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of love, compassion responsible for pollution |
Man has no
doubt mastered many ways of accumulating wealth and amassing fortune; yet
happiness eludes him. Why? Because his conduct is not proper. For good
conduct, virtues are most essential. A virtuous person can accomplish
anything. A son lacking in virtues and a life with-out a meaningful goal are
of no value. Without virtues, life ceases to have any meaning. Good conduct
should be the real basis for life. However, modern man is totally lacking in
character and virtues. No wonder both peace and happiness elude him. Because
of man's misconduct and immoral behaviour, there is pollution everywhere in
air, water, land and food. All the five elements have been severely
contaminated, consequent to man's unbecoming behaviour. If man behaves
properly, is pollution of the elements conceivable? It is all due to the
extensive prevalence of immoral feelings and improper behaviour. It is the
sharp decline of values like Love, Compassion, and Forbearance that is
directly responsible for the widespread pollution that one sees today.
If you fill a coloured bottle with the water of the Ganges, it would appear
coloured. If the bottle is red, the water would seem red while if the bottle
is blue the water too would appear blue. Where does the colour come from? From
the water or the bottle? Ganges water is intrinsically pure; the colour is
therefore due to
the bottle holding the water. The human being is like a bottle. It evil
thoughts dominate, the body indulges in bad actions; if good thoughts
prevail, the body performs good actions. The body is not responsible for the
actions; the thoughts that propel the body are. Bad feelings, bad thoughts and
bad company provide the stimulus for bad actions.
If you constantly chant the name of God, the polluted atmosphere would
automatically get purified. The Divine vibrations originating from the
chant of the Divine Name mix with the atmosphere and spread everywhere,
indeed throughout the world.
Give up bad company and join good company. Do good day in and day out. This is
the way to sanctify human life. Although numerous opportunities exist for
following the correct path, people miss them all and instead waste their time.
People seem to revel in seeking bad company even if they have to pay for it.
Why do you have to go in search of bad thoughts and company? Instead, why
don't you receive the good that is offered to you free and at no charge? It is
a grave mistake to reject the good and accept only the bad.
Man is made up of the five elements, everyone of which is Divine in origin.
They are all intrinsically sacred. If they are polluted today, man alone is
responsible for that Enquire deeply into the meaning of the five elements,
and realise that you yourself are made up of them. Make every possible effort
to venerate and revere the elements in a suitable manner. Your breath must
always resonate to the chant of God's name. Always be singing His Glory
Sourced: The
Times of India - Mumbai Edition - 21/02/2003 - Page 8
website: www.sairam.ar.cx