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(Text of the Divine Discourse delivered by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on the 76th Birthday, 23rd November 2001 in Sai Kulwant Hall, Prasanthi Nilayam)
"The entire universe is under the control of God. God can be easily won over by Truth. Truth is the might of the noble and therefore in this world the noble ones verily embody the supreme God."
(Sanskrit Verse)
of Divine Love!
Every man aspires for
happiness and wants to avoid sorrow. But in this world, truth and untruth,
righteousness and unrighteousness, justice and injustice pass and change with
time. Man should have faith in the ultimate principle out of which both good and
evil arise. Everyday man experiences happiness and sorrow, welcomes affections
and aversions and invites worries and misery. How can man be at peace under
these conditions? The true man is one who believes in equanimity in both pain
and pleasure. In the same way as one welcomes happiness, he should be able to
welcome sorrows also. You should trust the Divine and experience His love in
your heart. If you want to be respected by everyone, you should respect
everyone. Whether one is rich or poor, noble or ignoble, everyone has
self-respect. One should put in effort to safeguard one's self-respect. One who
has true self-respect respects everyone.
There is nothing new that I can tell you today. Everyone should attain bliss.
Everyone should conquer sorrow and develop true love, and experience divinity.
This is My principal message to you today.
Man is not only invaluable, he is a noble being too. His heart is very valuable;
his mind is sweet and his life-principle is eternal. Everyone should recognise
this truth and develop sweetness in heart. The most important fortune that you
have to aspire for today, is love.
You do not know the greatness of human life. God Himself comes down in human
form. In every man there is divinity. The name 'Bhavani Sankara' signifies this
truth. 'Bhavani Sankara' stands for the embodiment of Siva and Sakthi. 'Bhavani'
symbolises 'Sraddha' (sincerity of purpose) and 'Sankara' symbolises 'Viswasa'
(faith). When the goddess Bhavani symbolising 'Sraddha' is present, there dances
Siva who stands for faith. Life becomes useless without sincerity of purpose and
faith. But today man lacks faith though both 'Bhavani' and 'Sankara' reside in
him. The entire creation is the principle of 'Ardhanareeswara' - the embodiment
of both masculine and feminine principles. Every person should try to recognise
the divinity within himself. There is no spirituality higher than this. Adoring
this 'Bhavani Sankara' principle is the primary duty of every man.
If a man today is under the sway of sorrow and misery, his mind is responsible
for it. Happiness and sorrow, affections and aversions, and the sensual
pleasures that man experiences today arise out of his mind. Since the mind is
filled with the sense of duality you suffer all these. When the mind is trained
to see the oneness of all creation, there will not be perversions of any kind.
In this dual world, the gain from sorrow is more than that out of happiness. The
saints and the sages of ancient times, who have become immortal in history,
aspired for hardships rather than happiness. The joy that arises out of
hardships is more lasting than that gained from happiness. We should not be
averse to sorrow. We should not look for happiness alone. Eternal bliss is our
true friend and not ephemeral happiness.
In the great epic Mahabharata, when Kunthi fell at the feet of Krishna, He asked
her, "Mother, what do you want?" She answered, "Krishna, always
bestow upon me only adversities. I loved and adored you more intensely only
during my hardships. In fact, when I was the queen of King Pandu I never thought
of You. Only from the time my sons went into a life of exile in the forest and
suffered various privations, my love and faith grew in strength. Kindly grant me
only difficulties." We have to develop equanimity in both joy and sorrow.
It is the true sign of wisdom.
Embodiments of Love!
There are many
persons in the world who have made history. All of them always welcomed trials
and tribulations whereas others aspired only for happiness. Since sorrows are
more beneficial to man than happiness, God has created both.
What does the word 'Bhagawan' mean? 'Bha' represents effulgence. 'Ga' signifies
the one who radiates effulgence and 'Va' symbolises the power to propagate
effulgence. Therefore, 'Bhagawan' is one who spreads the shine of effulgence
everywhere. He has no form of any kind. 'He is subtler than space and the atom.'
How can you attribute any form to such a One? He fills the entire universe, but
is not attached to anything. 'Brahma' - God is in you and you are in 'Brahma.'
Since we see duality in such non-dualistic principle, we suffer many sorrows.
Though He has no particular form, all forms are His.
"The whole of creation emerges from truth and merges back into it. There is
no place devoid of truth. That is the glory of unsullied truth." Likewise
God is all-pervasive. That is why Bhagawad Gita declares, All hands and feet are
His, all heads and eyes are His, all ears are His and He permeates and
transcends everything. Man has to find and adore God within. But man does not
recognise this truth; he thinks that God is separate from him and wastes his
time and life in futile activities. Indian culture embodies the principle that
does not change with time, even when aeons pass, and it is beginningless and
endless. This principle neither waxes nor wanes with time, is neither created
nor destroyed, and is imperishable. He is the eternal one with no birth and
death. He has neither beginning nor end. Neither can He be slain, nor is He
diminishable. He is the eternal Atma who resides in everyone. How should we
worship such God? We should worship Him as our own Self. We should set aside the
feeling that God is different from us. There is no temple dearer to God than the
human heart. He loves this abode of heart. This is His true residence. We should
not look for Him outside us.
When I was coming here this morning, everyone wished me "Happy
Birthday"! I am always happy. You have to wish a Happy Birthday to one who
does not have happiness. I do not need it. If you want to attain happiness, you
should understand that happiness is union with God. Every human being imagines
that happiness is somewhere outside him and strives to attain it through various
activities. How did the ancient sages adore God? They worshipped Him with the
flower of sacrifice and offered their love to Him. They welcomed God as the
embodiment of truth. They believed in love, kindness and oneness. They offered
Him the throne of their hearts. Only through such sublime adoration, they
attained Divinity. Therefore, even today's man is ought to install God in the
altar of his heart and adore Him there.
You should face everything in life with a smile of happiness. In this dualistic
world, it is natural that gain and pain alternate. You cannot avoid it. You
should not despair when adversities confront you nor exult when success blesses
you. Any adversity is a stepping-stone to eternal bliss. Only when the Pandavas
suffered many hardships during the fourteen years of their exile, they could
secure the grace of Krishna and the Lord was always with them everywhere. The
Pandavas had correct priorities in their lives. God was first to them, then came
the world, and 'I' came last. But the Kauravas had their priorities the other
way. They placed 'I' first, world next and God last. That is why they lost the
battle of life. Bliss eluded them. One who has won the proximity to God is
always blissful.
Embodiments of Love!
The rind of
bitterness of sorrow covers the sweet juice of joy in the orange fruit of life.
When you peel out the rind, you get the sweet juice. God is the very essence of
joy - Raso Vai Saha.
When Lincoln was young, he led a poor life. He could not afford even proper
clothes. His affluent friends in school teased and ridiculed him over his
poverty. One day, unable to bear the ridicule, he poured out his heart to his
mother and explained to her how he was being insulted and humiliated. His mother
consoled him saying, "My dear son, all this will do you good. This should
not deter you from developing self-respect. Self respect is your treasure and
God!" These words of encouragement inspired Lincoln and gave him strength
to face the ups and downs of life with equanimity. After he passed out of the
university, his admirers and well-wishers who had recognised the strength of his
character enthused him to contest the elections. Lincoln, being a man of great
humility, hesitated initially. But he remembered the words of encouragement
tendered to him by his mother when he was young. Finally, he contested the
elections, emerged victorious and became the President of America.
Self-confidence and self-respect in him, developed by his mother, were
responsible for his rise to the highest position of authority in the country. A
person without self-confidence, even if thrust into exalted position, is bound
to slip down.
You should
consider self-confidence as the most important asset in life. Without
self-confidence you can never attain bliss. Therefore, try to develop
self-confidence in order to lead a good life. You are God yourself. God is the
eternal resident of your heart. Therefore, there is nothing greater than your
own heart. You should love everyone and hate none. They may hate you but you
should not hate others. That is what I demonstrate in my life. My life is My
message. Some people may hate and criticise Me, but I will not hate or criticise
anyone. When you practise this principle, you can also attain the Divine that
Sai Baba is. If Sai has attained such fame and reputation, what is responsible
for it? It is His Love Principle alone. This Love is My real property and
treasure. You should also set ideals in the society by developing
self-confidence and by sharing your love with others.
Be always happy and strive for national welfare and aspire for the well being of
all nations. May everyone be happy and peaceful - Loka Samastha Sukhino
Bhavantu. Only then will you attain bliss. Develop broad-mindedness and
put aside narrow-mindedness. Even if others trouble you and pose problems for
you, bear it with patience believing that it will do you only good. "The
body which is made up of five elements has to fall and perish one day or the
other. The indweller of the body is eternal, is birthless and deathless and is
not bound by any chains of bondage. In fact, this indweller is God
Himself!" When a beggar begs for food, he utters, Bhavati Bhiksham
Dehi! He is really begging from the 'Dehi'- the indweller
and not you. Recognise the truth that he is praying to God in you for alms. It
is your ignorance if you think that he is begging from you. It amounts to
arrogance. Divinity resides in everyone irrespective of whether one is a prince
or a pauper. You have to adore this divine principle in everyone and love them,
but love should be selfless. Love bereft of attachment to body flows equally
towards everyone. Body consciousness leads to narrow-mindedness. Your
relationship with God is 'from heart to heart and love to love!'
I never invited anyone here for this function; in fact, no invitation was
printed. If so many people have gathered here, the reason is their love for Me.
It is a matter of great bliss to be loved by so many. There are many who cannot
even win the love of parents. To win over the hearts of so many is itself a sign
of Divinity. I love everyone and everyone loves Me. Those who love Me are not
only the ones present here but there are crores of people spread all over the
world. Young and old love Me alike. This morning devotees gathered in large
numbers even at 3 o'clock seeking entry into Sai Kulwant Hall. Their enthusiasm
was boundless. There may be people who queue up to enter a theatre or to get
into a bus. But here, their love and attraction for Swami is so much that they
do not bother about any hardships and inconveni-ences, to have the darshan of
Swami. This type of love cannot be earned even by many years of penance.
You have the fortune today of enjoying bliss in the Divine presence. You must
have done many lives of penance, performed many sacrifices and undertaken varied
spiritual austerities in order to secure this divine bliss. It is My love which
attracts so much of love from others. Therefore, do not hurt anyone by your
harsh words and do not enter into any evil paths. Recognise the truth that God
pervades everything from microcosm to macrocosm. This truth dwells in you but
you are not aware of it. That is your mistake. You are the embodiment of 'Bhavani
Sankara' - 'Sraddha' and 'Viswasa'
(sincerity of purpose and faith). With self-confidence, you can achieve anything
in the world.
You need not undertake any difficult spiritual practices to attain Divinity. You
need not fast or do any chanting or meditation. Love Him from the depths of your
heart. Devotees want to offer many types of service to God. These are the
characteristics of faith. When you have such faith, you should not sully your
sacred body by partaking wrong food. Gradually, you should intensify your love
for God, fear of sin and morality in society. Morality rules the society only
when people have love for God since fear of sin follows it. Today people without
such fear of sin commit heinous acts. This contradicts the very human nature.
There are twelve types of worries that haunt man starting from birth to death.
Then how can he lead a life without worries? All these worries are related to
the body and arise from the mind. If you master the mind, there is no scope for
any worry.
Thyagaraja said, "For a man who has conquered his mind, is there any need
for 'Mantra' and 'Tantra' - any strategies for attaining salvation?" As
said many times by Swami, "Oh, people of the world, develop love for Sai
which will destroys all your worries." Such love can help others also to
win over their sorrows. Do not be bogged down by worries. With prayer to God,
you can achieve anything. It is not only true of Indians but there are many men
and women of other countries who have achieved this. There are many who have
attained fulfilment in life by practising the dicta of their mothers. Therefore,
love your mother first and foremost. Then you will automatically love your
father and also your teacher. Before you love your mother, you have to love
Yourself. One who does not believe in oneself cannot believe one's mother also.
"Faith in yourself and faith in God is the secret of greatness."
Embodiments of Love!
There are many
birthday programmes in the evening also. You have been sitting here for a long
time. You need rest and also food. Therefore, let us bring an end to this
morning's programme. Keep ruminating over what you have heard from Swami. Follow
Swami's commands and you can attain everything and be victorious in all your
endeavours. Take an oath today that you will develop self-confidence.
Bhagawan concluded
His Discourse with the Bhajan, "Hari Bhajan Bina Sukha Santhi Nahi…"
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