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Ganesh Bhajans |
- Aadi Pujya Deva Gajaananaa Gaurihara Tanaya Shubhaanana Vighna Vinashaka Siddhi Vinaayaka Jaya Jaga Vandana Thava Charanam
(Oh, Lord Gajaanana, darling son of Gauri who destroys obstacles and confers success. Entire creation pays obeisance and worship Thy Feet.) Amba Bhavaani Shiva Shambhu Kumaara Shree Gana Naathha Shaantakara Puraana Purushaa Sathya Sai Naathha Pranava Swaroopa Partheeshaa(Beloved Son of Shivaa and Parvati; O Lord Ganesha, Lord of Ganas (demi-gods), Giver of peace, O Lord Sathya Sai, You are the supreme Being, You are the Form of Om, Lord of Puttaparthi)
- (Reverential salutations to You, Young Ganesh, destroyer of obstacles, son of Parvathi and Shiva; Granter of spiritual attainments and bestower of intellect, discrimination and determination, Victorious Ganesha, our salutations to Thee!)
Baala Gajaanana Namo Namo Vighna Vinaashaka Namo Namo Parvathi Nandana Namo Namo Siddhi Vinaayaka Buddhi Pradayaka Vijaya Gajaanana Namo Namo Gangaadhara Suta Namo Namo Lambodara He Namo Namo- (Oh Vinaayaka (Ganesha) dispeller of all obstructions of devotees, The bestower of Liberation; You provide everything desired by devotees; You are the bestower of Devotion; Hey Ganesha, Thou art full of mercy and compassion; You are the friend of the meek; You bestow the eight boons, You bestow Liberation; Hey Ganesha, Thou art verily the keeper of creation)
Bhaktha Vighna Vinaashaka Bhukthi Mukthi Pradaayaka Bhaktha Kankshita Dayaka Bhava Bhakthi Pradaayaka Hey Dayaa Nidhe Ganapathe Deenabandhu Kripaa Nidhe Ashta Siddhi Vinaayaka Ishta Moksha Pradaayaka Ashta Sampada Daayaka Srishtipala Vinaayaka- (O Son of Mother Bhavani, Lord Gajaanana! Kindly grant protection. O Lord of Parthi.)
Bhavaani Nandana Baala Gajaanana Pranava Swaroopa Paahi Hey Parthipureeshwara Paahi (Sai)- (The offspring of Gauri (Parvathi) and Shiva (adorned by the moon) Gajavadana (the elephant faced One), Gananatha (the chief of Ganas) Shubhaanana (the one who causes auspicious things to happen) You are the form of Primal Sound (Om), son of Pashupati (Shiva) Protect us Oh Lord, Protect us Oh Gajaanana (Ganesha))
Chandra Kalaadhara Gauri Shivaatmaja Gajavadana Gananaatha Shubhaanana Pranavaakara Pashupati Nandana Paahi Prabho Mam Paahi Gajaanana- ((Our salutations to) the elephant faced Lord Ganesha, endowed with the best of qualities, who is Chief of the Ganas or demi-gods, and is worshipped alike by sages and saints.)
Gaja Mukha Gaja Mukha Gananatha Sura Muni Vanditha Guna Sheela- (Victory to Lord of Lords - Lord Gajaanana, beloved son of Mother Gauri. Chant the name of Elephant faced Lord Gajaanana).
Gaja Vadana Gajaanana Gauri Thanaya Gajaanana Jai Jai Jai Gajaanana Jai Jai Jai Gajaanana Devaadhi Deva Gajaanana Gauri Thanaya Gajaanana- (Protect, Protect O Lord of Parthi! Thou art the Lord of Creation and life force of all Beings, Prince of Mother Gauri, Elephant-faced One and Lord of all Lords, Thou art extremely merciful.)
Gaja Vadana Gananaatha Hey Gana Naathha Gauri Thanaya Dayaa Maya Gaja Vadana Gananaatha Bhuvanaadhara Pranava Swaroopa Paalaya Paalaya Parthipureesha- (Hey Gajaanana (Ganesha), the elephant faced One, the chieftain of the ganas; Vinaayaka (Ganesha), the One who helps us attain accomplishments, the child Ganesha; Victory to Thee Ganesha; Oh Lord, bring auspiciousness; Victory to Thee - the son of Shiva; You are worshipped by both Gods and mortals, the most holy Ganesha!)
Gaja Vadana Gananaatha Gajaanana Siddhi Vinaayaka Baala Gajaanana Mangala Karo Prabhu Vijaya Gajaanana Jaya Hey Shambho Shankara Nandana Sura Nara Vanditha Poojya Gajaanana- (Elephant-faced Ganesh, Lord of the Ganas and protector of the helpless. Son of Shiva, giver of liberation, destroyer of worldly fears. Glory to Ganesh who is revered through the ages.)
Gaja Vadana Gananaatha Gaja Vadana Deena Naathha Siddhi Daatha Shiva Thanaya Siddhi Pradaayaka Gajaanana Parvathi Nandana Bhava Bhaya Bhanjana Yuga Yuga Vanditha Jaya Shree Ganesha- (O Elephant-faced Lord! Lord of Demi-Gods and beloved Son of Mother Gauri; Thou art extremely merciful. You grant auspiciousness and gifts.)
Gaja Vadana Gananaatha Naatha Gauri Vara Thanaya Guna Laya Gaja Vadana Gananaatha Naatha Vidya Dhaayaka Buddhi Pradaayaka Siddhi Vinaayaka Hey Subha Daayaka- (Oh elephant faced Gajaanana (Ganesha), the chieftain of the ganas; You are the son of Mahadeva (Shiva), the bestower of auspiciousness; You are the One who blesses the study of Vedas, the destroyer of obstacles; Oh Lord, the merciful One, the One who dispels misery; You are Lord Sai Gajaaanana (Sai in the form of Gajaanana))
Gaja Vadana Gananaatha Vinaayaka Mahadeva Sudha Mangala Dhaayaka (Gaja Vadana) Veda Vidhyadhara Vighna Vinaashaka Dayaa Sindhu Hey Dhuritha Nivaaraka Sai Gajaanana Thribuvana Dhaaraka- (O Ganesha with an elephant face, son of Parvathi, please bestow Your Grace on us. You are the one to liberate us from the endless cycle of births and deaths. You have been guiding us by using Your lasso and prod. I shall always pray to You. I shall ceaselessly chant Your name in my mind. You have always protected the meek and the humble. Please guide and protect me.)
Gaja Vadana Shree Gananatha Ambika Thanaya Paahi Prabhu ..(Gaja Vadana..) Siddhi Vinaayaka Kaivalya Daatha Paashaankusha Dhara Paahi Prabhu Namaami Nithyam Smaraami Nithyam Deena Sharanya Paahi Prabhu- (Oh Gajaanana (Ganesha), son of Gauri (Parvathi); Oh Son of Shiva, Victory to the One who is revered by the whole world; You are the one who bestows knowledge and intelligence; Hey Gajaanana, You are the Lord of Puttaparthi)
Gajaanana Hey Gajaanana Gauri Thanayaa Gajaanana Hey Shivanandana Jaya Jagavandana Vidyaa Buddhi Pradaayaka Parama Niranjana Mooshikavaahana Parthipureeshwara Gajaanana- (Hey Gajaanana (Ganesha), the auspicious One; The beautiful and Beloved son of Gauri (Parvathi); Oh Gajaanana (Ganesha) son of Pashupathi (Shiva) Thou art supremely faultless and the auspicious One)
Gajaanana Hey Shubhaanana Gauri Manohara Priya Nandana Pashupathi Thanaya Gajaanana Parama Niranjana Subhaanana- (Pray and worship Lord Sai Gajaanana, destroyer of all obstacles, bestower of success and life force of all beings).
Gajaanana Hey Shubhaanana Parama Niranjana Gaja Vadana Vakra Thunda Dhara Vighna Vinaasha Pranava Swaroopa Parthipureesha Siddhi Vinaayaka Sai Gajaanana Parama Niranjana Gaja Vadana- (Oh Lord of Ganas, the elephant faced One, the One who dispels misery! You bestow boons, Oh son of Shiva! You bestow intelligence, Lord Ganesha! Victory to the One who is revered by the whole world, the son of Parvathi! You are revered throughout the ages (Yugas); Hail Thee, God of the world)
Gananaatha Gaja Vadana Gananaatha Deenaharana Siddhi Daatha Shiva Thanaya Buddhi Pradaayaka Gajaanana Parvathi Nandana Jaya Jagavandana Yuga Yuga Vandana Jai Jagadeesha- (I seek refuge in You, Ganesha. You are the God with super natural powers. You are the Lord who gives liberation to people. You are the One who uplifts the whole world. Victory to You, Lord Ganesha.)
Gananaatha Gananaatha Mooshika Vaahana Jaya Gananaatha Sharanam Sharanam Gajaanana Sidhi Vinaayaka Gananaatha Mukthi Pradaayaka Gananaatha Jagatodhaara Jaya Gananaatha Sharanam Sharanam Gajaanana- (Salutations to Thee, Lord Ganesh. Thou all-powerful One, master of all beings, savior of mankind from endless births and deaths, son of the Shiva, O primeval God, Our salutations to Thee.)
Ganapathi Deva Namo Namo Siddhi Vinaayaka Gaja Vadana ...(Ganapathi) Bhoota Ganaadhipa Bhava Bhaya Naasha Bimbaadhara Suta Gaja Vadana Aadi Poojya Deva Gauri Ganesha Ambika Thanaya Ganeshwara- (Victory to Thee, Oh Ganesha! The elephant faced One, the bestower of boons; Gajaana (Ganesha), the One who has the mouse as His vehicle, Ganesha, the One has a modhaka (a sweet preparation) in His hand; Oh Gajaanana - I prostrate at Thy Lotus feet)
Ganapathi Om Jaya Ganapathi Om Gajamukha Varada Ganapathi Om Mooshika Vaahana Gajaanana Modakahastha Gajaanana Paramaniranjana Gajaanana Paada Namaste Gajaanana- (To Ganesh, bow in reverence, bow in absolute purity, to the name of Sai, to the elephant-faced Ganesh; Constantly remember the purifying name of Sai, remember the elephant-faced Lord Ganesh; The feet of the guru are purifying, as is the name of Sai and Ganesh, the elephant-faced Lord; All fears are destroyed by the supremely pure name of Sai and by the elephant-faced Lord Ganesh).
Ganesha Sharanam Parama Paavanam Sathya Sainam Gajaananam Nithya Smaranam Parama Paavanam Sathya Sainam Gajaananam Sadguru Sharanam Parama Paavanam Sathya Sainam Gajaananam Bhava Bhaya Haranam Parama Paavanam Sathya Sainam Gajaananam- (Surrender to Lord Ganesha, Surrender to Lord Sai)
Ganesha Sharanam Sharanam Ganesha Sayeesha Sharanam Sharanam Sayeesha (4x)- (Chant the name of Lord Ganesh, beloved Prince of Mother Gauri, I surrender to Thee, Lord of all Demi-Gods, beloved Prince of Lord Shiva and Mother Guru.)
Gauri Ganesh Uma Ganesh Parvathi Nandana Shree Ganesh Sharanam Ganesh Sharanam Ganesh Shiva Nandana Ganapathi Ganesh- (Worship the Lord of Lords, Lord Sai Gajaanana, Lord of Demi-Gods and beloved of Gauri )
Gauri Nandana Baala Gajaanana Gaja Vadana Gananaatha Gajaanana Gauri Nandana Baala Gajaanana Mahaganapathe Sai Gajaanana Gajaanana Sai Gajaanana- (O Elephant-faced Lord! O Darling Prince of Mother Gauri! Thou art pure, spotless and pleasing to look at. Kindly protect and be pleased with us.)
Gauri Nandana Gajaanana Girija Nandana Niranjana (Hey) Gauri Nandana Gajaanana Parvathi Nandana Shubaanana Paahi Prabho Maam Paahi Prasanna- (Worship Lord of Lords, Lord Sai Gajaanana, Lord of the Ganas(demi-gods) and Beloved son of Gauri)
Gauri Nandana Sai Gajaanana Gaja Vadana Gananaatha Gajaanana Gauri Nandana Sai Gajaanana Maha Ganapathey Sai Gajaanana Gajaanana Sai Gajaanana- (O, elephant faced Lord of the Ganas (demi-gods); O Vinaayaka, the son of Parvati The Lord who bestows success, We chant Thy Name)
Hey Gananaatha Gajaanana Hey Ramba Gajaanana Hey Gananaatha Gajaanana Gauri Nandana Gajaanana Gajaanana Hey Gajaanana Siddhi Vinaayaka Gajaanana- (O Ganesha, son of Shiva! You have always granted Your devotees freedom from the eternal cycle of births and deaths. You have constantly removed obstacles from their path. O Lord of demigods, the whole universe adores You. Bestow Your Grace on us O auspicious One!)
Hey Shiva Nandana Bhava Bhaya Bhanjana Vighna Vinaashaka Gajaanana Gaja Vadana Gana Naatha Vishwa Vandya Shiva Shambhu Kumaara Parvathi Tanaya Ganeshwara Gana Naatha Shubha Daatha Pahi Prabhu- (This bhajan is dedicated to Ganesha: Son of Shiva and Parvati ; (Girija is a name for Parvati meaning "born of a mountain") Destroyer of the fear of the sea of change; One Who is fond of music; Destroyer of demonic qualities; One Who fosters the meek)
Hey Shiva Nandana Bhava Bhaya Bhanjana Girija Nandana Gaana Vinodana Danava Mardana (2X) Paalitha Deena Vana Gajaanana [2nd time:] Girija Nandana- (Victory to Lord Ganesh, the Lord who brings auspiciousness. Victory to Vinayaka (Lord Ganesh) who gives us all that we want. Victory to Lord Ganapathi who is adorned with Kumkum)
Jai Ganaraaya Shree Ganaraaya Jai Ganaraaya Shree Ganaraaya Mangala Moorthi Mooriya (2x) Siddhi Vinaayaka Mangala Daatha (2x) Ashta Vinaaayaka Mangala Dhayaka Mangala Moorthi Mooriya (2x) Sindhura Vadana Pankaja Ramana (2x) Sindhura Vadana Pankaja Ramana Ganapathi Baba Mooriya (2x) Mangala Moorthi Mooriya (2x)- (Glory to the leader of the Ganas, to the destroyer of obstacles; To the bestower of good fortune and one who grants intelligence; To Gauri's son Ganesh with the elephant face, son of Shiva who bears the Ganges river)
Jai Jai Jai Gana Naayaka Jai Jai Vighna Vinaashaka Jai Shubha Mangala Daayaka Vidhya Buddhi Pradaayaka Gaja Vadanaa Gauri Nandana (2x) Gangaadhara Shiva Shambho Nandana- (Victory to Thee, Hey Gajaanana (elephant faced One - Lord Ganesh) Oh son of Parvathi, son of Pashupathi (Shiva), the ancient and auspicious One, victory to Thee)
Jai Jai Jai Hey Gajaanana Gajaanana Sai Gaja Vadanaa Parvathi Nandana Gajaanana Pashupathi Tanaya Gajaanana Aadi Poojya Deva Gajaanana- (Glory to the Lord of the Ganas; Ganesha who has the head of an elephant; His mother is Parvati, his father, Shiva.)
Jai Jai Jai Jai Ganapathi Deva Gajaanana, Gajaanana Gajaanana Hey, Ganapathi Deva Maatha Parvathi Pitha Mahadeva Gajaanana Hey Ganapathi Deva- (Victory to Lord Ganesh, destroyer of obstacles and grantor of good intelligence and success. Victory to beloved son of Mother of Universe, Mother Rambha. Worship Elephant-Faced Lord Vinaayaka, who has one tusk.)
Jai Shree Ganesh Vighna Naasha Gajaanana Vidyaa Buddhi Sarva Siddhi Puranjana Jai Shree Ganesh Vighna Naasha Gajaanana Jai Hey Rambha Hey Jagadamba Nandana Eka Danta Dayavanta Shubhaanana Mangala Daayaka Hey Vinaayaka Vandana- (Glory to Lord Ganesha, The Leader of the "Ganas" (Ganas: volunteers of Lord Shiva) The Giver of Knowledge and Promoter of intellect, Also the Giver of prosperity and achievements Victory to the Lord with the long nose, Whose vehicle is the mouse, The Son of Mother Gauri)
Jaya Deva Jaya Deva Jaya Jaya Ganapathi Deva Vidya Daayaka Buddhi Pradaayaka Vriddhi Siddhi Karo Deva Girijaanandana Bala Gajaanana Jai Lambodara Mooshika Vaahana- (Victory, all Glory to Ganesha, remover of obstacles, dwelling in Puttaparthi. He also dwelt in Shirdi in his past incarnation.)
Jaya Ganesha Deva Jaya Ganesha Puttaparthi Vaasa Sai Ganesha Jaya Ganesha Deva Jaya Ganesha, Puttaparthi Vaasa Sai Ganesha Parvathi Nandana Jai Shree Ganesha, Shirdi Pureesha Sai Ganesha- (Victory to Lord Vinaayaka, beloved son of Lord Shiva and Parvati. He is always appeased and worshipped first. O Grantor of Success! I surrender at Thy Lotus Feet. Thou art the destroyer of all obstacles)
Jaya Ho Jaya Ho Mooshika Vaahana Hey Shiva Nandana Prathama Vandanaa Parvathi Tanaya Siddhi Vinaayaka Charanam Sharanam Vighna Haranam (Hey Shiva...)- (Victory to Thee, Hey boy Gajaanana (Ganesha). Victory to Thee, son of Shiva and Parvathi. Thou art the remover of all obstacles, the bestower of victory. You are worshipped by all; You have a pleasant face. We seek refuge at Thy Feet, Oh Gajaanana)
Jaya Jaya Girija Baala Gajaanana Jaya Shivashankara Parvathi Nandana Vighna Vinaashaka Vijaya Gajaanana Sharavana Sevitha Sumukha Gajaanana Tava Pada Sharanam Sharanam Gajaanana- (Victory to Gajaanana, the elephnat faced God, whose Mother is Parvati and father is Lord Shiva, the Prince of all creation and creatures, The One we worship first)
Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey Gajaanana Gajaanana Hey Gajavadana Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey Gajaanana Parvathi Nandana Gajaanana Pashupathi Tanayaa Gajaanana Aadi Poojya Deva Gajaanana- (Victory to Thee revered Ganesha! O son of Lord Shiva, dispeller of impediments, bestower of intellect, revered by mortals and immortals alike, O good and auspicious Ganesh, O world acclaimed One, our salutations to Thee.)
Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Poojya Gajaanana Jaya Hey Shambho Nandana..(Jaya) Vighna Vinaashaka Buddhi Pradaatha Sura Nara Vanditha Hey Shubha Daata Modaka Priya Prabhu Baala Gajaanana Namo Namo Hey Jaga Vandana (2)- (Victory to Lord Ganesh. O Beloved Prince of the Mother of Universe (Amba) I surrender to Thee. Kindly protect me. O Compassionate One! Guard and protect me. Grant me devotion)
Jaya Lambodhara Pahimaam Jagadamba Suta Rakshamam Jaya Lambodhara Pahimaam Sharanagatha Rakshamam Hey Karunanidhe Pahimaam Hey Gananatha Samrakshamam Nija Bhakthi Mudam Dehinam- (Victory to the One with a big belly - Lord of Demi-Gods, son of Parvati, bestower of auspiciousness and success. You are in the form of the Primeval 'Om'. Thou art the life force of all Beings, You darling son of Shiva who resides in Parthi)
Lambodara Gana Naathha Gajaanana Parvathi Nandana Shubhaanana Pashupati Tanayaa Siddhi Vinaayaka Pranavaakara Shambhoo Nandana Parthipureesha Sai Gajaanana Hey Shiva Nandana Shubhaanana- (O Darling son of Mother Gauri! Thou art the remover of obstacles and evil and thereby confer success. Thy vehicle is the mouse. Please remove all calamities, Oh, destroyer of the demons)
Lambodara Hey Gauri Nandana Vighna Vinaashaka Gajaanana Siddhi Vinaayaka Hey Dukha Bhanjana Asura Vinaashaka Shubhanana Gauri Manohara Mooshika Vaahana Vighna Vinaashaka Gajaanana- (Ganesh, remover of obstacles, the big-bellied Lord, who confers success son of Shiva, son of Ambika, Lord Sai of Shirdi and Parthi.)
Lambodara Hey Vigneshwara Shambho Kumara Siddeeshwara Lambodara Hey Vigneshwara Ambika Tanaya Omkaareshwara Hey Ramba Sai Shirdeeshwara Hey Ramba Sai Partheeshwara- (Hey Lambodara (pot bellied One), victory to You, hey Gajaaanana! Hey son of Parvati, the personification of compassion, the One who liberates (devotees) from bondage and the cycle of birth and death, the One with the Primival form, Son of Shiva, please protect me, Lord, please protect Lord Ganesha)
Lambodara Jaya Gajaanana Parvathi Nandana Parama Dayaaghana Lambodara Jaya Gajaanana Bandha Vimochana Bhava Bhaya Bhanjana Pranava Swaroopa Hey Shiva Nandana Paahi Prabho Maam Paahi Gajaanana- (Chant the name of Ganesh, son of Lord Shiva and Parvathi; Ganesh, whose divine face bestows fortune on us and frees us from the endless cycle of births and deaths.)
Lambodara Shiva Gauri Sutha Hey Shiva Nandana Bala Gajaanana Gajaanana Shubhanana...(Lambodara) Hey Shiva Nandana Bhava Bhaya Bhanjana Shambhu Kumara Gajaanana (2)- (Chant the name of Lord Ganesha, son of Lord Shiva and Mother Gauri. Victory to Ganesha with elephant ears and moon-like forehead. Remover of obstacles, Lord Sai, protect me.)
Lambodara Shiva Gauri Sutha Ganaadhipa Jai Gajaanana Phala Chandra Jai Gaja Karneshwara Vighneswara Maam Pahi Prabhu Sayeeshwara Maam Pahi Prabhu- (I bow to Ganesha, the one with the elephant-face, son of Parvati, Lord of Om.)
Maha Ganapathey Namosthuthey Mathanga Mukha Namosthuthey Maha Ganapathey Namosthuthey Himadrija Sutha Namosthuthey Omkareshwara Namosthuthey- (O mighty God Ganesha! Oh Sai Who is also Ganesha! Ganesha, the One Who has an auspicious form, You are the same Parthi Ganesha)
Mahaadeva Hey Gajavadana Sai Ganesha Gajavadana Mangala Roopa Gajavadana Parthi Ganesha Gajavadana- (Hey son of Gauri (Ganesha), You are a sign of auspiciousness! You are the One with sacred Feet, an auspicious face, the One who destroys misery. You are easy to please, the One who has the most beautiful face, Oh Sai Ganesha)
Mangala Gauri Nandana Mangala Charana Mangala Vadana Mangala Gauri Nandana Sankata Harana Sulabha Prasanna Sundara Vadana Sai Gajaanana- (You are the personification of auspiciousness, O Ganesha, son of Lord Shiva. You, O son of Parvathi, bring auspiciousness into everyone's lives. O single tusked God, destroyer of obstacles You are the One who pervades everything. You are Purusha, You are Prakriti. You are everything, O Sai Ganesh!)
Mangala Moorti Shambho Nandana Mangala Daayaka Parvathi Nandana Eka Dantha Dhara Vighna Vinaashaka Eka Prabhu Jagadeka Vinaayaka Eka Aneka Shree Sai Vinaayaka- (Elephant-faced one, source of bliss, son of Shiva, remover of illusion who rides the mouse; Son of mother Parvati, Lord of Ganas, One who has a mouse as His vehicle, whose feet are auspicious.)
Mathanga Vadana Aananda Sadana Maha Deva Shiva Shambho Nandana Mathanga Vadana Aananda Sadana Maaya Vinaashaka Mooshika Vaahana Matha Maheshwari Bhavaani Nandana Maha Ganapathey Mangala Charana (2)- (Protect me, Elephant-faced one, source of bliss, son of Shiva and Gauri, Giver of auspiciousness and liberation.)
Mathanga Vadana Maam Palaya Mauleeshwara Shiva Gauri Nandana (2) Mangala Daayaka Siddhi Vinaayaka Maya Vinaashaka Mooshika Vaahana- (To the Lord of the Divine Forces, Always I bow in reverence. I am always singing Your glory, God Ganesha)
Namami Nithyam Gananaatham Smaraami Nithyam Gajavadanam Namaami Nithyam Gananaatham Smaraami Nithyam Gajavadanam- (Salutations to You Hey Ganesha, Hey son of Shiva, the One with the elephnat head. Salutations to Thee, Hey Sai Ganesha)
Namosthuthe Ganapathi Ganaraaya Hey Shivanandana Sai Gajaanana Sai Gajaanana Namosthuthe Namosthuthe Namosthuthe Hey Shivanandana Hey Gajaanana Namosthuthe Namosthuthe- (Ganesh, son of Shiva, Parvathi's son, whose face shines with goodness and auspiciousness, who is pleasing to all, faultlessly pure, protect us, Lord.)
Parvathi Nandana Gajaanana Pashupati Nandana Niranjana Parvathi Nandana Gajaanana Paahi Prabho Mam Paahi Prasanna Girija Nandana Niranjana Girija Nandana Subhaanana- (Chant the name of darling son of Lord Shiva (Pashupati) - Lord Gajaanana who is destroyer of obstacles. O son of Lord Shiva - Lord Gajaanana! Kindly protect me and grant me spiritual knowledge and bestow auspiciousness. Chant the name of charming Lord Sai Gajaanana)
Pashupathi Thanaya Baala Gajaanana Thuma Ho Vighna Vinaasha, Ganesha Thuma Ho Vighna Vinaasha Hey Shiva Nandana, Bala Gajaanana Vidya Buddhi Pradaatha Vidya Buddhi Pradaatha Mangala Kar Hey, Mangala Kar Hey Mangala Kar Hey, Mangala Kar Hey Sundara Sai Ganeshs Ganesha Sundara Sai Ganesha- (Please derive joy from our worship, O Sai Ganesh. You are the One who is always worshipped first, O destroyer of obstacles.)
Prasanna Ho Sathya Sai Ganesha Prathama Poojita Vighna Vinaasha Paashaankusha Dhara Parama Pavitra Mooshika Vaahana Gajaanana ... Prasanna Ho Lambodara Hey Shambhu Kumaara Ambika Thanaya Gajaanana- (O primeval God, O auspicious One, O divine Name, dispeller of obstacles, Thou that giveth us enlightenment, Thou that art worshipped by men and gods alike, make our lives auspicious and take us under Thy care O Lord Ganesh.)
Prathama Poojita Vighna Vinaashaka Mooshika Vaahana Gaja Vadana Parama Pavitra Paavana Naama Paashaankusha Dhara Gaja Vadana..(Prathama) Vighna Vinaashaka Budhi Pradaata Sura Nara Vandita Gaja Vadana Vishweshwara Suta Baala Gajaanana Mangala Karo Prabhu Gauri Ganesha- (First sing the glories of Lord Sai Ganapathi, the Lord of demi-gods. Salutations to Lord Sai Lord Ganesh is the promoter of the intellect. Lord Ganesh is also the promoter of happiness)
Prathama Bhajorey Ganapathi Sai Jai Jai Jai Jai Sai Buddhi Pradaayaka Hey Gananaayaka Ganapathi Sai Hey Sukha Dayi Jai Jai Jai Jai Sai- (First pay obeisance to Lord of Demi-Gods, Lord Vinaayaka, who destroys obstacles and assures success; who grants (spiritual) knowledge and intelligence. Lord Sai Gajaanana has mouse as a vehicle.)
Prathama Sharana Gana Naayaka Om Vighna Vinaashaka Siddhi Vinaayaka Vidya Daayaka Buddhi Pradaayaka Mooshika Vahan Sai Gajaanana- (Offer your first prayer to Lord Ganesh. Turn your first reverential thoughts to Shree Sai Baba. Bow to the all-powerful Ganesha. Worship the Lotus feet of Sai whose principal ornament is compassion and who confers boons on His devotees lavishly.)
Prathama Smarana Shree Ganesha Prathama Namana Sai Ganesha ...(Prathama) Vighna Harana Siddhi Kaarana Dhoomra Varna Shree Ganesha Karunaabarana Poojya Charana Vara Pradata Sai Ganesha- (First pay obeisance to Lord Sai Gajaanana, the beloved Prince of Lord Shiva and Mother Gauri. Oh Vinayaka, You are adorned with a single tusk, You are the embodiment of goodness. O Lord Sai Gajaanana! Thou art the Remover of obstacles, Bestower of auspiciousness and Life Force of all beings)
Prathama Vandana Gauri Nandana Hey Shiva Nandana Sai Gajaanana Prathama Vandana Gauri Nandana Eka Dantha Guna Vanta Vinaayaka Vighna Harana Shubha Mangala Charana Pranava Swaroopa Paahi Gajaanana- (Hey Sai, Yu are Lord Ganesha. I prostrate to Thee, Hey destroyer of obstacles. Hey son of Parvathi, Hey Lord of Parthi, Hey son of Shiva, victory to Thee)
Sai Deva Sree Ganesha Vandhey Vighna Vinaasha Parvathi Nandana Parthipureesha Hey Shiva Nandana Jaya Sayeesa- (Lord Sai Gajaanana! Son of Parvathi! Merciful protector and sustainer, full of virtues and granter of immense happiness.)
Sai Gajaanana Deenaavana Sindhoora Vadana Shrithajana Paalana Sai Gajaanana Deenaavana Ambika Thanaya Amaraadheeshwar Aganitha Guna Gana Aananda Daayaka- (Glory to Ganesh, revered Guru, Lord Sai, Shiva bestower of good, supreme Lord of Parvathi, Rama, Krishna, Subrahmanyam, the six-faced guide of the spiritual aspirant)
Sai Ganesha Jaya Ganesha Jaya Guru Deva Sai Mahesha Parvathi Shankara Hey Paramesha Rama Krishna Hari Govinda Vitthala Subramanyam Subrahmanyam Shanmukhanantha Subramanyam- (Elephant-faced Lord Ganesha, son of Shiva and Parvati, whose eyes are like lotuses.)
Shambho Kumaara Gajaanana Shankari Thanayaa Gajaanana Ambika Thanayaa Gajaanana Ambuja Lochana Gajaanana- (Victory to merciful darling son of Lord Shambhoo and Gauri, Lord Gajaanana. Thy form is Om and thou art the remover of obstacles and grantor of boons. )
Shambho Kumaara Gauri Thanaya Gajaanana Sadaya Jai Jai Varada Ganesha Duritha Vinaasha Pranavaa Kaara Naathha Sadaya Gajaanana Sadaya Jai Jai- (Son of that great god, Shiva and most kindly goddess Parvathi, O Ganesh, may you remove every impediment from our life. O divine spirit, worshipped alike by men and gods, bring auspiciousness, O Lord.)
Shankara Sumana Bhavaani Nandana Vighna Vinaashaka Paahi Ganesha Sura Muni Vanditha Sumukha Gajaanana Lambodhara Hey Paahi Ganesha Gangaadhara Sutha Gauri Thanaya Mangala Karo Prabhu Sai Ganesh- (I surrender to Lord Sai Gajaanana, Lord of Demi-Gods. Lord Sai Gajaanana removes obstacles, bestows grace, intelligence and destroys evil tandencies. Worship Lord Sai Gajaanana.)
Sharanam Sharanam Sai Gajaananam Vighna Vinaashaka Gana Natham Buddhi Pradaayaka Sai Gajaananam Asura Vinaashaka Sai Gajaananam Sai Vinaayaka Sai Gajaananam Vighna Vinaashaka Gana Natham- (Oh Subramanya (second son of Shiva and Parvathi), son of Shiva, victory to Thee, Shanmukhanatha (Lord with six heads). Oh Lord Karthikeya (another name for Subramanya), You are the incarnation of the Kali age. I take refuge in You, Shanmukhanatha)
Sharavanaa Shiva Kumara Shanmukhanaatha Jai Jai Shanmukhanaatha Subramanyaa Kaarthikeya Kaliyavathaara Shanmukhanaatha Jai Jai Shanmukhanaatha Om Sharanam Sharanam Shanmukhanaatha- (Victory to Thee O Ganesh, son of Lord Shiva and Parvathi, worshipped by gods and human beings, destroyer of vice and wickedness which plague the present age of Kali. Victory to Thee O lord!)
Shree Gananatha Jaya Gananatha Parvathi Shiva Thanaya Jaya Gananatha Parvathi Shiva Thanaya Shankara Nandana Vijaya Gajaanana Kali Mala Bhanjana Sura Nara Vandana- (Look after us, protect us, O Lord Ganesh. Thou art reputed to protect Thy devotees from impediments and give them a powerful intellect and spiritual enlightenment. We prostrate before Thee in humble surrender.)
Shree Gananatha Paahi Prabhu Parvathi Thanaya Paahi Vibho Vighna Vinaashaka Gajaanana Buddhi Pradaayaka Shubhaanana Siddhi Vinaayaka Shiva Nandana Gauri Nandana Niranjana Paada Namasthe Gajaanana (2)- (I surrenderr to Lord Ganesh to Whom the virtuous pay obeisance O Lord Sai Naathha! Thou art the base and support of the whole Universe, I seek Thy refuge)
Shree Gananaatha Sai Gananaatha Sharanam Sharanam Shree Gananaatha Shree Gananaatha Sai Gananaatha Sura Muni Vanditha Shree Gananaatha Sharanam Sharanam Shree Gananaatha Sarvaadhaara Shree Sai Naathha Sharanam Sharanam Shree Gananaatha- (Glory to Thee, O Lord Ganesha. Glory to the revered Guru, Lord Sai. Lord of Parvathi, Ruler of All, O Rama, Krishna, Govinda, Vitthala, O Subramanyam, Son of Lord Shiva, the God with six faces)
Shree Ganesha Jaya Ganesha Jaya Guru Deva Sai Mahesha Parvathi Shankara Hey Paramesha Ramakrishna Hari Govinda Vitthala Subrahmanyam Subrahmanyam Shanmukhanatha Subrahmanayam (4x)- (Glory to Shree Ganesha, Victory to Ganesha, Lord Genesha. Your Mother is the origin of all, Mother Shakthi, Your Father is Shiva, Lord of all Lords Your Mother is Parvathi, Shiva's Consort, Your father is the great Shankara Lord of all, the Destroyer of evil)
Shree Ganesha Jaya Ganesha Jaya Ganesha Deva Maatha Aadi Para Shakthi Pitha Mahaadeva Shree Ganesha Jaya Ganesha Jaya Ganesha Deva Maatha Aadi Parvathi Pitha Shankara Deva Jaya Ganesha Deva, Jaya Ganesha Deva Parthi Key Sai Prabhu Sankata Hara Deva Sankata Hara Deva Parthi Key Sai Prabhu Paramaananda Deva Jaya Ganesha Deva, Jaya Ganesha Deva- (Lord Ganesh, I surrender to you, protect me, great Lord of the Ganas)
Shree Ganesha Shree Ganesha Sharanam Shree Ganesha Shree Ganesha Paahi Maam Shree Mahaa Ganapathe Namosthuthe Jai Jai Jai Gajanaayaka Shree Ganesha Shree Ganesha Paahi Maam- (Shree Ganesha, protect me; Glory to Ganesh, my protector; Shree Ganesha protect me; Victory to Ganesh, my protector);
Shree Ganesha Shree Ganesha Shree Ganesha Paahimaam Jaya Ganesha Jaya Ganesha Jaya Ganesha Rakshamaam Shree Ganesha Pahimaam Jaya Ganesha Rakshamaam Jaya Ganesha Jaya Ganesha Jaya Ganesha Rakshamaam Shree Ganesha Pahimaam- (O Lord Ganesha, lead us on; You are the Remover of all obstacles You grant auspiciousness, You remove all fear, You manifest as Lord of Puttaparthi)
Shree Ganesha Vinaayaka Vighna Vinaashka Vinaayaka Mangala Daayaka Vinaayaka Bhava Bhaya Naasha Vinaayaka Parthipureesha Vinaayaka- (Always worship Lord Ganapati, remover of obstacles from path.)
Shuklam Bhara Dharam Ganapathi Mantram Nithyam Nithyam Japo Japo Vighna Vinaashaka Vidya Daayaka Veera Ganapathi Bhajo Bhajo- (Salutations to You, Hey Vinayaka, the bestower of boons and intelligence. Salutations to You, son of Shankara, son of Parvathi. Salutations to the One who likes those who surrender. Salutations to Thee, the elephant faced child, Ganesha)
Siddhi Vinaayaka Budhi Pradaayaka Namo Namo Shiva Shankara Sutha Namo Namo Parvathi Thanaya Namo Namo Sharanaagatha Priya Vanditha Ganapathi Namo Namo Hey Shiva Nandana Baala Gajaanana Namo Namo Namo Namo Namo Namo Namo Namo Sai Namo- (O Elephant-Faced Lord Gajaanana! O Lord Sathya Sai Gajaanana! Thy form is Pranava (om) and thou art grantor of spiritual wisdom, success and awarder of auspiciousness, welfare, good fortune, happiness and prosperity.)
Sindhoora Vadana Baala Gajaanana Pranavaa Kara Hey Shiva Nandana Sindhoora Vadana Baala Gajaanana Vidya Buddhi Siddhi Pradaayaka Mangala Karaka Hey Shubha Daayaka Shree Sathya Sai Hey Gana Naayaka- (Chant the Name of Subrahmanya, brother of Ganesha. He holds the position of a revered spiritual teacher. Seek refuge under Him and you will be rid of the endless cycle of births and deaths.)
Subrahmanyam Shanmukhanaatham Subrahmanyam Shree Guru Naatham Karunaa Saagara Shree Kaartikeyam Bhava Bhaya Haranam Bhavaani Tanayam Sharanam Sharanam Deena Sharanyam Sharanam Sharanam Saayeesha Sharanam- (Sing the names of Lord Subramanyam, Lord with six faces, Son of Shiva; Sing the names of Lord Subramanyam and of Shiva; Sing in praise of Lord Subramanyam who was born in the lake called Sharavanabhava)
Subrahmanyam Subrahmanyam Shanmukhanatha Subrahmanyam Subrahmanyam Subrahmanyam Sai Naathha Subrahmanyam Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva Subrahmanyam Hara Hara Hara Hara Subrahmanyam Shiva Shiva Hara Hara Subrahmanyam Hara Hara Shiva Shiva Subrahmanyam Shiva Sharavanabhava Subrahmanyam Guru Saravanabhava Subrahmanyam Shiva Shiva Hara Hara Subrahmanyam Hara Hara Shiva Shiva Subrahmanyam- (Hey elephant faced Lord Ganesha, Your face is beautiful. Hey Gajaanana, You are the Lord with a single tusk (of an elephant). I first worship Thee, Lord Ganesha. You are the One worshipped by all Rishis. Oh Lord Gnaesha, I prostrate to Thee)
Sundara Mukha Sree Gajaanana Eka Danta Sree Gajaanana Sundara Mukha Sree Gajaanana Prathama Namaami Gajaanana Rishi Muni Vanditha Gajaanana Gajaanana Om Gajaanana (3)- (Hey Vinayaka, the beautiful One, You bestow auspiciousness. You are the remover of obstacles (in one's endeavours). You are the son of Eshwari (Parvathi) and You are the Gajanana of Parthi. Victory to Thee, Ganesha)
Sundara Sundara Vinaayaka Subha Mangala Daayaka Vinaayaka Vighna Koti Hara Vimala Gajaanana Sakala Vighna Hara Sai Gajaanana Eshwari Nandana Parthi Gajaanana Jai Jai Ganesha Jaya Sree Ganesha (4)- (O Lord Sai Ganesha! Thou art the remover of obstacles and life force of living beings. You are the son of Parvathi and You are the embodiment of Pranava (Om). You are Sai Ganesha, who lives in Parthi)
Thum Ho Vighna Vinaasha Ganesha Thum Ho Vighna Vinaasha Ganesha (2X) Parvathi Nandana Sai Gajaanana Pranava Swaroopa Parthipureesha Sai Ganesha Vighna Vinaasha- (Chant the name of Lord Ganesh, son of Shiva and Parvathi. He will protect you from all impediments.)
Vighna Vinaashaka Gajavadana Siddhi Vinaayaka Shiva Nandana Gangadhara Suta Gajaanana Lambodhara He Gajaanana (2) Parvathi Nandana Gajaanana (2)- (Lord Ganesha, You are the one who protects us from obstacles befalling our life. O elephant faced God, Chief of demi-gods, You are the embodiment of the primordial sound Om. The Lord of Puttaparthi, Sai is none other than You. (We pay homage to Thee))
Vighna Vinaashaka Gana Naathha Gajaanana Hey Gaja Vadana Gana Naathha Gana Naathha Pranava Swaroopa Gana Naathha Parthipureeshwara Gana Naathha Gajaanana Hey Gaja Vadana- (Thou art Dispeller of all obstacles, O Lord Ganesha You have the body of an elephant. You grant us all peace and happiness Ganesha, You bestow and shower us with all good tidings. You are the Indweller of Puttaparthi oh Lord Ganesha. You are the everlasting Truth, O Ganesha, You remove all our obstacles. Lord Ganesha, we seek Your blessings)
Vighna Vinaashaka Vinaayaka Gaja Vadana Sukha Daayaka Vighna Vinaashaka Vinaayaka Mangala Daayaka Vinaayaka (Putta) Partheeshwara Vinaayaka Sathya Ganesha Vinaayaka Gaja Vadana Sukha Daayaka Vighna Vinaashaka Vinaayaka- (Hey son of Gauri (Parvathi), we chant Thy name, Divine perceptor. You are the remover of obstacles. Victory to You, son of Shiva and Devi (Parvathi). You are the bestower of boons and wisdom. We seek refuge in You, son of Devi (Ganesha))
Vighneshwaram Bhaja Vighneshwaram Sadguru Natham Gauri Sutham Jaya Shiva Nandana Vighneshwaram Pranavaanandam Devi Sutam Siddhi Vinaayaka Vighneshwaram Vidya Daayaka Gauri Sutham Vighneshwaram Bhaja Vighneshwaram Sharanam Sharanam Devi Sutam- (Worship Ganesh, who removes obstacles)
Vighneshwaram Bhajorey Manasa Vighna Haram Bhajorey (3)- (Worship Ganesh, the one who leads, remover of obstacles, protector of the helpless, giver of bliss, son of Parvathi and Shiva)
Vinaayaka Vighna Naashaka Anaathha Rakshaka Aananda Daayaka Uma Maheshwara Hey Shiva Nandana- (Hail Ganesha, who is worshipped before all others; Ganesha, sustainer of the universe; The giver of all boons who destroys worldly fears; Ganesha, who is revered by Saints and Sages; Ganesha, sustainer of the universe.)
Vinaayaka Vinaayaka Vishwaadhara Vinaayaka Vinaayaka Vinaayaka Siddhi Vinaayaka Bhava Bhaya Nasha Suramuni Vanditha Shree Ganesha Vishwadhaara Vinaayaka- ((Chant the Name of) Ganesha who removes all obstacles from our path in our striving for spiritual development, the One who imparts to us higher knowledge, the One who is the Prop of the whole world, the valiant Ganesha.)
Vinaayaka Vinaayaka Vinaayaka Vinaayaka Vighna Vinaashka Vinaayaka Vidya Daayaka Vinaayaka Vishwaadhaara Vinaayaka Veera Ganapathi Vinaayaka Vinaayaka Vinaayaka Vinaayaka Vinaayaka
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This site is hosted by Parimal Patel and was last updated on the 11-Feb-2002 |