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Oh foolish Mind! Why do you go hither and thither in search of Brahman when He is present in you? Turn inward and you will find Him there. There is no greater fortune than this. |
(Telugu Poem) |
Embodiments of love!
God's creation
is wonderful and mysterious. Spiritual aspirants undertake various
Sadhanas to have the vision of God. Every mantra is a combination
of words with profound inner meanings. It has myriad meanings, but we have
to take that which is suitable to our place and circumstances. The Divine
Dakshinamurthy gave inner meanings of these mantras for the benefit
of seekers so that they could understand them easily and experience bliss.
He taught the Mantras to the world in a simple and lucid way. He laid
special emphasis on three words representing Jeeva (individual),
Deva (God) and Manas (mind).
What is the role of
mind which separates individual and God? God is the embodiment of
Chaitanya (consciousness). Mind is assigned the task of bringing
together Jada (inert) and Chaitanya. Individual, God and the
mind in conjunction constitute a Mantra. Jeeveswaraprakriti is the term
used to describe these three. The duty of mind lies in transforming
individual into Divine. How does the mind perform this function? The
individual is represented by the term Vyashti, whereas God is the
embodiment of Samashti (society). Mind is a combination of
Vyashti and Samashti. Hence, the mind is endowed with sacred
power. In this modern age, the mind is described as a mad monkey. It is
not as mad a monkey as people believe. Mind represents mankind. It acts as
a link between man and God. Hence, the mind is highly sacred and powerful.
Manah Eva Manushyanam Karanam Bandhamokshayo (mind is responsible
for both bondage and liberation of man). The power of mind is unique. But
people have not grasped the greatness and grandeur of the mind and hence
have not accorded due respect to it. They have not even understood the
correct meaning of the word mind and are using it for trivial worldly
tasks. The mind is very intense and has several facets. It is endowed with
purity, valour, courage, etc. No one has been able to understand the
nature and power of the mind. Without the mind, the terms Jiva and Deva
will lose their significance. It is the mind that demonstrates the mighty
power connecting the individual and God. One has to make efforts to
understand the difference between mind, individual and the divinity
As I told you yesterday, the mind represents
Vishnu, the breath, Easwara and the speech, Brahma.
It is said that Brahma has emerged from the navel of Vishnu.
Likewise, speech originates from the mind. Speech is endowed with immense
power. The Vedas and the Upanishads contain many teachings, each
consisting of three words. These words became Mantras themselves.
Not all can comprehend the essence of these Mantras. Tat Twam
Asi (That Thou Art), Ayam Atma Brahma (this Atma is verily
Brahman), Sarvam Khalvidam Brahma (verily all this is Brahman),
Brahmavid Brahmaiva Bhavati (the knower of Brahman becomes Brahman
himself). All these teachings of the Upanishads are verily sacred
Mantras. Even the divine names, which appear as mere appellations
are Mantras. They can be interpreted in many ways. There are four
profound statements in each of the four Vedas, the Rig Veda, Yajur
Veda, Sama Veda and Atharvana Veda. These give the very essence
of the Vedas. Each Mantra contains the essence of all the
Mantras. Hence, it is not necessary to know all the Mantras and their
meanings. Take for instance, Tat Twam Asi (That Thou Art) and
Aham Brahmasmi (I am Brahman). When you enquire deeply, you can
very clearly see that both mean the same. The Mantra, Sarvam Khalvidam
Brahma (All this is verily Brahman) also conveys the same truth. In
this manner, all the Mantras essentially proclaim the same truth.
True spiritual practice lies in understanding this unity. Brahmavid
Brahmaiva Bhavati (the knower of Brahman becomes Brahman himself). One
who understands unity verily becomes God. This is the message of the
Embodiments of Love!
You are God. Understand this truth in the first
instance. Every one is divine. Then, you may wonder where is the need to
worship God? You have to worship Him till you understand and experience
this unity. You are leading a very ordinary and worldly life. Such being
the case, how can you understand the transcendental divine principle? You
are Vyashtiswarupa (individual self), whereas God is
Samashtiswarupa (Cosmic Form). Hence, it is not possible for
Vyashti to understand Samashti. Neither spiritual practices nor
chanting of the Mantras can transform Vyashti into
Samashti. Transformation is possible only when Vyashti identifies
himself with Samashti. Vyashti should firmly believe, "I am
A potter collects clay from the river bank, mixes water in
it, puts it on a wheel and makes pots. The pot cannot hold water unless it
undergoes Agni Samskara (refinement through fire). Just as a pot
becomes strong when it is processed in fire, man becomes God when he
undergoes refinement in the fire of wisdom. The pot which came from mud
will ultimately disintegrate and become one with it. Likewise, every
object and every being in this world will ultimately go back to its source
of origin. Human being can be compared to a pot and God is the potter. If
the 'pot' is not processed in fire of wisdom, it will break when put to
use. What is wisdom? Advaita Darshanam Jnanam (perception of
non-duality is wisdom). One should refine oneself in the fire of wisdom
and experience non-dualism. Clay gains value when it is refined and made
into a pot. The metal gold gains added value and strength when it is made
into a beautiful ornament. Likewise, refinement manifests the latent power
in man and increases his value.
God's Will is Vajra
Sankalpa. God is known as Hiranyagarbha (one with a golden
womb). He is present in everyone. As you are the embodiments of God, I
address you as 'Bangaru'! (gold). It is not enough if you merely have
gold. It has to be made into an ornament. In order to make an ornament out
of gold, you need to add a few metals like copper, brass, etc. Only then
gold will become strong, heavy and sturdy. Science students can easily
understand this. The food that we eat contains many metals like gold,
copper, iron, etc. Iron content is more in leafy vegetables. Tamarind and
lemon preparations develop amla, which is the basic constituent in
the formation of cells. In this manner, food strengthens our
The dreams that you experience are actually the reactions of
your food and habits. There is an intricate and inseparable relationship
between food, head and God. Food plays a vital role in the spiritual path.
When we consume the right kind of food, it helps us in our effort to
understand Divinity. As is the food, so is the mind. Only one with
pure mind can understand Divinity. In order to cultivate purity of mind,
you should partake of pure and Sathwic food. You should consider
food as God. It is said, Yad Bhavam Tad Bhavati (as you think so
you become). If you consider food as mere Padartha (matter), it
will remain so. Depending on the feeling, it undergoes change. Take for
instance, the magnetic power in the body. It gets transformed into
electric power. It gives rise to sound energy and develops Tejas
(effulgence). Jewellery shines with added brilliance when it is polished.
Likewise every man is endowed with Tejas which is known as Chaitanya
Shakti (power of consciousness).
If you enquire deeply, you
can visualise God in every human being and in every material. Any
Padartha (matter) should not be looked upon as mere
Padartha. It should be considered as Parartha (the essence
of Divinity). There is a gulf of difference between Padartha and
Parartha. Padartha corresponds to worldly matter, whereas
Parartha is the transcendental divine principle. Since
Padartha is viewed as mere matter and not as Parartha, its
value is demeaned. We attach value to that which has no real value. On the
other hand, we do not value that which has to be valued most. The mind is
responsible for all this. Hence, we have to purify the mind and focus it
on Divinity. When the mind is focused on Divinity, our Tejas also
Today man is
wasting his energy by entertaining bad thoughts and feelings. To keep bad
thoughts in check, one has to develop divine thoughts. What are divine
thoughts? You should consider everything as divine. Every drop of blood in
your body is suffused with Divinity. Food generates blood and energy in
the body. This divine energy has to be properly utilised by entertaining
divine thoughts.
One cannot partake of paddy in its raw form. It
has to be de-husked and refined into rice and then cooked well. Only then
will it be fit for consumption. When paddy undergoes refinement and
becomes rice, its value enhanced several fold. The process of refinement
involves grinding, separating the husk, removing the dust and polishing.
In the same way, one cannot get happiness for the mere asking. One has to
work for it. The more one engages in right works, the greater will be the
reward. So, one should be prepared to work hard and get refined. Studying,
eating, walking, sitting, running, smiling and weeping, all these
constitute the process of refinement. How does weeping refine man? When
one weeps, one gets rid of impure water.
The process of refinement
lies in accepting that which is good and rejecting all that is bad.
Consider our breathing process for example. We inhale oxygen and exhale
carbon dioxide. Wherever a marriage function is held, people gather in
large numbers, and hence more carbon dioxide is released polluting the
atmosphere. Green leaves absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. That is
the reason our ancients used to decorate the venue of marriage with
buntings of fresh mango leaves and plantain leaves. Unfortunately, people
have forgotten the inner significance of such sacred tradition. They
decorate their houses with buntings of plastic leaves because they are
long lasting and easy to procure. In the name of modernism, they are
spoiling their health. They do not understand the sanctity of food. They
adopt modern methods to prepare food and in the process waste a lot of
money. Modernism has made them lazy. They are prepared to pay a rupee to a
coolie to carry vegetables purchased for half a rupee. Such is the sorry
state of affairs.
Embodiments of Love!
Consider food as Parartha (God) and not mere
Padartha (matter). Take care that the food that you eat helps you
maintain good health. Do not consume stale food. It is like poison.
You are not putting into practice what you
are studying. You have learnt that the combination of hydrogen and oxygen
results in water. But how far is it useful in your daily life? What is the
use of doing experiments in the laboratory if people are not benefited by
it? Today people in several places are suffering from water scarcity. Is
it possible to mix hydrogen and oxygen and provide them water? No. There
are many rivers in Bharat, but what is the use? Their waters are flowing
into the ocean without being properly utilised. Today different States are
engaged in conflicts with each other over the water issue. Why don't they
make proper use of the water available? Make proper use of the rivers that
are flowing in Bharat. Bharat is a highly sacred and prosperous land. It
has earned the appellation 'Annapurna' (land of plenty of food).
But today, people of Bharat are suffering for want of food. What is the
reason? People are misusing the available resources. If you put them to
proper use, you as well as your fellowman can be happy.
Embodiments of Love!
Do not
waste anything. Even while washing their hands; some people open the taps
too much and in the process much water gets wasted. Wastage of water
really pains Me. Don't waste water; don't waste food. Many people in the
world are dying of hunger. Hence, instead of wasting food, give it to
those who are in dire need of it. There are some who resort to escapist
solohistry saying that the food they throw will not be wasted because dogs
would feed on it. Even dogs would not touch such food because it would be
in a completely spoiled state. In this modern age, not only human beings,
but even animals are very intelligent. They decide to eat or not to eat it
only after sniffing at it. Don't waste food, time, energy and water.
Understand that time is very important. Time wasted is life wasted.
Yesterday, I spoke to you at length on various topics. As I am speaking
everyday, My voice is becoming louder and clearer. It only shows that when
you speak good words, you will get more strength. Do not indulge in
unnecessary talk. Speak to the extent needed. Don't waste your word. If
you talk loudly, it amounts to wasting your word. Only those for whom they
are meant should hear your words. There are some who talk very loudly even
while walking on the road. Nobody will respect such people. You have to
uphold your self-respect and manifest it by your speech and conduct. Na
Sreyo Niyamam Vina (without discipline, there can be no welfare).
Why do I walk slowly? It is only to give you Darshan for more
time. I can walk much faster, but I don't like to do it because if I walk
slowly all of you can have My Darshan to your heart's content. I am happy
when you are happy. I walk slowly only to make you happy.
Do not talk
without restraint. You will earn the respect of others only when you
respect your words. You may study well and get good marks but that is not
enough. You should develop self-confidence and follow the dictates of your
conscience. When you satisfy your conscience, you will certainly attain an
exalted position in life.
Abraham Lincoln was
born in a poor family. In his childhood, he did not have even proper food
to eat. His dresses were torn and dirty. His fellow students hailing from
rich families used to make fun of his dress. Lincoln could not bear the
humiliation any longer. One day, he came back from school crying. When his
mother questioned, he said his classmates were making fun of his poverty.
He wanted a pair of new clothes to be stitched for him. His mother
consoled him saying, "Son, let others say what they want. You respect all.
Do not hate anybody. Understand our family position and act accordingly.
With our meagre income, we cannot afford to buy a new dress for you. Keep
your dress neat and clean. Develop self-confidence. Uphold your
self-respect." The words of his mother made an indelible impression on the
tender heart of Lincoln. He followed his mother's teachings and ultimately
became the President of America. He could occupy such an exalted position
because of his self-confidence. He respected all.
I am giving you My own example. When I was
studying in 3rd standard and 4th standard, I had only one pair of shorts
and shirt. I could not afford to give them to dhobi for washing and
ironing. Everyday, after returning from school, I would wear a towel and
wash My clothes. I used to put live embers in a small metal container and
use it for ironing. Later on, I had two pairs of dresses for the whole
year. Whenever Pedda Venkama Raju enquired whether I needed a new dress, I
used to say, "I have enough number of dresses. I don't need anything." I
did not want to waste money. Misuse of money is evil. In those days, a
pair of shorts and a shirt cost only a few annas. Yet I never used to ask
for them. I always used to do My work Myself. Even now, I do My work
Myself. People may think that Swami is having a number of servants to do
His work. Nobody need to serve nor do I expect any service from others.
Since My childhood, I respected all. Today the whole world is respecting
Me. As I told you the other day, when you love and respect all, you will
be loved and respected by all. Love everybody irrespective of caste,
language, religion and nationality. Then God will shower His love on you.
The more you serve others with the spirit of sacrifice, the greater will
be the reward.
students lack goodness. They are not concerned about their parents. They
wear all types of fancy dress and roam about in the streets. Students
should develop humility and give respect to others. You should not talk to
elders in a disrespectful manner. First of all, learn to respect everyone.
If you want to attain good name, your conduct should be good. Today the
whole world respects Me because I respect everyone. I address devotees as
Bangaru and talk to them lovingly. Likewise, you too should learn to talk
in a pleasing manner. Lincoln faced acute poverty and yet could come up in
life because of his humility and self-confidence. Emulate his ideal. Be
satisfied with what you have. Do not entertain excessive desires.
Many sacred teachings are contained
in the Upanishads. Put them into practice and earn a good name for
yourself. You need not become great, it is enough if you are good.
Bhagawan concluded His Discourse with the Bhajan, "Hari
Bhajan Bina Sukha Santhi Nahin …"
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