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AKHANDA BHAJAN – 8th and 9th
November 2003 |
vibrations of the sacred sounds, which arise from the Namasankeertan, have a
mystic energy that draws the omnipresent Divine to the devotees whose
heartstrings vocalize it. The name has the power to redress, cure and save.
Chanting the glory of God is the royal path to self-realisation. When all the
devotees sing the Bhajans in one voice, the Divine Vibrations pervade all
through in the surroundings and electrify them. On the second Saturday-Sunday in
November, Bhajans are conducted for 24 hours on a Global level at all Sathya Sai
Centers, for conferring peace, harmony and bliss to all of mankind.
global Akhanda Bhajan will be on 8th and 9th November
2003. It is felt that it would be appropriate to recollect and remember what our
beloved Divine Lord Sai had told about ‘Bhajans’ and ‘Akhanda Bhajan’ on
various occasions. Some Excepts of what Swami told during His discourses are
given hereunder for the benefit of our members.
" In
this age of kali, Namasankeertan is the easiest way to reach God."
Discourse: 10 July 1959
Akhanda Bhajans means that it should not be just a twenty-four hour affair or
even a seven-day affair; it must go on from birth to death, this contemplation
of the Source and Goal of things. The procession to the cremation ground starts
immediately on birth, and the beating of the heart is the drumbeat for the march
toward that place. Some take a longer route, some reach quickly, but all are on
the way. Therefore, Bhajans has to start in childhood and has to continue. It
must be the constant companion of man, his solace and strength. Don't postpone
it to old age, for it is the essential food for the mind.
the name of the Lord and repeat it always. I was listening to the Bhajans you
did here yesterday and today. Your voices were low; they could scarcely be heard
outside this hall. I know that in a certain institution where they decided to do
Akhanda Bhajans, they had to hire a few persons at so much per hour so that
their plan could succeed. Do Bhajans with faith and enthusiasm. Let the whole
city shake with the devotion you put into every Name that you sing. The Name
promotes comradeship and establishes concord; it stills all storms and grants
Discourse: 14 November 1976
(hearing the Glory of the Lord), Kirtanam (singing the Glory oneself),
Vishnosmaranam (allowing the mind to dwell on that Glory), Padasevanam (adoring
the feet of the Lord), Vandanam (experiencing gratitude and joy at His Grace),
Dasyam (feeling oneself as His instrument), Sakhyam (awareness of His being
one's constant and closest companion), and Atmanivedanam (dedicating one's full
being to Him) -- these are the nine steps in the path of devotion."
O people! Revel in this iron Kaliyug (the age of evil rampant today), for there
is none other so propitious for liberation that the mere remembrance of the name
of the Lord and adoring Him thus are enough to win His grace and set you
is bad, this is good -- can such judgements ever be made about anything in God's
creation when all are manifestations of His will."
of the pure Atman! Last November, on the 23rd, people from all parts of the
world had assembled here to celebrate the Golden Jubilee, and office-bearers of
the centers were here for the Second World Conference and other functions that
took place. Later they expressed their desire that they be allotted a date,
before the close of the Jubilee Year, when they in their own places could
celebrate the happy occasion. In order to overcome their disappointment it was
decided that, in all centers all over the world, Namasankeertan (singing the
glory of God's name) would be held for a full twenty-four hours, beginning at
6:30 p.m. on Saturday (yesterday) and ending at 6:30 p.m. today.
in 42 countries around the globe more than 7000 centers have enthusiastically
taken up this pleasant assignment.
has been named an Akhanda Bhajan, that is to say, devotional singing done
without a break. But was it really an Akhanda Bhajan? It is begun at 6:30 on the
evening of one day and is closed at 6:30 on the evening of the next day. Can we
call it 'unbroken' devotional singing? What is a period of 24 hours when we
consider the vastness of the universe and the eternity of time? It is just a
wink, a minute part of the life of man on earth. By engaging yourselves in the
recitation of the Name of God for one single day, you claim to have done
devotional singing "without a break!" Akhanda -Bhajan must be as
continuous as breathing itself if it is to deserve its name.
must probe into the real significance of the Samkirtan that you are engaged in.
Kirtan is "singing aloud the Glory of God." Samkirtan is the process
of singing, which originates in the heart, not from the lips or tongue. It is
the expression of the joyous thrill that wells up from the heart when the Glory
of God is remembered. It is the spontaneous manifestation of inner ecstasy. No
attention is paid to the blame or praise that others may give. It does not seek
the admiration or the appreciation of the listeners. It is sung for one's own
joy, one's own satisfaction, and one’s own delight. Kirtan of this supreme
type alone deserves the name Samkirtan.
this intense yearning for God and enjoying the experience of adoring Him helps
to purify the atmosphere. Man is today forced to breathe the air polluted by
sounds that denote violence, hatred, cruelty, and wickedness. Therefore, he is
fast losing the high attainments that are in store for him. The vibrations
resulting from singing the glory of God can cleanse the atmosphere and render it
pure, calm, and ennobling. It is with this high purpose in view that this
program of global Samkirtan was designed.
man can escape the influence of the pollution of the air he breathes. The sounds
that we produce, with good intent or bad, spread throughout the air around us.
This is our daily experience. The sounds produced at radio stations pass through
the atmosphere and reach our homes when we tune in. The vibrations travel vast
distances and affect the nature of those who inhale them. The atmosphere also
affects the food man consumes. The plants imbibe the pollution in the
atmosphere, the plants supply the grain, the grain is the basis of the meal, and
meal shapes the character and behavior of the person who consumes it. When the
environment is clean and free from evil vibrations, the food too is pure, and
the person develops a tendency to be loving and simple. It is to ensure such an
atmosphere that this spiritual discipline was initiated the world over.
a man falls into a well, of what use is it if he controls his voice and his
emotions and whispers quietly, "I have fallen into this well, I have fallen
into this well. I am in great danger. Please save me?" No one will be able
to hear or save him. He must shout full-throated, with all the anguish he is
experiencing and with the extreme desire to be saved, "I HAVE FALLEN INTO
THE WELL! SAVE ME! SAVEME SOMEONE!" Only then can he hope to get succor.
when you are caught in the coils of this world, when you have fallen into this
deep well of worldly misery, shout with all your might, with all your heart,
that you maybe saved by God. There is no use muttering faintly and
half-heartedly, "Save me, save me; I am floundering in this cycle of birth
and death." When the prayer comes shrieking through the heart, help is
or devotional singing is of four types: Guna Samkirtan, Leela Samkirtan, Bhava
Samkirtan, and Nama Samkirtan. Guna means 'attributes' (of God). So
guna-Samkirtan is the adoration in song of the manifold attributes of God -
omnipresence, omniscience, compassion, majesty, etc. Leela means 'sport',
therefore Leela Samkirtan is the adoration in song of the various expressions of
these attributes as evidenced by the accounts of sages and seers of all faiths.
Bhava means 'attitude' (of the mind). So Bhava Samkirtan means the adoration in
song of God pictured and contacted under various relationships. Some may prefer
to adore Him as the giver of equanimity, others as a friend, guide, and
guardian, still others as the child one loves and tends, and yet others as the
lover whom one loves with sovereign love. Nama means the name of God, and so
Nama Samkirtan means the adoration of God, calling upon Him by various names,
each describing His glory, His achievements, His relationship with the
names are many, or even countless; it is so in all languages. We have many
groups of 'thousand and eight names' which can he used; for God, as the Vedas
declare, has a 'thousand heads, a thousand eyes and a thousand feet'. Devotees
can adore Him and derive bliss through that adoration, filling each name with
the meaning and significance it carries.
whatever means God is adored, the path of devotion is the easiest and the most
effective, for it is a spiritual discipline of the heart and results in love and
service to all as fellow pilgrims to the same divine goal.
people do question the propriety of calling God by means of such a multiplicity
of names. But each name is indicative only of one aspect of divinity. It denotes
a single part of the Supreme Personality. The eye, the nose, the mouth, the
hand, or the finger may be denoted by distinct words, but they all belong to the
same individual. So, too, one must remember that every name is but a facet, a
part, a ray, of the Supreme. The spiritual discipline consists in recognizing
and becoming aware of the One that supports and sustains the many. That is the
precious gem of wisdom that one must secure and treasure.
is, however, a thief that lurks in the inner consciousness of man, planning to
rob him of this gem. He is desire. When we have gained what we desire, greed,
the accomplice of the thief, steps out and prods us to desire a few more
objects. When what is desired is not gained, another accomplice, anger steps out
and prods us to hate and harm those whom we suspect stood in the way of the
course you cannot instantly eliminate all desire from the mind. So you should
nourish the one desire prescribed by the Vedas.
Vedas lay down four goals before man: righteousness, wealth, desire, and
liberation. Since the first and the last are difficult to attain without
detachment and deprivation of sensual pleasures, man has given them up as
impracticable and is struggling, in all lands and climes, with the middle two --
wealth and desire. All the fear and misery of life can be traced to this dire
mistake. What has to be done is to take the four as two inseparable pairs,
righteousness-wealth and desire-liberation. That is to say, earn wealth through
righteousness, and use wealth for the promotion of righteousness. And let
liberation be your only desire.
means getting rid of bondage. Many people give up hearth and home, wife and
children, property and possessions, and, escaping into forest retreats, pride
themselves on their 'renunciation'. But this act of fleeing cannot be honored by
that name, for such an act by itself cannot confer release when the mind still
remains bound. The fundamental bond, which must be eliminated, is the bond of
ignorance. Death is sweeter than the bondage that ignorance can impose on man.
Cast away ignorance: you are free, liberated from all bonds that very moment.
All spiritual disciplines have this liberation as their goal. Singing God's
name, too, helps you get rid of this basic ignorance.
who rely on reason alone or on the limited laws of science argue that the
repetition of the Name, which is, after all, sound, cannot cleanse or correct
the mind of man. But the Name is not just 'sound'. You are sitting quietly
there, listening, but if someone merely says, "scorpion" you get
frightened. Or when someone says, "the juice of a lemon", your mouth
starts watering. You may be sitting before a plateful of delicacies, but if some
one speaks of something dirty or disgusting, you are apt to refuse the food. The
mere sound creates so much reaction.
certain official was inspecting the work of a teacher in a school. He had a
hearty contempt for mere talk, so he asked the teacher, "How can you ever
transform the nature of these children by the words you utter? Show them by
deeds; act, don't speak." The teacher protested and argued that words have
a profound effect on the mind. The argument continued for some time. At last the
teacher resolved upon a plan to convince the official of his point of view. He
told an urchin of his class, "Here! Catch this official by the neck and
push him out of the room." Hearing those words, the official flew into a
great rage and started pouring abuse on the teacher. The teacher said,
"Sir, I only said a few words. No one pushed you or hit you or touched you.
It was all mere sound. But see how it has enraged you. Words, sir, do help in
modifying character and shaping nature. They have vast power "
words referring to worldly situations have such a transforming effect on the
mind of man, words conveying spiritual and elevated meaning will certainly help
in cleansing and correcting the mind of man. When we fill the air with
harshness, we become harsh in nature. When we fill the atmosphere with hatred,
we, too, have perforce to breathe the air and are hated in turn. When we
saturate the air with sounds full of reverence, humility, love, courage,
self-confidence, and tolerance, we benefit from those qualities ourselves.
heart is the film and the mind is the lens; turn the lens towards the world and
worldly pictures will fall on the heart. Turn it towards God, and it will
transit pictures of the Divine.
always do good, see good, remember good, and be good. Do not seek to discover or
discuss the evil in others, for the attempt will tarnish your own mind. When you
are engaged in searching for the faults and failings of others, you are paving
the way for developing those faults and failings in yourself. Dwell on the good
in others, and in time it will prove an asset to you. The goodness latent in you
shall then be urged to sprout and blossom.
you pray, "Swami, appear in my dream tonight," there is a chance that
you may be lucky to visualize Swami in your dream. But if you pray, turning your
attention to bad things, "Swami, let not a pig or an ass appear in my dream
this night," in all likelihood, the pig and the ass will present themselves
to you in your dream. Why pay undue attention to things you do not need and do
not benefit from? Every thought leaves an impression on the mind, so be ever
alert that contact with evil is avoided. Ideas that are opposed to spiritual
tendencies, that narrow the limits of love, that provoke anger or greed, that
cause disgust -- these have to be shut out. For the spiritual aspirant this is a
very essential discipline. He must sublimate such thoughts before they cause an
impact on the mind, and he should concentrate on the very source of the thinking
process. This can be achieved by the practice of equanimity, unaffectedness, or
balance. This attitude is the mark of the sage who has experienced God and is
called jnana-sakthi or the power of wisdom. Of course it is not easily acquired.
The path of devotion and dedication is easiest for most. It is attainable by
love, for love leads you quickly to the Goal.
upon a time, Namdev (noted for his mastery of the path of devotion and
dedication through constant recital of the Name) and Jnanadev (noted for his
mastery of the path of wisdom) were journeying together through a thick jungle.
They were both afflicted with severe thirst but could not find water anywhere in
spite of a tiresome search. At last they came upon a ruined well with a little
water far down its depth, but they had no means of going down the steep sides.
So Jnanadev used his power and transformed himself into a bird. The bird flew
down and drank its fill, only to change itself into Jnanadev again! Namdev
relied upon the power of the Name. He sat on the edge of the well and called,
'Narayana' (a name for the Lord Himself), in great anguish. God responded to his
prayer. The water rose up to where he sat, and he could gather it in his palms
and quench his thirst. He had no need to embody himself anew and disembody
himself again for the satisfaction of a physical thirst.
prayer that emanates from the heart invokes God, let it be but once, He responds
immediately. But nowadays the call emanates only from the lips, it has not the
ring of sincerity and faith. From the lips, it must roll back on the tongue;
from the tongue, it must go deep into the throat; from the throat, it must reach
down into the heart. Continuous spiritual discipline alone can grant success in
this endeavor. You must become like an infant with no inhibitions or stratagems.
The mother may be attending to her daily chores on the first floor of the house,
leaving the infant in the cradle on the ground floor. But when the child sends
up a loud wail, either through fear or hunger, she rushes down to lift the
child, fondle it, feed it, and comfort it on her lap. She will not stay away
because of the wail not being musical or melodious.
the Mother of the Universe will not weigh the quantity of yoga that you have
practiced or calculate the number of times you have repeated God's name as you
rolled the rosary, or the time taken by you for various kinds of spiritual
discipline. She can be moved, and Her grace can be won, by a genuine appeal
emanating from the heart.
is finding it increasingly difficult to call upon the Supreme Source of power
and grace with such genuineness. His life has become pathetically artificial.
the wish-fulfilling heavenly cow, can be drawn and tied to a post by means of a
rope. God too can be drawn towards you by the rope (the name) and tied to the
post (the tongue). Then His name will be dancing upon the tongue forever,
conferring the sweetness of His majesty. The name has to be sung for your own
delight, to quench your own thirst, to appease your own hunger. No one eats to
appease another' s hunger, nor takes medicines to alleviate another's illness.
So do not care for what others feel about your meditation or devotional singing.
Do not seek the approval, appreciation, or admiration of others, or refrain from
your form of worship because others dislike it or ridicule it. Be self reliant,
self-confident. See through your own eyes; hear through your own ears. Most
people today believe their ears and deny their eyes; or they use the eyes, ears,
and even the brains of others and thus fall into error and fear.
this: Here you do devotional singing twice a day, but meals are taken four times
a day! Physical exercises are resorted to in order to make the body strong and
fit. Grain and cereal are grown and stored and used to strengthen the body. But
meditation is equally necessary for strengthening the mind, so that, in its weak
state, it may not yield to the viruses of lust, greed, anger, hatred, pride,
etc. If the body is well developed and the head is weak, it is a case fit for
the lunatic asylum. Food should be for both body and head and both these should
be dedicated to the realization of God, the truth behind and beyond all truths.
good company and spending all available time in that comradeship will help the
aspirant a great deal. The company you keep shapes you: a piece of iron turns
into rust if it seeks the company of the soil. It glows, it softens, and takes
on useful shapes if it enjoys the company of fire. Dust can fly if it chooses
the wind as its friend; it will end as slime in a pit if it prefers water. It
has neither wing nor foot, yet it can either fly or walk, rise or fall,
according to the friend it selects.
this truth, Kabir, the great mystic-poet, sang, "Here are my prostrations
to the bad. Here are my prostrations to the good." When asked why he
offered prostrations to the bad along with the good, he replied, "I
prostrate before the bad so that they might leave me alone; I do the same before
the good, so that they might remain near me always."
is a burning coal; here, at some distance, is a cold piece of coal. When they
contact each other, the heat spreads to the cold piece of coal, and the part
that is in contact with the burning coal is rendered hot and red. If you
vigorously wave a fan over the contact area, soon the entire piece of coal
becomes a burning ember.
alone, is not enough for realization; one has to make it 'dear' by the fan of
spiritual discipline by which the human becomes divine. The Vedas say that he
who knows Brahman, the formless God, becomes Brahman. The coal knew fire and
became fire. Spiritual discipline is the cultivation of love. Be full of love;
taste the exhilaration that love can confer. Man is love embodied; he thirsts
for love, and he finds real joy in loving and receiving selfless love. You have
forgotten your real nature, which is love, and so you exude misery, hate, and
jealousy. Never be morose or melancholic. Let all see you exuberant with love
and light and joy. Do not entertain passion or prejudice, anger or anxiety. Take
the spiritual discipline of the Name, the Namasankeertan, and the path will he
program of devotional singing continuously done for 24 hours all around the
world in all lands has, therefore, spread the message of love through the names
of the embodiment of Universal Love. It has saturated the atmosphere with
thoughts of God and of the peace and joy that He showers. The devotional singing
that you have done here has affected not only this particular area and its
environment, but it will transmute the entire atmosphere. Continue this attitude
of devotion and humility, of service and tolerance, and the atmosphere will not
be polluted by hatred. Do not contaminate the air by voices of acrimony,
scandal, insult, or slander. Keep silent when you feel like expressing such
ideas; that itself is a service to you and to others.
is a song; sing it. That is what Krishna taught through His life. Arjuna heard
that song on the battlefield, where tensions were at their highest and when the
fate of millions was to be decided by the sword. Krishna sang the Gita for
Arjuna to listen. Gita means 'song', and He sang because He was in bliss,
wherever he might be -- in Gokulam, on the banks of the Yamuna, or at
Kurukshetra between the warring armies.
too must pass your days in song. Let your whole life be a spiritual song.
Believe that God is everywhere at all times, and derive strength, comfort, and
joy by singing His glory in His presence. Let melody and harmony surge up from
your hearts, and let all take delight in the love that you express through that
Discourse: 8 November 1986
we are having non-stop twenty-four-hour global devotional singing the (Akhanda
Bhajan) by Sai devotees all over the world. This is being done not for the sake
of one individual, one nation, or one community. It is for the welfare of
humanity as a whole.
Bhajans that are sung permeate the ether in the form of sound waves and fill the
entire atmosphere. Thereby, the whole environment gets purified. Breathing in
this purified atmosphere, our hearts get purified. Reciting the Lord's name is a
process of give and take. Singing the Lord's name should become an exercise in
mutual sharing of joy and holiness. It should be remembered that the sounds we
produce reverberate in the atmosphere. They remain permanently in the ether as
waves and outlast the individual uttering the sounds.
Bhajans should not be treated as a pastime. When thousands of persons join in
singing Bhajans, they should be fully absorbed in the devotional process and the
ecstasy of that experience. The singing should be vibrant and soulful, and not
mechanical or drawling and uninspiring. It should combine feeling (Bhava),
melody (raga) and rhythm (tala). What delight can be experienced when all sing
in chorus, with the same feeling, in the same tune, and to the same timing! When
there is such unity, the Divine can be experienced.
all realize the potency and efficacy of reciting the Lord's name. The first
requisite is purity of thought, word, and deed. The name that is uttered by the
tongue should be meditated upon by the mind. Clapping the hands should hail what
is uttered and dwelt upon. This threefold concentration on the Divine name
--unity of mind, speech, and action-- purifies the heart and nourishes the
feeling of devotion.
chanting the Name is done in community singing, it should be in a form in which
the entire group can participate easily. The tune, the rhythm, etc. should be
such that all can follow the Bhajan. If the lead singer takes up a song that is
not familiar to others, the response from the group will be poor. There will be
no enthusiasm or genuine participation. Their minds will be distracted. When all
the devotees participate in the Bhajan, the vibrations that are produced will
generate joy and harmony.
who organize mass singing on special occasions are not aware what kind of
Bhajans that should be sung then. A person who has an individual style of his
own may sing as he likes in private, but he is not suitable for community
rules are to be observed in conducting community Bhajans. Elaboration of a
melody (alapana) may be done in individual singing (Kirtana), but it is
wholly out of place in community Bhajans. Hence, in such Bhajans, the accent
should be entirely on the Name.
Discourse: October 23, 1994
that there is nothing greater than Bhajan. What bliss is there in Bhajans! What
a demonstration of oneness is it when a myriad throats join in uttering the name
of God! The vibrations emanating from them make the heart vibrant. If you sing
alone in your shrine, the vibrations return to you as reaction. But in community
singing, what you have is not a reaction but a wave of vibrations. They enter
into the atmosphere and purify the polluted air. The atmosphere today is
polluted by bad thoughts and feelings. When you sing the glory of God, the bad
germs in the air are destroyed and a treatment with antibiotics purifies the air
as it were.
are therefore supremely valuable. It has been said that in the Kali Age there is
no greater spiritual practice than chanting the name of the Lord. Let one
remember the name of Rama at the time of passing, whether he is a millionaire or
a pauper, whether he is a scholar or an illiterate. Sing the name of the Lord
and redeem your lives!
Discourse: April 11, 1997
role of Bhajans in purifying the atmosphere should be recognized. In this
context, the role of community singing should be understood. Singing Bhajans in
your home, you may indulge in your fancies and derive whatever joy you get
therefrom. "Samkirtan" (community singing) calls for whole headed,
soulful singing, which moves the hearts of the listeners. Bhajans should not be
a routine ritual. You must put your heart and soul into the singing.
reciting the names of the Lord you have to bear in mind another fact. When you
recite the names thousands of devotees are listening. You must chant names which
are familiar to all of them. You should not expect people to follow whatever you
sing. You should see that they can easily respond to your song. The names you
chant should be short and sweet. If you use big words and complicated terms, the
devotees will not be able to follow you. In that situation they may get
depressed. What can they do when they do not hear you properly and cannot
respond in chorus? They get disgusted.
in your Bhajans use short names like Rama, Krishna, Allah, Jesus and so on. Then
all would be able to follow you with ease. If you use high-sounding words, few
can follow you. Eschew any aversion to any faith or nation. Have no ill will
towards any one. Do not cause hurt to anyone. Look upon all-alike. This feeling
of oneness should spread all over the world.
Discourse: May 15, 2000
should sanctify yourself and the atmosphere around by chanting the divine name.
What is the purpose of doing Bhajans? Chanting of the divine name purifies the
atmosphere by sending sacred vibrations in to it. These vibrations, set off by
the chanting of the divine name, destroy evil and impure feelings deeply
ingrained in man.
Discourse: September 1, 2000
do Bhajans without understanding their significance. Instead of focusing their
attention on God, they are bothered too much about the tune and the rhythm. No
doubt, tune and rhythm are also essential in Bhajans. But once you fill your
heart with Divine love, the tune and the rhythm will automatically be taken care
of. If you concentrate too much on the tune and the rhythm, you will not be able
to think of God. Just as the iron ball cast in fire becomes one with it, your
mind should become one with God. Water cannot be separated from milk; likewise,
your mind should get merged in God. You should not think that you are separate
from God.
Discourse: February 22, 2001
you sing Bhajans, take care that the words you utter do not convey negative
meanings. Here is an example. Our boys sing many Hindi Bhajans, in which they
often use the word 'Thu' meaning 'you'. They sing 'Thu Rama', 'Thu Krishna',
'Thu Sai'. (You are Rama, you are Krishna, you are Sai, etc.) But in Telugu, the
letter 'Thu' conveys a derogatory meaning. You may use 'Thu Hai' instead of
'Thu'. The Bhajans you sing must convey sacred meanings. You should not give
scope for disrespectful words.
doing Bhajans, you may sing various songs with different tunes and beats but
your mind should be constantly fixed on the Atma. All your actions must be done
with the sole purpose to please God. Arjuna asked Lord Krishna as to how he can
fight in the war if he has to constantly think of God. Krishna replied, "O
simpleton, it is your body and the senses which are involved in the warfare.
Such being the case, you can always focus the mind on God."
Discourse: May 26, 2002
The joy we get from singing Bhajans and by performing worship is temporary. But by experiencing the essence of "Soham" Mantra, you will get eternal joy. This Soham is also known by the name "Hamsa Gayatri". "So" means "that", "Ham" means "I am". "I am that" is the meaning of Soham. You should chant Soham with every breath. When you breathe, you are inhaling "So" and you are exhaling "Ham". If we repeat Soham Mantra with every inhalation and exhalation of breath, it will do a lot of good to you. Repeat "Soham" with every breath and watch your breath carefully.