord Sai Ram.)
Guru Poornima Baba Guru Poornima Baba
Aaj Shubha Din Aaj Shubha Din
Mangala Kaaraka Sai Guru Naathha
Moksha Vidaayaka Sai Bhagawaan
Koti Pranam Baba Shiradipureeshwara
Parthipureeshwara Sai Bhagawaan
(Baba, today is Guru Poornima, today is a Holy day. Oh divine noble
perceptor, Oh Sai, the bestower of auspiciousness, Thou art the bestower of
liberation. Hey Lord of Shirdi, millions of salutations to You, Holy Lord Sai,
the Lord of Parthi)
Guru Sarvotthama Sai Guru
Guru Parameshwara Sai Guru
Jaya Guru Sad Guru Parthipureeesha
Guru Mahadeva Shree Sai Deva
Sharanam Sharanam Sai Mahadeva
(You are the very best of all gurus, O Sai! You are our spiritual guide and
the redeemer of the whole world. Victory to You, O Lord of Puttaparthi. I bow
to You in humble surrender.)
Guru Vara Guru Vara Shiradeeshwara
Guru Vara Guru Vara Partheeshwara
Guru Vara Guru Vara Shiradeeshwara
Parama Poojya Guru Paavana Sadguru
Paramaathma Guru Partheeshwara Guru
Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Sathya Sai Guru
Sathya Sai Guru Sathya Sai Guru
(Oh Divine Perceptor, Lord of Shirdi, Lord fof Parthi! You are the most
holy and auspicious noble perceptor; You are the noblest soul and Lord of
Parthi, victory to Thee, the perceptor Sathya Sai)
Guru Vara Naam Paavana Naam
Sath Guru Naam Guru Naanak Naam
Guru Vara Naam Paavana Naam
Sath Guru Sai Baba Naam
Jai Guru Sath Guru Naanak Naam
Jai Bolo Sai Baba Naam
(Sing/repeat the name of the Guru - Guru Nanak and Sai Baba; this name
Jai Guru Dev Sai Guru Dev
Shirdi Baba Sai Guru Dev
Shree Guru Jai Guru Sai Guru Dev
Thumho Mere Maatha Pitha
Thumho Mere Guru Bhagawaan
Thumho Mere Sai Bhagawaan
Shree Guru Jai Guru Sai Guru Dev
(Victory to divine perceptor, Sai; Victory to Shirdi Sai Baba, my divine
perceptor; Thou art my father and mother; Thou art my perceptor and Lord)
Jai Guru Naathha Shiva Guru Naathha
Parthi Pureesha Jai Paramesha
Parama Dayaala Sai Mahesha
Jai Jai Sathya Sayeesha
(Victory to extremely mericful Guru, Lord Sathya Sai Ram of Parthi.)
Jai Jai Gurudeva Shree Sai Mahaadeva
Brahma Vishnu Maheshwara Sai Mahaadeva
Maatha Pitha Guru Deva Shree Sai Mahaadeva
(Victory to the noble teacher, the Lord of Lords, Lord Sai Who is
Brahma(Creator), Vishnu(Sustainer), Maheshawra (Destroyer of evils and Supreme
Lord), Father and Mother of the Universe)
Jaya Guru Jaya Guru Sai Ram
Jagadguru Sathya Sai Ram
Jaya Guru Jaya Guru Sai Ram
Brahma Vishnu Shiva Sai Ram
Para Brahma Roopa Sai Ram
Maatha Pitha Guru Sai Ram
Jagadguru Sathya Sai Ram
(Hail to our Teacher! Sai Ram! You, Sathya, are the Teacher of this
universe, Sai Ram! You are the Trinity of Creator, Maintainer and Destroyer,
Sai Ram! You are Mother, Father and Teacher of this universe, Sai Ram!)
Jaya Guru Omkaara Jaya Jaya Sadguru Omkaara Om
Brahma, Vishnu, Sada Shiva
Hara, Hara, Hara, Hara, Mahadeva
(Glory to the Guru who is the embodiment of the sacred Om; The true Guru is
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. He is Shiva, the Supreme Lord)
Jaya Guru Shankara Ramana
Jaya Jaya Mangala Divya Charana
Jaya Munivanditha Naagabharana
Jaya Sarveshwara Saroja Nayana
(Victory to You, Oh Shankara, You bring joy in the minds of the devotees;
Victory to the One having the most auspicious and divine Lotus Feet; Victory
to the One who is respected by the Rishis, the One wearing a snake around His
neck; Victory to the Lord of all, the One with lotus petal eyes)
Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey Shree Gurunaathha
Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey Sadguru Naathha
Sadguru Naathha Sadguru Naathha
Sadguru Naathha Shree Sai Naathha
Sathya Swaroopa Shiva Gurunatha
Antharyaami Vishwa Vidhaatha
Mukthi Pradaatha Sai Gurunaatha
(Victory to Thee, Oh auspicious perceptor. Victory to Thee, Oh noble
perceptor. Victory to Thee, Lord Sai. Thou art the form of Truth. Thou art the
dispenser of the Universe, the indweller in all. Thou art the bestower of
salvation, Oh Sai!)
Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Guru Deva
Jaya Parameshwara Sai Deva
Jaya Shirdeeshwara Guru Deva
Jaya Partheeshwara Guru Deva
Jaya Jaya Sadguru Shree Sai Deva
(Victory to You Supreme teacher, Most Supreme God Sai Baba, Victory to You,
Sai Baba of Shirdi, Victory to you Sai Baba of Puttaparthi.)
Jaya Jaya Sadguru Sai Sada Shiva
Hara Hara Shankara Shambo Mahaadeva
Neela Kanta Sai Bhasma Vibhushitha
Hara Hara Shankara Shambo Mahaadeva
Parthipureeshwara Shakti Mahaadeva
Hara Hara Shankara Shambo Mahaadeva
(Victory to Universal Auspicious Guru Lord Sai Baba of Parthipuri who has
great powers and who has sacred ash all over Him and who destroys sins. Chant
the name of Shankara Shambho, Mahadeva, Nilakanta, Sada Shiva and Sai)
Jaya Sadguru Sai Ram
Shree Sai Mahadeva
Hey Parthi Puree Key Ram
Hey Shirdi Puree Key Shyaam
Lohithaambara Dhara Parthipureeshwara
Sadguru Sai Ram
Shree Sai Mahadeva
(Victory to the perfect Guru Sai Ram who is also Shiva. O Rama of
Puttaparthi, O Krishna of Shirdi, the One Who wears the garment which looks
like the color of blood who lives in Puttaparthi)
Jaya Sai Deva Satchidaananda Guru
Jaya Parameshwara Shree Sai Deva
Maanasa Bhajo Rey Sathya Sai Deva
Parthipureeshwara Sai Mahadeva
(Victory to our Guru, Sai Baba who is satchidananda, existence,
knowledge,bliss. O mind dwell on that divine Lord of Puttaparthi.)
Maanasa Bhajorey Guru Charanam
Dusthara Bhava Saagara Tharanam
Guru Maharaaj Guru Jai Jai
Sai Naathha Sad Guru Jai Jai
Om Namah Shivaaya, Om Nama Shivaaya,
Om Namah Shivaaya, Shivaaya Namah Om
Arunaachala Shiva, Arunaachala Shiva,
Arunaachala Shiva Aruna Shiv Om
Omkaaram Baba, Omkaaram Baba,
Omkaaram Baba Om Namo Baba
(O mind, worship the Lotus Feet of your God and Supreme Teacher, Sai Baba.
That will take you safely across the ocean of life and death. Victory to our
Lord and supreme Teacher, Sai Nath! Mind, also chant and worship the divine
names of Lord Shiva who dwells on the Arunachala mountain and Sai Baba whose
form is OM. )
Maanasa Bhajorey Guru Charanam
Sai Charanam Pranamaamyaham (2)
Nirmala Hrudaya Virajitha Charanam
Sakala Charaachara Vyaapaka Charanam
Bhavasaagara Udhaaraka Charanam
Sai Charanam Pranamaamyaham (2)
(Worship in the mind the feet of the Guru, Bow in reverence to Sai's feet
that glow in pure hearts, They cover the world of animate and inanimate, they
can carry you across the ocean of life, we bow in reverence to Sai Baba's holy
Namami Brahma Namaami Vishnu Namaami Sadguru Sai
Bharatha Chiththa Shree Raamachandra Namo Namaami Sadguru Sai
Namo Jagannaath Namo Shree Balaraam Namaami Sadguru Sai
Bharatha Chiththa Shree Raamachandra Namo Namaami Sadguru Sai
(I bow before Brahma, Vishnu and Sai, the Master; I bow before Shree Rama,
Sai, the Master; The One on Whom Bharath meditated (i.e Lord Rama) who brings
full enlightment; I bow to the Lord of the Universe; Avathaar Balarama, Sai )
Namana Karoo Mey Guru Charanam
Guru Charanam Sadguru Charanam
Pranavaananda Aananda Chandra
Sai Guru Mama Guru Sachidaananda .. (Namana Karoo..)
Shanti Vidhaayaka Guru Govinda
Mangala Kaaraka Sad Guru Naathha
Eshwaraamba Priya Thanaya
(I bow in deep reverence to the Lotus Feet of my Lord and preceptor. He is
the embodiment of supreme bliss. He confers on us absolute peace and
tranquility. He brings auspiciousness into our lives. He is Sai Baba the
darling son of Eashwaramba.)
Namana Karoo Mey Guru Charanam
Sadguru Sai Guru Charanam
Parthipureeshwara Guru Charanam
Shirdipureeshwara Sai Charanam
Bhakthaadheeshwara Guru Charanam
Mangala Kaaraka Sai Charanam
(I bow to the Lotus Feet of my Guru, my Divine Teacher Sai Baba, who dwells
in Puttaparthi, who is an incarnation of the Sai Baba (who lived in Shirdi
near Bombay many years ago and was revered by all in that area as God), who is
the Lord and master of all devotees, the One that causes the most beautiful
things to happen to us. I bow to the Lotus Feet of my Sathya Sai Baba, my
Divine Teacher.)
Namana Karoo Mey Guru Charanam
Sayeesha Sharanam Sadguru Charanam
Sharanam Sharanam Thava Sharanam
Sharanam Sharanam Vishnu Sharanam
Sharanma Sharanam Shiva Sharanam
(I bow at the Lotus Feet of Noble Guru, Sai Rama. I have come to Thee for
protection. I surrender to Lord Vishnu and Shiva.)
Prathah Smaranam Shree Guru Charanam
Sayeesha Sharanam Shree Guru Charanam
Prathah Smaranam Shree Guru Charanam
Brahmaananda Pradaayaka Charanam
Sharanam Sharanam Sayeesha Charanam
(Always remember the Sacred Feet of Lord Sai; and take refuge and surrender
at the feet of Sai, who will bestow supreme bliss.)
Sad Guru Brahma Sanathana Hey
Parama Dayaagana Paavana Hey
Janmaja Dukha Vinaashaka Hey
Jagatoddhaarana Kaarana Hey
Sai Krishna Janaardhana Hey
Bhava Bhaya Harana Paavana Hey
(Worship merciful noble guru Lord Sai Krishna whose form is Brahma -
infinity, saviour of world. You help to overcome fear of crossing the ocean of
life and death.)
Sad Guru Charanam Sada Smaraami
Sai Charanam, Sada Smaraami
Shankara Charanam Sada Smaraami
Pankaja Charanam Pranaamya Ham
(Bow and meditate at the lotus feet of Lord Sai.)
Sad Guru Dev Raaha Dikhaavo Prabhu
Raaha Dikhaavo Sai Deva ...(Sad Guru Dev..)
Thum Ho Merey Praana Daata
Thum Ho Merey Bhaagya Daata
Thum Ho Mere Jnana Daata
(Noble and respected teacher, please guide me on the correct path. Show me
the way (to salvation) Lord Sai. You brought me into this world. You gave me
material prosperity. You gave me knowledge and discrimination. With all that I
still fumble and do not know which is the right path for me. Please show me
the way.)
Sad Guru Deva Brahmaananda
Ananda Chanda Satchidaananda
Parama Dayaala Karuna Saagara
Bhaktha Jeevan Dhana Radhey Govinda
Ananda Chanda Satchidaananda
(Chant the name of Noble Teacher, whose form is eternal bliss - O Lord of
Radha, Krishna. You are extremely compassionate and ocean of mercy and
life-breath of devotees.)
Sad Guru Deva Sai Guru Deva
Sharanam Sharanam Shiva Guru Deva
Brahma Vishnu Maheshwara Roopa
Nithya Ananda Mayee Shiva Guru Deva
(O Noble Universal Teacher, Grant me refuge. O ever blissful Lord, You are
Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswar.)
Sad Guru Deva Shree Sai Deva
Shambo Shankara Sai Mahaadeva
Ganga Jataadhara Shree Sai Deva
Bolo Maheshwara Devaadi Deva
Parthipuri Parameshwara Deva
(Hey noble perceptor Lord Sai, Shambo, Shankara, Sai Mahaadeva (all
different names for Shiva), You hold the river Ganga in Your matted locks.
Chant the name of Maheshwara, the Lord of Lords, the supreme Lord of
Sai Guru Brahma Sai Guru Vishnu Sai Parameshwara Naam
Bolo Rey Bhaktha, Gaavo Rey Bhaktha Bhajana Karo Shubha Naam
Bhajana Karo Shubha Naam
Mangala Kaaraka Moksha Vidaayaka
Shanthi Vidaayaka Sai Bhagawaan
Mangala Kaaraka Moksha Vidaayaka
Shanthi Vidaayaka Sai Bhagawaan
Bhajana Karo Shubha Naam (2X)
(Sai is the divine perceptor, Sai is Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Oh devotee,
chant, sing and recite His sacred name. He is the One who brings
auspiciousness and grants liberation. He is the One who bestows peace. He is
Lord Sai. Recite His name)
Sai Guru Deva Janaardhana
Aananda Shayana Narayana
Bhava Bhaya Bhanjana Madhusoodana
Mangala Paavana Sai Guru Charana
(Recite the name of Sai Rama, destroyer of fear, of bondage of birth and
death. Worship the Lotus Feet of Sai Rama, who confers auspiciousness.)
Sai Naathha Deena Naathha Brahma Roopa Sad Guru
Nirakaara Hey Akar Sathya Sai Sadguru
Matha Pitha Sad Guru Sakal Thoo Hi Sadguru
Sakal Thoo Hi Sadguru Sakal Thoo Hi Sadguru
Aumkar Sadguru Nirvikaar Sadguru
Nirvikaar Sadguru Aumkar Sadguru
(O Supreme Teacher Lord Sathya Sai ! Thou art omnipresent, pure with and
without form, having Aum as Thy sound form.)
Sai Naathha Prabhu Komala Charanam
Namana Karoo Mai Guru Charanam
Abhaya Vitarana Sab Sukh Kaarana
Namana Karoo Mai Guru Charanam
Nitya Niranjana Mangala Charanam
Namana Karoo Mai Guru Charanam (2)
(I bow to the Lotus and Silken Feet of my Guru, Sai Baba. He gives us
eternal protection; He is the cause of our every happiness; He is that
unchanging, eternal, effulgent untainted spirit come down to earth. I bow to
the Lotus Feet of that Great Guru.)
Sakshaath Parabrahma Sai
Guru Vandana Sathya Sai
Guru Pararanjana Guru Paramesha
Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Mahesha
Sadguru Sai Parthipureesha
Charana Namosthuthe Sai Mahesha
(Sai, Thou art the Absolute Supreme Brahman. Salutations to Thee, Venerable
perceptor. You are no different from the noble perceptors Brahma, Vishnu and
Shiva. Mya salutations at Your Lotus Feet, Lord Sai)
Sathya Guru Dev Raaha Dikhaavo Prabhu
Raaha Dikhaavo Sai Deva
Sathya Guru Dev Raaha Dikhaavo Prabhu
Thuma Ho Merey Praana Daatha
Thuma Ho Merey Bhaagya Daatha
Sathya Guru Dev Raaha Dikhaavo Prabhu
(Show us the path, O Guru Sathya Sai, You are my soul, O Provider and You
are my Fortune )
Sathya Guru Dev Sadaa Bhajo Rey
Sai Guru Dev Sada Japo Rey
Shirdi Sai Parthi Sai Prema Sai Bhajo Rey
Sadaa Bhajo Rey Sadaa Japo Rey (2)
(Chant unceasingly the Divine Name of our Supreme Spiritual Teacher and
Guide, Sai Baba. Dwell on all the three incarnations, Shirdi Baba, Sathya Sai
Baba and the future Prema Sai Baba.)
Shree Guru Jaya Guru Satchidaananda Guru
Jaya Parameshwara Sathya Sai Guru
Parama Purusha Guru Purushottama Guru
Paraathpara Guru Parthi Vaasa Guru
Parthi Vaasa Guru (2)
(Victory to our Guru, Sai Baba who is "knowledge, Existence and
Bliss". Victory to our Supreme Lord, Sathya Sai Baba of Puttaparthi who
is Lord Supreme.)
Shree Guru Naam Paavana Naam
Sadguru Naam Sai Ram
Jai Guru Sadguru Sai Jagadguru
Parthipureeshwara Paavana Naam
Jaya Guru Sadguru Sai Ram
Shree Guru Sadguru Sai Ram
(The perceptor's name is holy. Sai Ram is the noble perceptor. Victory to
Thee, Hey noble perceptor, the Lord of the world. Hey Lord of Parthi, Thy name
is holy. Victory to Thee, noble perceptor)
Vaahe Guru Vaahe Guru Vaahe Guru Jee Bolo
Sathya Naam, Sathya Naam, Sathya Naam Jee Bolo
Nithya Nithya Japiye Therey Naam Jee Bolo
Sathya Naam, Sathya Naam, Sathya Naam Jee Bolo
Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Jee Bolo
Nithya Nithya Japiye Therey Naam Jee Bolo
Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Kirshna Naam Jee Bolo
Sathya Naam Sathya Naam Sathya Naam Jee Bolo
(Victory and glory to the spiritual teacher! Say the name of truth! We
repeat your name constantly Rama, Krishna and Sai)
Vande Shree Gurunatham Prasanna Vadanam
Vande Bhakthavatsalam Bhava Bhaya Thaarakam
Vande Jagadgurum Mukthi Pradaatham
Vande Sulabha Prasannam Dhyaayet Hridaya Pankajam
(Prostrations to Thee, Chief perceptor with pleasing face. Salutations to
the One, who loves His devotees, the One who removes the scare of birth and
death. Salutations to the world Teacher who bestows liberation. Salutations to
the One who is very easy to please. I meditate upon Thee in the Lotus of my