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Mantra - The Sai Way |
One day "Kasturi ji noticed that Swami was asking devotees to give Him the cheap rings they were wearing and He would close the ring in his hand and blow on it - when the hand opened there would be a lovely new ring. I used to happen so many times that Kasturi also wanted Swamis magic to turn the cheap ring he was weraing into a divine artpiece - but Swami would not even look at him. So one day Kasturi ji got a big ring with a big red stone. You just could not miss noticing it - it was so loud. But still Swami would not notice it. Morning darshan are over and the bhajan are over. Kasturi ji is desperate so now he is holding his ring hand upto his mouth to cough - so Swami would notice. But Swami does not notice. Lunch is over and now everybody is going. Dejectedly Kasturi ji also moves to leave - when Swami comes over and says, "Ahaa Kasturi you have a big ring," Yes Swami replied Kasturi ji and before Swami could say give me that ring - Kasturi ji is ready with the ring slipped out from His finger. Swami takes the ring and closes it in His fist. He blows on it three times. Kasturi ji is now beaming a simle wider than the widest and is eagerly awaiting for his new ring to emerge when the hand opened. Slowly the hand opens and loo and behold - his red stone ring has just vanished. Kasturi ji is struck speechless. Swami gives Kasturi a smile and mutters He has taken care of the ring.
Source: [saidevotees_worldnet]