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Master and the Sevak |
Every Avatar has got His own
Mission and Vision, which is never for His own benefit. GOD
comes to the world for the benefit of the mankind. He is the Ultimate Supreme.
He Himself is Everything (the gain, the loss, the bliss, the divine).
are very fortunate that we are all living in the same period when GOD has come
in human form. He has a Mission and it is “Dharma
Samsthapana. God in this present advent is trying to teach the mankind that
every living creature is a part of Divinity and that we should love every body
and serve everybody. He himself is leading us in this Mission of Love by
personal example. He is showing us the way, to go about in this great Divine
adventure. He is our Master and we are all his Servants or Sevaks.
Many devotees have a wrong notion that Swami wants us only to
undertake service activities. Swami is also teaching us that the service
activities had to be undertaken with a Divine feeling and that the sevaks’
efforts should be backed up with spiritual activities too. While Swami is not
preaching any specific religious activities, He expects us to be true to our own
religious principles while adhering to the spiritual values.
shall now try to know the implications of calling ourselves as sevaks of the
Great Master. Sevaks can be classified as three different types.
1. The
sevak who waits for the Master’s command and then fulfill the same.
One who does not act to the best of his ability with a commitment, even if his
Master commands him.
The one who understands the mind of the
Master, anticipating the requirements, and then takes the initiative to commit
himself. (Swami uses the word “Ingitham”
which means ‘the thinking of the Lord’) The
sevak does not wait for instructions from the Master.
It is the third category to which we should strive to quality. We
all know the Mission and Vision of our Master. We need
not wait for HIM to say what we should do.
perfect sevak in the organization, from the top level to the Seva dal level
should be aware of Swami’s Mission, and Swami’s line of thinking. When Swami encourages somebody to carry on with some spiritual
assignments, the real sevak will understand the implications. Such sevaks will
understand the mind of the Master. “My life is My Message”. The real sevak
will then follow the cue and encourage such activities by 100% commitments.
Swami does not impose anything against the will of His devotees. Swami does not
even reprimand anybody who acts against the His wishes. Swami just smiles off,
and waits for the devotee to correct Himself in course of time. If the Sevak
does not tune himself to the thinking of Swami, then it would a pitiable case
who misses the great opportunity made available to him.
As it has been mentioned in the earlier paragraphs, our SWAMI is a
loving, compassionate Master. He grants all our wishes. Anybody who go to him with a wish, it will be granted and fulfilled by
our SWAMI. He always says, I do not know to say “NO”
for anything. As a perfect sevak, we should be careful
while asking any wishes from SWAMI. We should not impose
anything on SWAMI that can deviate from the code of conduct. Why
should we ask anything to SWAMI? He knows very well what
to be given, and when to be given. Let us qualify ourselves to be part and
parcel of Swami’s Mission and Vision. Like it has been
said in Gita, “you do your duty. Do not be bothered
about the results. That will be taken care by me”.
should realize the great opportunity provided by Swami. We
should not deviate from the codes prescribed by him. He is leading us with His
own example. He is showing us what to do and what not to do. He is very loving
and caring for us. We should not try to impose our own
way of thinking. We should be very careful and be loyal to him in spreading his
message of Love though Service to the humanity, backed up with spiritual